"Trial" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 5/1/2012

"Based on True Events...."  
In memory of .... Stephen Lawrence
So the time had come  
for them to be judged ...  
for what they'd done ...  
Dobson & Norris  
Murder ... Most Horrid ... !!!!!  
A knife to the heart ...  
of young Stephen Lawrence  
because of his ... "caste" ...  
the night was ... Dark ...  
just like ... his skin ...  
and this is where ...  
this story begins ...  
At first it was ... five ...  
who they thought used the knife  
that took Stephens' life ... !!!!!  
Back in .... "97" .....  
it was deemed that the bedlam ....  
was ... racism levelled ...  
by these five ... White Devils ...  
Acourt & two Knights ...  
completed the five ...  
but .......  
back then it was said  
not enough ... "Evidence" ...  
had been brought to trial ...  
to enforce ... convictions ...  
but ... then it was said ...  
The Police were ... "Inept" ...  
in how this was ... handled ...  
but this was ... "dismantled"  
by those in ... "their set" ...  
The judgement bred ... "Scandal" ...  
"Exonerate them ... !!!  
Yes ... Our Policemen !!!!!"  
The Lawrence's said .....  
this isn't the end ....  
98' comes around ...  
and an ... Inquiry ... now ...  
Macpherson assessed  
that ... racism ran ...  
like blood from Steves' chest ... !!!!!  
" Institutional Racism " ...  
was something ... inbred ...  
deep down ... in the feds !!!!!  
Oh Oh ... so ... Po Po ...  
may have helped these five blokes  
prove themselves ... "innocent" ... !!!?!!!  
Why hadn't these five ... ???  
been locked up ... inside ...  
before they contrived ...  
to take ... Stephens' life ...  
Video footage ...  
proved that ...  
they could do it ... !!!!!!  
but .... all that was fluid  
were all the excuses .........  
Both parents kept fighting ...  
to keep on ... igniting ...  
the fire ... put out ...  
by ... "Judiciary Mouths" ...  
18 years later ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
It's back in the papers ...  
Dobson & Norris ...  
"Murder Most Horrid" ... !!!!!  
Again ... will stand trial ...  
like two old ... Paedophiles ... !!!!  
This time .... evidence ....  
had more .... "Precedence"  
Blood stains on clothing  
Police had been ... Holding ...  
matched Stephens' type ...  
was heard in the trial ...  
Now Norris' mother ....  
decided to cover ...  
her son's whereabouts ...  
to prove without doubt ....  
He wasn't around ... !!!!!  
when Stephen was downed ... !!!!!!  
She swore under oath ...  
that David was home ...  
having said once before ...  
that David ... for sure ... !!!!!  
was with his ... Ex-Whore ... !!!?!!!  
A story ... Well Twisted ...  
because this ... "Ex-Girlfriend"  
Never ... Existed ... !!!!!  
Statements delivered ...  
that were now ... considered ...  
inside the ... "Old Bailey" ...  
Was this woman ... "Crazy" ... ???  
Perjuring daily ... !!!!?!!!!!  
to save her ... Vile baby ...  
As if Stephen's death ....  
was NOT ... Innocent ...  
Now ... six weeks have passed ...  
Aspersions been cast ...  
about much surrounding ...  
these two young mens' past  
It's time for the judgement ...  
Will they walk free ... ???  
or ... face ... Punishment ...  
"LIFE" ..... is decreed ..... !!!  
They ... WILL NOT ... walk free ... !!!!!!  
convicted of ... Murder ... !!!  
back in ....... "93'" ........  
Now ... Media Fervor ... !!!!!!  
" Justice Finally " ..... !!!  
Justice I say ....  
for whom .... exactly .... ?  
I've written these words ....  
because it still hurts ....  
The Fact .... that your color ....  
can cause .... tragedies ....  
This poem's for Neville ...  
and his family ...  
your fight is not over ...  
cos three are still free ...  
for ......  
"Murder ... Most Vile !!!" ....  
Dobson & Norris ...  
won't be seen for a while ...  
because of ... Your Strength ...  
after .... Stephens' Death ....  
No more denial ... !!!  
cos they fit ... The Profile ...  
These words I now file ...  
are just ... my account ...  
of the day these two ........  
........ Killers .........  
" Finally " ... were convicted ...  
after they ... went to ...  
.......... Trial ...........  
Written by BigVirge
Published | Edited 8th Feb 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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