The Center of the Labyrinth

Confused, paranoid, horrified
I stand alone in the gathering darkness
on the path to the center of the labyrinth
through which You were guiding me
I turn and look in all directions
seeking You but unable to find You
I call Your name and silence answers  
The only sound is of monsters  
rustling through the tall grass surrounding me
I wander about searching for our path
It was so clear just a few minutes ago
in the light
But everything has vanished
the light
the path
What has happened?
Panic bubbles to the surface  
Fear threatens to choke me
A deep ache spreads out from my chest
and my bones go cold with it
I can not give into this terror
gnawing at the pit of my stomach
leaving me in agony  
I never thought I’d feel such pain  
I never thought I need fear such pain
I never dreamt that I would look up
and find You were gone
Now You are gone
Now I feel that pain
sharp and hot
coursing through my body
Did You leave me here intentionally?
I simply can't believe you would do that
but what if I find I must believe?
What if I have no other choice?
Why lead me into this place
only to evaporate like smoke
when we were so close to our goal?
Why guide me so carefully  
through the twists and turns  
holding my hand and reassuring me
that we – together - were almost to the end
if You weren’t going to stay with me?
Why let me believe in a beautiful place  
at the center of this labyrinth
where the sun warms  
where shadows hold no power
only to abandon me  
just before entering it?
Maybe You stand at a crossroads
where paths meet and branch out
wavering before stepping toward me
as fearful of what we may find on the path  
as I was when you first took my hand
All my light disappeared with You
leaving me alone in a dark place
where all I can do is shake and cry
and hope and pray
that the monsters I hear are imaginary
that you simply slipped and lost your way
that you are hesitating just out of my view
that you will join me again soon  
Are you still out there
lost on the path?
Or do You know where You are
and exactly where I am?
Are You working Your way back to me?
I wonder if I should stay right here
patiently wait for Your return
hoping the monsters go away
I wonder if I should believe you will come back  
apologize for scaring me
as we laugh at the perils of the path
Yet I know I must also prepare for the worst
I must steel myself against the fears
that seems to overwhelm me
I must brace myself for the possibility
that You are not coming back
I have been strong before
I will be strong again
(Just because I showed You weakness
does not mean that is all I possess)
Should I truly be alone in this place
Should I truly have to find my way out by myself
I will need every ounce of inner strength
to survive my return trip down the path
back to the labyrinth's edge
What if I leave and You return?
What if I make the frightful journey  
without You
and you come back for me?
What will You do if You don’t find me here?
What if I stay and you return?
What if I have hardened my heart
against You
and you come back to me?
What will You do if You find a different me?
Written by MissJayne
Published | Edited 15th Oct 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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