"Here We Go" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 13/7/2005

(Pt. II)

After the 7/7 bombing ...
This is part of a Trilogy of poems to remind people about
where some of their, " Anti-Islam Rhetoric ", started from ....

(BTW ... I am NOT, Pro-Islam)

Well .....

HERE WE GO ... !!!!!

It didn't ... take long ... !!!
for ... " Political Players " ...
to sing ... " Dud Songs " ... !!!

London's ........
been ... BOMBED ... !!!!!

"It was, The Muslims, all along !"

Excuse me ... Mr. Clarke ...
I think you ... May Be Wrong ... ?!?

The ... " Home Secretary " ...
is ... Jumping on ... The Ferry ...
that's saying to ... " Muslims " ...

They'd better be ... WARY ... !!!!!!!!

But ...
Let's get things ... CLEAR ... !!!

They've ... ALWAYS FEARED ...

Men with ... A Dark Appearance ...
and a .... " Lengthy Beard " ....

But ....
Many now ...
are ... " British " ... !!!

Adopting ... Muslim ways ...
who live their life ... " In Hope " ...
of seeing ... " Peaceful Days " ...

Their wish ...
is for ... Some Guidance ...
WITHOUT ... Old English Tricks ... !!!

That's why some show ... DEFIANCE ... !!!

This Country ... NEEDS A FIX ... !!!!!

A Fix of ... " TRUTH " ... !!!
A Fix of ... " PROOF " ... !!!

A Fix of things ....
That AREN'T ... See Through ...

Am I getting ...
Through to you ... ?!?

I'm ... NO MUSLIM ...
I'm ... NO JEW ...
I'm ... Just ME ... !!!

But .....
What are ... " YOU " ... ?!?

What ... Do You ... ???
" Believe " ... is true ... !?!

Don't you think ... ?
We Need ... More Clues ... ?!?

I think we ........
Should Be ... " More Shrewd " ...

Instead of ... " Jumping " ... Into shoes ...
That ... DON'T FIT RIGHT ... !!!

So ... what's your view ... ???

You'd best be ... " cool " ...
cos' ... views you share ...
could ... " DAMAGE YOU " ... !?!

We're being told .....


cos' leaders now ...
WON'T ... Tolerate ... !!!

Those of us ...
Who ... want to relate ...

A ... " Different View " ...
to ... Political Crews ...

This is ... WHY ...
They ... " Control News " ... !!!

to keep ... " The Fools " ...
Falsely ... schooled ...
in .... PROPAGANDA .... !!!

NOT ... " The Truth " ... !!!!!

So ...
Check this flow ...

" Do not pass go !
cos' Old Kent Road,
ain't there no more ! "

Laugh if ... YOU CAN ...
It's ... NOT A JOKE ...
when ... friends of yours ...
Die from ... " Bomb Smoke " ...

A friend ... told me ...

"Shrapnell does, make victims bleed,
but, what kills you, is all the heat !"

Stuck in ... " A Tunnel " ...
Frying like .... MEAT .... !!! ....

Do ... " My Depictions " ...
Make you ... " Weep " ... ?

or give you ... " Heartburn " ... ?
Like .... Meryl Streep ....

Or .....
Do you believe ... ?
These ... " Political Creeps " ... !!!

Who .....
Continually ... " Preach " ...
while others ... " Sleep " ...

NOT ... for the night ...
But .... " ETERNITY " .... !!!!!

MP's ... are free ...
to walk ... FREELY ... !!!

But ...
I fear for ... " Peace " ...
on .... English Streets ....

when ... War is waged ...
on .... " Communities " ....
and ... " Freedom of Speech " ...
becomes ... OBSOLETE ... !!! ...

Then ...
Men .... " Like Me " ....
become ... " Government Foes ' ...
because of words ...
We put in ... prose ...

What would you choose ... ?
Coc' ... Up Your Nose ...
or .... " Political Coups " ...
and ... " Reality Shows " ...

How about ... ???

" Poets EXPOSED ?!? " ...

Would I ... get your vote ... ?
to be .... " Your Host " .... ?

I ... Reckon so ... ?
and that's ... NO BOAST ... !!!

But let's ... NOT GET ...
Caught up ... " In Jokes " ...

cos' ... Government quotes ...
May just .... " Provoke " ....

A VIOLENT END ... !!!  
where ... " Muslims Choke " ... !!!!!

NOT JUST ... " Them " ... !!!

That's the ... PROBLEM ... !!!
when bombs are left ...
around ... " London " ... !!!

This piece has got ....
Some ... " Different Flows " ...

cos' ...
Like ... A Bomb ...

I'm ... READY TO BLOW ... !!!!!

Things are ... Now ...
Out of ... CONTROL ...

So ... watch out folks ...

cos' ......

.... " Here We Go " ..... !!!
Written by BigVirge
Published | Edited 16th Aug 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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