Image for the poem Morning Visions of Oklahoma

Morning Visions of Oklahoma

(This a repost of a work I took down earlier. I am having serious writers block and so having to use older material.)

I awake curled around your back, my hand cupping your right breast. Immediately the softness in my hand, your silky warmth against me, and the memories of the evening before send a gush of warmth to my cock and it stiffens against your bottom. I can tell from your regular breathing that you are still asleep. I gently ease my hand out from between your breasts—it is damp from the heat. I push myself up on one elbow and lean across you and lift the golden hair that covers your face. Your eyes are closed, but I can see movement behind your eyelids and know that you are dreaming. A little smile comes and goes, barely perceptible, at the corner of your mouth.

You are so beautiful and I want to make love to you again, but you look so peaceful and happy that I don’t want to wake you up—not yet. But I can’t help but nuzzling my mouth into your hair and placing a careful butterfly kiss on your neck, just below your ear. The skin there is so warm and soft and I can smell the warm scent of your hair. My cock grows harder, pushing up into the crack of your ass.

I pull my head back and just admire your face – your full lips, the curve of your neck, the emotions flickering across your face. I love the way your breast slopes down from your collarbone and disappears under the sheet. I’d like to see more of it, and I ever-so-gently slide the sheet down. Centimetre by centimetre it slips down, revealing more of the curve of your breast. I leave it so it hides only the nipple, I’m teasing myself. I can see the bump under the thin silk of the sheet, rising and falling with your breathing. It is so enticing, so fucking sexy, it is all I can do to keep myself from ramming myself into you, awake or not. But I am determined to maintain the exquisite tension.
Leaning back, I study the curve of your ribs, the narrowness of your waist, the womanly swell of your hips. The thin sheet traces every curve, draping your figure as in a classical sculpture, accentuating the smooth curves, artfully hiding your secrets. But you are no cold Greek marble, but a warm and living woman. The sheet moves with your gentle breathing, your breasts rise and fall, each breath nearly causes the sheet to fall away from your breast.

Finally I can stand no more. I take hold of the sheet down by your knees and begin to slowly draw it down. The top edge slips from your breast and your delicious pink nipple is exposed to the air and to my eager eyes. I lick my lips in my desire to take it into my mouth. The shadowed softness beneath your breast is a glimpse of intimacy, of secret skin only lovers ever know. I long to run my hands up your belly, to slide up that smoothness until the warm weight of your breast fills my hand, as if it were made only for that purpose.

I continue to slide the sheet down, as slowly as possible to prolong the delicious anticipation. It whispers down your side, revealing your ribs one by one, each graceful curve further defining your tapering shape. The long smooth curve of your back lies exposed to my hungry eyes, the hollow at your spine inviting an exploration by my tongue. Then the edge of the sheet falls to your waist, narrow and supple, the skin so soft and sensitive I remember that it flutters when I stroke it. Then the sheet begins to rise over the swelling curve of your hip, arching high as you lie on your side. The curve where it starts to rise from your waist I always felt was the most beautiful and feminine part of you. It is where your slim frame and narrow waist, so much thinner and more delicate than a man's, swells to exceed a man’s narrow hips. Your hips define you as a woman, making possible the miracle of birth, but also giving you the swaying stride that endlessly entices us poor admiring men. These are strong hips, able to delicately support a child, or to lift a man's weight and raise him to the heights of ecstasy.

The sheet reaches the crest of your hip and begins to slide downward. I can now glimpse the furrow at the top of your ass, a soft shadowed crease that appears designed to encase my cock, now hard and throbbing only an inch away. How warm and velvety it would feel in there, your softness enveloping my rigid need. Still I pull the sheet downward.

The sheet slithers down the curve of your hip, slowly revealing the smooth round firmness of your ass. Your right leg is drawn up, the long graceful taper of your thigh and swell of your calf a study in female geometry, forever beyond a man’s comprehension. The filmy curtain at the window lifts to admit a warm breath of summer morning air, and coloured shadows move over your skin, like the shadows of clouds across a sublime landscape. Your sleeping body, so still, so lovely, exudes that particularly female blend of fragile vulnerability and the power to control a man completely. Your position reveals the shadowy darkness of your womanhood. The skin shines there with our mingled juices, the remains of our excesses of the night before. The sight sends another pulse to my cock. Your delicate brown lips pout as if resentful of being left untouched, even for a moment.

I long to slide into you, to feel those lips around my cock, the warmth of your body enveloping me. But I am reluctant to wake you, to lose this opportunity to study your naked body. I feel privileged; honoured by your trust. What man wouldn’t ache to be there with you like this, to have you all to himself, his eyes free to wander over every intimate inch of your flawless body?
You are so peaceful. Every limb and muscle is in repose. Your hair fans out across the pillow as if artfully arranged to frame your face to its best advantage. Your face is relaxed, the smile still coming and going at your mouth. It is the smile of a woman supremely confident in her beauty and power, the smile Leonardo Da Vinci tried so hard to capture.

I wonder about that smile. Can you possibly be awake, aware of my worshipful gaze? Are you secretly enjoying my minute examination? Are you trembling with desire as I am? As I study your face, wondering, you give a soft groan, of pleasure? Arousal? and I suddenly fear you will open your eyes, find me leaning over you, gazing so intently into your face. Will I startle you? I don’t want to do anything to draw you from that languorous peace. If you are asleep, your flickering lids and that mysterious smile indicate a pleasant dream. Of course my throbbing cock votes for you to awake so he can take his pleasure with you. But I want you to remain asleep a while longer. I am enjoying too much my solitary contemplation of your beauty. Of course I ache to touch you, to see the look of love and desire in your eyes. But there is time for that. I know it will come. We have all day with nothing to do but make love, fall asleep, and wake to more love.

There is no hurry, and it is more delicious to wait.
You sigh again, a breathy sigh that sounds distinctly like pleasure. You begin to move restlessly. Your eyes are flickering about; your hands move on the sheet as if stroking something, your legs twitch. I notice your toes are curled, a sure sign that you are getting aroused. I wonder if my adoring examination has somehow penetrated your sleep and turned it into an erotic dream. Is it about me, or some handsome movie star? Am I now sharing your bed, and your body, with Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, or George Clooney? It doesn’t matter in the slightest to me, as long as they don’t bump me out onto the floor. There is enough of you to share, and I am not a jealous man.

You groan and squirm. A frown comes to your face. But is it displeasure, or pleasure? I’ve certainly seen that look on your face when I’ve touched one of your special places. And you have so many, behind your ears, the sides of your neck, your collarbones, the small of your back, your navel, the inside of your thighs, the back of your knees, your ankles, the soles of your feet, and that’s leaving out the major ones. I’ve never met a woman with so many hot buttons. It seems your entire body is an erogenous zone, for both of us.

With a suddenness that surprises me, you roll over onto your back, and I have to scoot away so you don’t bump into me. You fling your arms wide to your sides, like a diver on her platform. I’d always found that pose erotic: a woman’s athletic young body in a revealing swimsuit, poised, balanced, every muscle tight and controlled.

And here you are in that same pose, totally unaware of the beauty of your body and its overwhelming power over me. Other women primp and do their hair and nails and cover themselves with make-up, jewellery and fancy clothes – all to make themselves sexy and attractive. But you simply roll over in your sleep, completely unadorned, and my jaw drops in wonder, my temperature rises, my eyes fill with love and desire, and my cock arches up in salute to your beauty.

You rolled over, I said, as if this were a simple change of position, like turning a page. But your motion is so much more than that. Everything is in motion – everything is changed. For me the overall impact is like the opening of a spectacular flower bud. Much as I was enjoying admiring your ass and back, your entire front was hidden from my eyes. Now all of your feminine beauty is revealed, with nothing hidden, and everything within easy reach of my hungry eyes, hands, and mouth. It seems that this motion should be accompanied by a grand fanfare of horns and timpani.

Your breasts, formerly pressed together and resting against the sheet, now separate, standing up proud on your chest. The little, pink nipples perched atop them like cherries on mounds of whipped cream, begging to be kissed and sucked into my mouth. Your belly, formerly hidden, now lays open and vulnerable, your navel an inviting depression for my tongue to explore. Your hips, instead of forming an arch, now lay spread wide. The lines of your sides narrow to your waist and then flare out to your gracefully curved hips, framing and accentuating the glory of your sex. Your beautifully tapered thighs are spread wide, the inner curves again drawing my eyes to your magnificent centre. Carefully I kneel between your legs to examine it more closely.

I gaze in admiration at its delicate complexity. The cushioned mound (shaved smooth in your case), the pink inner lips, their wavy brown edges peeking out. I love the way your mound stands up proudly from between the points of your hips, as if offering itself to my eyes and lips. I admire how it fits so snugly into my hand, so I can hold the essence of you in one cupped palm.
Upon such close inspection, the inner lips gape slightly and a trickle of our mingled juices remains. Can you be aroused already? Is it your erotic dream, or does your cunt somehow sense the closeness of my face? My breath, now coming faster, undoubtedly warms it, and I know how highly sensitive you are there. The slightest touch – in the right place at the right time – can set you off like a bucking bronco. I have often enjoyed teasing you like that, making you come over and over in our languorous post-coital embraces.

It is so unbearably appetizing; it is beyond my power to resist. Still not wanting to wake you, I ever-so-gently place a hand on each side of your slit, watching your face. Your skin flinches slightly, but there is no indication my touch has awakened you. Separating my hands, I pull it open. The pinkness inside is so intimate, fresh and inviting, I lower my head and let the tip of my nose touch its velvet softness. Your womanly scent fills my nostrils and my cock responds, pressing into the sheets as if it would pierce them. I long to shove my face deep into you, but it is still too soon. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to explore you with no demands to please you. It is selfish, I know, but your libido is so strong – easily the equal of mine – that you usually don’t allow me this sort of relaxed time to simply enjoy the pleasure of having your body to explore and enjoy.

As lightly and slowly as I can, I run my nose up your slit until it grazes your clit. It is erect, but whether from your dream or my attentions I cannot tell. This time you do respond, with a soft, pleased sigh that tells me I am doing the right thing. My resolve to let you sleep and to just assist your dream begins to fade, and unable to resist any longer, I gently suck it between my lips. Now there can be no mistaking your reaction, for your hips rock, lifting your pussy against my face. I press downwards, rocking my face from side to side in your moist softness. Is there a more delightful sensation than this? I groan deep in my throat.

As my tongue slides into you, there can no longer be any doubt. Your hips rise to meet me, giving me the opportunity to slide my hands under your ass. I can feel your cheeks tensing as you push upwards against my questing tongue. I hear your involuntary gasp as you awaken from your dream. Your hands come alive and rise to stroke my shoulders and neck. Your fingers slide into my hair. Looking up your body past your breasts, I see that your eyes are still closed, but your head is now rocking from side to side, your mouth open in pleasure.
I flick my tongue teasingly up and down over your clit, and your fingers tighten in my hair, pressing my face harder against you. Your hips are now rocking and swaying, moving yourself against my mouth. Since you are now taking charge of my motions, I let go of your ass and slide my hands up over your hips to your breasts. The nipples are hard little buttons against my palms. Your motion accelerates. Your hands trail down and take firm hold of my head. Now you’re guiding my head, directing my tongue exactly where and how hard you want it.

I release your right breast and stroke down your belly to rest just above your clit, pressing and squeezing your mound. Then I slide my hand down between your legs and two fingers slip easily into you. Abandoning all pretence of sleep, you grab my head and grind my face into your cunt. I can feel you clenching around my fingers, and suddenly they are drenched in juice. I can’t hear and can barely breathe, but I can feel your body writhing in pleasure under me and I am content to surrender to your need, letting you use me however you want. You let go of my head, and a moment later I feel you grabbing my left hand and guiding it to squeeze your tit. I roll your nipple between my fingers, gently pulling and pinching it. My right hand is busy inside you, and I work my thumb up into your ass so I’m holding you in my hand.
You burst into a frenzy of thrusts with your hips, bruising my nose and lips, but I don’t mind. I know that I am giving you pleasure all over your body at the same time. Your hands grasp my ears and grind me against you. I force my tongue as far as I can into your sweet hole and rapidly rub my nose against your clit. I feel you coming, and suspect you must be crying out, but you have locked your thighs around my head and I can’t hear a thing.
Finally your jerks and spasms slow and stop. I struggle to gasp a little air from the corners of my mouth, and eventually you come to yourself enough to realize that I must be suffocating and your thighs release me. I grab hold of your hips and slide my body up yours. We’re both slick with sweat and I slide easily up your belly and chest. Just as you’re reaching up your mouth to meet mine, my cock slides into you, and I see your eyes open wide with surprise and delight.

Waggy    05.05.2012 & 21.07.2012
Written by waggy (Disillusion_Ment)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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