Image for the poem ThE NiGht ShE mEt He WiTh ThE DrAgOn tAtToO... (extended version)

ThE NiGht ShE mEt He WiTh ThE DrAgOn tAtToO... (extended version)

she was appropriately dressed in leather                              
she may not have known at the time                              
but it was her first question that made her a debtor                              
she arrived at this strange place with a friend                              
who had not mentioned whose den she had been brought within                              
poor soul hadn't a clue...                              
that this night would change her whole existence and her life's point of view                              
she asked the hansom man who sat on what looked to be a thrown                          
on his body brightly colored an amazing dragon tattoo                              
"for what reason are you appeared bored.. with so many interesting and beautiful people here.. there must be plenty to do?.."                              
while whisking his whip.. he raised a gentle smile                              
not much emotion but to her there was something about his odd but intriguing style                              
made her belly fill with butterflies                              
who is he?... Oo                              
her interest began to build                              
he thought it best to let her go about her business                              
for he only knows to bring pain to those whom feel pain as bliss                              
he knew she had never been kissed by a Dragon such as he                              
so he warned her...                              
"move on!.. find who brought you.. i did not invite you.. there's nothing here for you to see.."                              
smoke and flames rushed from his lips as he spoke                              
her butterflies had begun to quail                              
pussy moistened.. became more wet with each passing thought of he whom she just met..                              
he noticed she hadn't moved                              
even more strange she was one step closer..                              
he barked fire.. then he swung his whip..                              
wrapped its strength around her hip and drug her close to him..                              
it is fear he brings to his subjects that move the Earth beneath his feet                              
this woman showed no fear.. in fact had depth in her eyes he had known once before..                              
but it was impossible..                              
for that love had been long lost to the snarls of death's lonely door..                              
he hated that this unknown woman share the gaze of she who was his greatest pet..                           
"show fear woman!.. you dare stare at me?! bow your eyes when in my presence!"..                              
she did neither..                              
for reasons she knew not..                              
something about him to her was indulgent and fascinating...                              
with a wave of his hand                              
two men in masks                              
moved quick grabbing her by each arm                              
her friend attempted to stop them                              
but she showed no alarm..                              
chained her by wrist and feet                              
he placed a collar on her neck then dared her to speak..                              
...........she spoke.............                              
he turned with eyes of flame..                              
whipped her once.. twice..                              
"you dare speak again?!"                              
...she spoke and to he her words were erotic                              
he then ripped her leather panties and tightened her collar                              
she couldn't speak but her eyes told him her whole story                              
'beat me harder Master.. there's nothing you can do to displease me... my mind. body and soul are yours for the taking.. i have searched a lifetime for he who completes me..'                      
with his sizable hand clinched to her collar and throat                      
vision began to blur as she thought what could be next..                      
he whispered in her ear..                      
   -‘you will show fear..’                      
licked her cheek with his serpent tongue                      
   -‘and it starts right here..’                      
this was last she remember he saying before passing out..                      
awakened from what she thought had to be a dream                        
    -feathery licks on her arms legs and face                        
far from a dream..                        
she was alone in a cold dim lit dungeon of a place                      
once able to open her eyes she found herself on knees                      
head and hands braced in a mid-evil stockade..                      
a variety of different serpents scaling her bodies frame                      
her first thoughts were to scream                      
but at the thought of he                      
….she simply refused…                      
where others see fire and torment in his eyes                      
she seen warmth protection and comfort                        
    -who stronger than he?..                        
    -who better to please?..                      
never had she met one that stir her inside like he                      
nor capture her breath by the moment..                      
   -‘she doesn’t scream for me.. she holds the glare of Cyley..’                      
he expressed to his servant..                      
   -‘clean and bring her to me..’                      
a blinding light forced its way in with the opening of the cellar door                      
two sizable Eunuchs entered.. unclasped her stockade                      
unwrapped and set aside each serpent constricted and coiled to her frame                        
within minutes she was taken to a bathhouse                      
and treated like a Queen                        
six dazzling. well groomed and ornamented women of caramel complexion                        
bathed her in a large tub with oils and scents that smelled of Jasmine..                      
each of their eyes were blackened                        
and tongues that of snakes                      
she had not one question                      
only the desire to see her Master’s face..                      
after her cleansing and treatment of her skin’s welts and few snake bite wounds                      
they draped her in loose see through linen                      
then placed her in an enchantment of a room                      
…….he approached her slow. naked.. with his tall. dark handsome figure in all its divine splendor                      
she wasn’t much sure if she could harness the emotions                        
charging through her system..                      
his fuck stick hung long and low                      
below the head of his dragon tattoo..                      
never in her life had she seen nor heard of one having a head of gold..              
but his was absolutely beautiful..                      
his dick looked the perfect size if not that a bit long and large                      
he had three gold rings pierced to each side of his sacks                      
a curious pattern of pearls embedded up and down his shaft..                      
…..perfect in her mind… more than precious.. she had to taste..                      
he allowed her to touch..                        
she rubbed. licked and sucked..                      
pussy being pass the point of wet..                        
she released that which was warm sweet smelling thick and oh the taste..                      
to he something so sweet means something so right                      
he placed her wrists in cuffs on the end of his bed                      
whipped her with spite till she begged and bled                      
…’i need you inside me Master.. don’t make me wait any longer.. you can search but you will find none that wants you more than i do.. nor any that can endure the pleasuresome  pain you inflict.. i am going nowhere.. ravage me you beast.. fuck me hard Master.. any and everywhere..’                      
………………………..that night he did………………………………                      
8^/ RedHot Pepperssss….
Written by RedHot_Peppers
Published | Edited 8th Jan 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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