Image for the poem Light without Darkness...

Light without Darkness...

What is light without darkness? Allies eternal they are a part of us all…    
In the realm of enchantments,eternity is perpetual;      
they live in the void between darkness and light      
freed during 13th hour of every twilight,    
a time when magic has no boundaries',      
such matters are the stuff of legends,amoral,it just is.        
Preternatural beings, do indubitably exist,      
creatures whose heart beats fierce and free.    
From a grove of junipers she dares come forth      
cloaked in mist teasing the imagination of the unwary;      
ethereal, something the sleeping mind conjures      
yet tangible if she so chooses. In the times of old,      
men believed in the magic and its mysteries.      
But now in the time of modern man,      
there is no room for imagination or slight of hand.    
Gone are the enchantments of the unknown,      
the glamour that was once, a wonder to behold.      
How, say you, has this come to be?      
We have forsaken our heritages of paganry,    
when nature held sway and understood      
was, human insignificance in the face of such power.      
Charged with the care and protection of natures bounty,      
wisely propagating the giver of life’s properties.      
It was well understood that all living this had a spirit,    
a life unto itself, one that must be respected      
or the penalty would be, inconceivable.        
She has come forth from the lands of long forgotten fantasies      
escorted by the dreamwolves protective voracity.      
Powerful mystical creatures, they are certainly;      
The seek a reason not to release, final doom on humanity.    
They home in on the dreamers of both day and night.      
nightmare’ers and halucinators alike,a beacon,it calls to them.      
They seek he who still believes in the magic,      
One, if only one, who eats, breaths, lives as well as believes.    
Then and only then will they know that all is not lost      
fore believing is greater part of the battle.      
Ahhh… what is this, one with old blood be it Celtic or Pict;      
knower of druid knowledge and follower of natural order of things?      
Mmm…the paganry is strong in him,      
let us test his mettle and see…    
From the shielding mists she appears to him, stopping,    
he nods in acceptance for he knew something was amiss      
the night crackled with magic’s mysteries      
and being it the Samhein anything is possible.      
How fare thee lady of what service can this humble servant be?    
“why doth thee trespass in my domain,druidson?”      
Fare lady: I gather herbs, plants, flowers and such      
native to this land, for poultices and remedies      
conscribing them to the pages of my journal mum.      
“I see…why doth thee not scribe these in the daylight hours?”    
Although it would easier indeed these plants lose their magical      
properties if not picked when and where it is ascribed.    
“who hath giveth such knowledge to one such as you?”      
I follow the old ways mum, the modern      
are fraught with poor results and lasting bad effects.    
There is something pure in the practices of old      
that cannot be duplicated by modern man.    
We have been bad custodians of nature’s gifts      
but some of us still adhere to the old wisdoms      
and strive to keep them alive tho seemingly for naught.      
“Young one that is not true,unbeknownst to you all,    
you are felt by the very creatures you speak of in your fairytales.”      
“We did and do still exist albeit not in this plane of existence,    
we are the guardians of the magic that brings forth life,    
the keepers of the wisdoms and crafts of old.”      
“Tell me Druidson why must we care for the weak sensibilities,    
soft and spiritless as porage, of humans?”      
“Why should we allow such a plague, as is humanity,to continue?”      
“What need have we,for emotions that grant nothing      
but sadness to the world?”      
“Such things are as unappealing as fetid water.”      
“Answer these questions so humanity might be granted a reprieve.”    
I will try: without arrogance,      
I answer that so long as we live the magic lives,    
for if it is not believed by us      
then it shall not exist at all for it is contingent      
on our belief that the magic gains strength and existence.      
Our sensibilities is one of our greatest assets,      
soft they may be at times, but they also help us      
forge the courage to better ourselves      
and find truth where it may be,    
it is what makes me recoup and restore the old ways.    
In our emotions lie our strength, they give us the passion      
to sally forth fearlessly in pure faith when the evidence      
of an end to the strife is not visible.    
I do admit that we have been the authors of much sadness      
in this world, but testimony to our faith and belief      
in the magic and its possibilities is, you live…    
“Ahh… druidson you are wise beyond your age      
and a gem amongst the stones;    
teach so that the knowledge is not lost,      
practice so the craft is not forgotten;      
for that would truly be      
the greatest tragedy of humankind.”      
“Should the magic die,      
so too the spark of life will cease to exist,    
creativity would be no more,      
ingenuity would be nonexistent,    
for there was a time, when this too,      
was called magic.”      
“Come my loves, we make haste to the grove      
our time hath commeth to an end” “Remember Druidson:      
woooe them… chaaarm them… set theeem freeee…    
enchant and bewitch the feeble of heart…      
till they too believeee…”    
And with that, mist enveloped that creature      
as if she never existed, the night crackeled      
and then quieted to its normal cadence.      
What say you reader, do you believe?...      
Gypsy red    
March 2012    
Written by marielavoue (Gypsy Red)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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