“Who’s Next ???" ... A poem written by Big Virge 25/07/05

(Pt. III)  
After the 7/7 bombing ...  
This is part of a Trilogy of poems to remind people about  
where some of their, " Anti-Islam Rhetoric ", started from ....  
(BTW ... I am NOT, Pro-Islam)  
People, as much as it seems,  
disconnected from, the 7/7 attacks.  
One should recognise,  
The murder of Jean Charles De Menezes ...  
Yeah ... Remember Him !!!  
It's CLEAR.  
whether you believe, 7/7 was a Muslim,  
Islamist attack, or not ?  
What  has transpired since,  
has shown that Terrorist actions,  
are not something that, Muslims  
have total ownership of ...............  
Hate, leads to terror, and  
MURDER, is an act of ... TERRORISM.  
Well …… They've made ....  
A ... " REALLY " ... Good Start … !!!!!  
They've Shot ... A Brazilian ... ?!?  
Straight through ... His Heart ... !!!  
Of course ….  " Those Words " ...  
are ... NOT ... Quite Right … !!! ? !!!  
He was ... SHOT ...  
... FIVE TIMES ….. !!?!!  
At ... Point Blank Range … !!!!!  
They got ... " REAL CLOSE " … !!!  
Putting ... Guns in his face … !!!!!!  
They CLAIMED ...  
"He had a bomb !" …  
But Alas ...  
They got it ... WRONG ... !?!  
They made a ... " Slight Mistake " … !!!  
Well ... " Apologies " ...  
Won't ... Mean a lot ...  
when friends are at ...  
….. HIS WAKE ..... !!!!! …..  
There is a ...  
" PROBLEM " ... here ... !!!  
They've given the ... ALL CLEAR ...  
For Policemen ... to ...  
... “SHOOT TO KILL” … !?!  
SO ….  
" Who now  " … Has To Fear ... !?!  
Is it ... " WHITES " ... ???  
It would seem ... NOT ... ?!?  
“It’s Muslims and,  
The other lot !”
The ... " OTHER LOT " ... !?!  
means ... those Like ... " Me " ...  
Young Black Men ...  
on ... London Streets ...  
So much for us ...  
Being ... FREE ... ?!!!?  
" Freedom " ... NOW ...  
is .... " Obsolete " ....  
Those with ... " Colour " ...  
WILL ... Now See ...  
Much more of ......  
Those ... " NICE POLICE " ... !!!!!  
Those who work ...  
for these ... MP's  
Who ......  
Claim to ... " REGRET " ...  
Such ... " TRAGEDIES " ...  
But still ..." WON’T CHANGE " …  
Their ... " Policies " ... ?!!!? ...  
This is now ...  
A ... " Horrid Time " ... !!!!!  
cos' ... words like ... " These " ...  
May be ... " Defined " ... ??? …  
As ….. ” INCITEMENT ” …..  
When it's just ... " Rhyme " ...  
This ... " it seems " ...  
is ... " Their Design " ...  
Pay ... " CLOSE ATTENTION " …  
to the ... " Following Lines " ...  
“We wil imprison, or, deport !  
Anyone attacking, the values of The West !"
That's … " Lord Falconer " ...  
Our … Lord Chancellor ... …  
He'll bring ... DISTRESS … !!!  
to me .... " I guess " .... ?  
for things ... I say ...  
Against ... " THE WEST " …  
Like ... " Freedom of Speech " ...  
will soon be .... " DEAD " .....  
Now ... I Don't own ...  
A ... " Bullet-Proof Vest " ... !!!  
But ...  
Who needs one ... !?!  
when they're ...  
Aiming at ... HEADS ... !!?!!  
Instead of ... " Arms " ...  
or ... BETTER STILL ... " Legs " ... !!!  
These people are ...  
Humanitys' ... “ DREGS ” … !!!!!  
Their ... " TERROR LAWS " …..  
are like ... ” FISHNETS ” .… !?!  
with .....  " NO FISH " ..… !!!!?!!!!  
But ….. ” HUMAN DEAD ” ….. !!!  
What they say ...  
Makes me … UPSET … !!!  
” Muslim ” … THIS … !!!  
and  … ” Muslim ” … THAT … !!!  
I’m ... NO MUSLIM ... !!!  
That's a ... FACT ... !!!  
Of course it's ... WRONG ... !!!  
to ... " Suicide Bomb " .... !!! …  
But ... " Two Wrongs " ...  
Don't make things ... Right ... !!!  
We're in ... DARK TIMES …  
Without ... " Much Light " … !!!  
when ... ALL WE DO ...  
is ... " Incite Fights " ... ?!?  
Just because of .....  
” STEREOTYPES ” … !?!  
This is why ....  
Innocents ... will die ...  
Tears will ... " Flow " ...  
while many ... CRY … !!!  
Tears of ..... " SADNESS " …..  
from this ... " MADNESS " ....  
MADNESS ... On ...  
Your TV Screens ...  
MADNESS ... On ...  
Our City Streets ...  
Madness ... that ...  
Will slowly ... " Creep " ...  
YES …..  
Close to ... You ... !!!  
And ...  
Close to .... Me .... !!!!  
Don't ... DISMISS ...  
cos' you've been ... " Missed " ...  
At ... ANY TIME ...  
You ... Could get ... HIT … !  
by a ... Policeman ...  
who holds a ... GUN ... !!!  
and has the ... " OK " ...  
to ... Make You ... RUN ... !!!!!  
Just like ... “ REDNECKS ” ...  
Run from ..... “ SUN ” ….. !!!!!  
Or ... I Do ... from ...  
..... ” RACISM ” ..... !!!!!!  
That's something .....  
I’ve Always ... ” SHUNNED ” … !!!!!  
because I like ...  
This Word ... HUMAN ... !!!!!  
If you ... Shoot Me ...  
with a .... " Gun " ....  
When I Bleed ....  
It's ... BLOOD ... that runs ... !!!  
KILLING …… is ……  
NO ……. SOLUTION …….. !!!!!!  
They've just ... KILLED ...  
Somebody's ... SON ... !!!!!  
That's what comes from ...  
Using .... GUNS .... !!!!!  
Rise like ... " The Sun " ...  
While Peace Now ... " Sinks " ....  
Into ... " OCEANS " ...  
This ain't making ....  
Life ... " Much Fun " ...  
Actually .....  
I'm getting .... ” VEX ” ..... !!!  
cos' ... I’m thinking ...  
Maaaaannnnnnnnnnn ……..  
WHO’S NEXT ….. ? !!!!!!!!!! ?
Written by BigVirge
Published | Edited 13th Aug 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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