Image for the poem Elemental Love

Elemental Love

Some people may be taken aback by the tone, context and philosophy of this story. Some may object on purely religious grounds, either because it runs contrary to their own, or because they feel it cheapens the religion depicted herein. That is not my intent. I happen to share the religion of the characters herein. If you are offended, I apologize now, but I suggest you ask yourself why you are offended. I cannot take responsibility for your personal tastes.

The moon was low on the eastern horizon, preparing for its nightly passage across the sky. I looked around and drew a deep,joyful breath. "The stars will be out soon," I said to you as you laid out the objects we would need for the night ahead. Two gold-handled knives, four cords, each of a different colour. Next to them, I placed the two containers we had brought, one filled with honey cakes, the other with a sweet dandelion wine, the fruit of the very fields around us. They would come later, in their own time.

Quickly, I arranged the cords in a circle around you, green to the north, yellow to the east, red to the south, and blue to the west. I joined you at the crest of the hill, in the centre of the circle I had just laid. We were ready to begin. You grasped your knife firmly, with the confidence of one who had done this many times before, and with the authority of one who had earned the right to do so. You passed the knife about the circle, cutting a similar circle in the air, stopping only at the spots where the cords had been laid. North, east, south, west you travelled, and I travelled as well, following your movements with my own in perfect harmony, and as I passed over the steps you had trod, I knew that you had cut a space more real than the trees and grass around us.

The knives were laid aside then, as were our garments and we both turned as one to the east. With hands outstretched before us, we welcomed the elements of air to join us. After a moment, we turned, raising our hands high above us in clenched fists as we called the forces of fire to us. Around we went in turn, cupping our hands before us as we called the water and lowering them as we called the earth.

No words were necessary. All that was needed was a feeling of love for all that was around us, and receptiveness for those who made it, who maintained it, who were it. In a moment, I was a man transformed, a God. I felt the power roar through my veins, and pulled more up from the ground under my feet. I felt the confidence of the master of life and death, the lord of all that walks the earth and soared in the skies. I looked at you, my Lady, and saw, not a person, but a Goddess. You were now my compliment in every way. Where I was the creatures of the earth, you were the earth itself. Where I was the sun, you were the moon. Where I was crowned with thorns, your head was encircled with a ring of stars, through which I glimpsed the rising moon, full and strong.

As I looked at you, strong and wilful, my greatest of loves, I was inflamed with desire. I grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to me, locking you in a strong embrace, filled with passion. My mouth sought yours and yours sought mine, and we held each other for a time, out tongues locked in a desperate battle. I probed your mouth with great passion, giving you all I could give, determined to pleasure you as much as I could. You responded in kind, gently moving your body against mine. It was you who broke the kiss, only to place more about my head and neck, moving ever lower to my chest and down my torso. When you had finally sunk to your knees, you stopped, taking a moment to gaze hungrily at my manhood. You grasped it in your cool, delicate hands, holding the shaft with one hand and cupping my balls with the other. Then you lowered your head and kissed the tip, slowly smearing the pre-cum with your tongue. With lips, tongue, and teeth, you forced the foreskin back, only to swirl your agile tongue around the now exposed head. Ecstasy filled me as you sucked, now licking the head, now sliding your lips along the length of my shaft, now taking first one, then the other of my scrotum into your mouth, sending thrills of pleasure through me.

At another time, another place, I would have been content to let you continue until I burst, filling your eager mouth with my cum, but my Lady of the fields deserved much more this night. Grabbing you by the shoulders, I pulled you upwards and kissed you once again, tasting the mix of your saliva and my own salty juices in your mouth. This time it was I who broke the kiss, pushing back your hair and moving around to suck on your earlobe. My kisses travelled lower, down your neck to your beautiful breasts. I took one tit into my mouth, sucking and nibbling on the hardening nipple, teasing it with my tongue. You let out a gasp of passion as I took it between my teeth, biting gently. I moved to the other breast as my hands moved lower, down the crack of your ass to the hole I found there. A wetness around your hole increased as I rubbed one finger, then the other upon it, bringing more gasps from your lips. The tip of finger slipped gently inside as I sucked on the other nipple, now fully hardened. I abandoned your breasts and moved lower, down your belly, pausing only to lick at your navel. As I moved lower, I now moved you down with me, until you were lying on the grass, your arms outstretched, with me lying below you, my head now between your legs, kissing and licking at the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.

Licking closer to the tops of your thighs all the time, I took my time, increasing your arousal so that every touch and every breath brought a bucking of your hips. I could hear the laboured sound of your breathing and the gripping of your hands into the earth at your sides. It was time.

I lowered my head and gently drew my tongue from the lowest end of your cunt to the highest, drawing from you a deep sigh of pleasure. Taking this as my cue, I fell to work, rubbing my tongue along the outer lips, and finally licking up the sweet juices that had begun to leak out. Your pussy lips had now begun to puff up in their excitement, and I parted this beautiful pink butterfly with my lips, darting my tongue deep inside, tasting the wetness I found there, savouring the scent of your vagina. I began to move higher, toward the seat of your pleasure, but you stopped me. You turned me onto my back, then straddled my face. From this new position, I again drove my tongue into your soft pussy, to be rewarded not only by the taste of your love juices, but by the feeling of your mouth once again devouring my cock. As I moved upwards, alternately teasing your clitoris and probing your depths, you took my cock deep into your mouth, fucking me in a slow rhythm, assisted by one hand pumping my shaft and the other squeezing my balls, and teasing my head with your tongue, smearing the pre-cum over the surface, only to take it deeper once more.

I rose higher and higher on a cloud of ecstasy, and you told me the same in a story of bucking hips and muffled moans. I was nearing the peak, so I began to lick in earnest, drawing your clitoris out of its hiding place and drilling hard against it with my vibrating tongue. You answered me by sucking all the harder, pumping my cock furiously and bobbing your head in wild abandon.

Finally, I could take no more, as I felt my cum building in the balls you were now frantically squeezing. I drove my tongue against your clit, swiping my mouth all over your pussy, soaking my face with pussy juices. Then I came, even as you did. As my cock exploded, shooting jet after jet of thick cream down your waiting throat, your body became stiff, and shook with a powerful orgasm, wetting my face more with the proofs of your climax. We both came for what seemed like hours, with you gulping and licking up my cum, and me moving my tongue to place after place, prolonging your orgasm until we were both spent.

Afterwards, we lay on the grass watching the stars, hand in hand and I looked at you and marvelled. Had it really been a year since our Handfasting? Since we committed ourselves to pleasing each other and those around us as a couple? Tomorrow, the time would come to renew that vow, but for tonight I was content to lie in the happy glow that sharing love with you gave me. The moon now stood high, and I looked at you with what seemed like new eyes. A warm, happy glow surrounded you, stronger at points, above your breasts, about your lower regions, and most of all, around your eyes. I looked into those eyes again, and felt the same glow infect me, one of love, of warmth. This was not the lust I had experienced before, but rather a relaxed and intimate love as shared by two who have loved together many times before, throughout time and space, that of the powerful lord and his equally powerful lady, and who revel in the confidence of each other's bodies and hearts. We held each other tightly, broadcasting love to each other with an intensity rarely surpassed. How long we held each other, I cannot say, but when I finally looked up, I knew that the moon had been at its zenith the very moment we had shared our climax. The realization was not lost on you, and I knew you realized the fact just as I had. I looked into your eyes yet again, and I saw a beauty there, unsurpassed in all the world.

Waggy   12.07.2012

(image 'The Handfasting'  ©2007-2012 Steadholder)
Written by waggy (Disillusion_Ment)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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