One Hundred Survivors

Day One:    
   Dearest Husband,      
I thought I would keep a journal of our trip for you. After you decided you could not be bothered to come with us, (even though you had promised), I went out and bought this pretty pink notebook with the flower on it, just for you [and your whore] to kiss my ass with.    
Day Three:    
   First, I want to say, fuck you! Fuck you for not coming with us. Fuck you for picking her [again]! Fuck you for not being here to protect us. Fuck! You!    
   By now, I am sure you have heard our plane never made it to our destination. The sun has set two times since the crash.      
We are not doing well. There is no food and very little medical supplies. It is below freezing here. Snow covers the ground of ice, and more keeps plunging its way toward the earth.    
Our daughter is in shock, and our son, he is hurt badly.  I just…I just don’t know.    
Day Four:    
   Do you remember ten years ago, when I gave birth to our son? How he screamed the whole time the nurses had him. He had such a good pair of lungs on him, didn’t he? Do you remember how they brought him over to me, all wrapped in his fuzzy [Whinny the Pooh] blanket? Do you remember how as soon as they set him in my arms, he immediately stopped screaming? As if he already knew who I was, and all he needed was for me to hold him.    
 Today, he started screaming. He was in so much pain. There was nothing anyone could do. I grabbed a blanket, wrapped him in it. I held him, and he stopped screaming. The pain left him, and he…left us.    
Day Five:    
   Desperation has set in. People are scrambling. Looking for anything they can eat to survive another day. We are all going to die if we don’t get rescued soon.    
   People are gathered in a group. They are looking at me strangely. I don’t care what they say; I am not letting him go. I can’t. I won’t. I just want to hold him. I know he is gone, but I can’t accept this fate. He is my baby, [God] why couldn’t it have been me? Why him? It should have been me! I wish it had been me.      
   Our daughter won’t stop crying. The hunger pain is too much for her. She looks terrible. I don’t think she will make it much longer without food. I can’t bear to watch her die too. Why hasn’t anyone come???    
   A peculiar looking woman approached me today. She kept spewing weird shit about how we all need to make sacrifices in order to survive. She said something about the greater good and telling our story. I don’t know what the fuck she was talking about. I started screaming at her.      
   “Don’t you fucking understand? We are all going to die; I hope starting with me. I can’t watch my daughter suffer anymore. She is freezing, and starving and I can’t do anything about it!”    
   Then she said I could.      
   She kept looking at our son. She said, “Everyone is put here on this earth for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe he died for a reason, and that, is to save us all.”    
   I was too exhausted to comprehend what she was trying to say. She took that as an invitation to continue talking. She placed her icy frail hand on mine, looked deeply into my eyes and said,       “You need to think about your daughter, and her survival. You need to think about the one hundred people, who could still survive, and all of their families, and how you could save all of them from the destroying grief that you yourself are going through”.    
   She told me that if I gave our son up for a sacrifice, then we would all be saved, starting with our daughter.    
   I think…no. I think…they want…to eat him!    
   No. I can’t let them…eat him! They can’t eat him! They’re not going to eat him! They’ll have to kill me first…but our daughter…our sweet, sweet baby girl. I can’t leave her here with these vultures.    
Day Six:    
   I didn’t sleep. They waited to see if I would. I’m not stupid though. They would have tried to take him from me.      
 I have a plan though. We are only going to die anyway. It might as well be now.      
   You should have come with us. Now you have to live without us. I hope she was worth it. I hope you two are very happy together. If you ever get sad, just remember, we are living and continuing on [inside] one hundred survivors.        
Entered in the "Father's Day Competition"    
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© Rachel Orrick 2012
Written by raorrick (Rachel O.)
Published | Edited 28th Jun 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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