"Reaction" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 8/7/2005

After the 7/7 bombing ...
This is part of a Trilogy of poems to remind people about
where some of their, " Anti-Islam Rhetoric ", started from ....

(BTW ... I am NOT, Pro-Islam)

What happened yesterday ...
Left ... Many Folks ... AMAZED ... !!!!!

to see the ...
" London Underground "

BLOWN UP ... !!! ...
and ... Ablaze ...

Ofcourse we've heard ... REACTIONS ...
from the ... " Usual " ... Political Factions ...

But ....
While things were ... COLLAPSING ... !!!

Where were they ...
" G8 " ... Protracting ... ?!?

It's ... Never Them ... !?!
That ... Feel the ... STING ... !!!
but people who ... " Won't " ...
be the same ... AGAIN ... !!!! ...

" Some " ... Have Died ...
while some ... " Survived " ...

But .....
They ... " May Wish " ... ?
They'd ... Lost their life ...

What we ... "Hear" ...
is ... " So Contrived " ...

It's ... " Al-Qaeda " ...
ALL THE TIME ... !!!!!!!!!!

Let's not keep ...

THE TRUTH ... " dIsGuisED " ...
They have got ... Western Allies ... !!!

So .....
Where's ... " The Proof " ... ???
to dispel ... " LIES " ...

That ... will be fed ...
to ... " Controlled Minds " ...

I haven't got a clue ... ?
Try ... MI5 ... !!! ...

Aren't they the ones ... ???
Who ... PROTECT LIVES ... !?!

They seemed to be ... " LOST " ... !?!?!
Did they need ... " A Guide " ... ???

It's ... Cars they drive ...
While some have ... DIED ... !!!

On ... GUESS WHAT ... ?

YES ...... !!!!!

A Double Decker Ride ...  

But ... " It's Okay ! "
is what ... " They say " ...

"Security measures,
are now in place !"

Okay ... That's Great ... !!!

But .....
The Fact ... is this ...


When ... MANY NOW ...
Have met ... Their Fate ...

" Isn't " ... PREVENTION ...
Better than .... " Cure " ... ?!?

You'd better ask Bob ... ?
or try ... Midge Ure  ... !!!!

" Live Aid " ... worked ... !!!
It got a .... REACTION ....

Yeah .....

George Bush ... " Ain't " ...
Removing ... SANCTIONS ... !!!

Fair Trade ... is ...
A Better Way ...
than giving ... Pop Stars ...

The ... " Political Stage " ...

They just want ...
Some more ... AIRPLAY ... !!!

Those who ... " Believe " ...
what the ... Media say ...
are ... VEXING ME ... !!! ...
in ... " Different ways " ... !!!!!

People I work with ...
make me ... " Laugh " ...

"Virgil, this thing,
ain't a joke !
Someone in here
may have had,
their heart broke !"

That ... May be true ... ?

But .....

Here's ... MY VIEW ...

People Laugh ...
Every ... God Damn Day ... !!!
while ... " Many DIE " ...
in ... " Different Ways " ...

NOT ... Naturally ... !!!
They're ... " CASUALTIES " ...
of things we all see ...
in ... " Societies " ...

Come on folks ... !!!
You ... Must Agree ... ?!?

So .....
Don't you point ...
Fingers ... at me ... !!!

cos' you ... Like Me ...
are ... ALL GUILTY ...
of making jokes ...
while others ... BLEED ... !!!

Look at those ...
who had to sleep ...
in .... London Hotels ...

Beds .....
DIDN'T COME CHEAP ... !!!!!!

These are ... The Acts ...
of the ... GREEDY BREED ... !!!

I'll laugh ... OUT LOUD ... !!!!!!!!
cos' that ... Ain't Me ...

People have ... " Died " ...

Yeah ... it's a  ... TRAGEDY ... !!!

But .....
How many ... " Care " ... ???
About ... " Those in NEED " ... !!!

In places ... Here ...
In This ... country ...
and those who ...

SUFFER ... Overseas ... ?!?!?

How many can say ... ?

" They think of them ! "

Those ... Living a life ...
WITHOUT ... " Freedom " ...

It's TRUTH ... I Talk ...
while you ... Build Forts ...
to ... Save Yourself ...
from ... " Conscious Thoughts " ...

and then want to ... " Act " ...
Like ... " You're a GOOD SPORT " ... ?!?

and think about those ...
with ... LESS ... Not More ... ???

Check YOURSELF ...
in the ... Baggage Hall ... !!!!!

This ... FOR SURE ...
I DO ... " IMPLORE " ... !!!!!

I ... DON'T Know Everything ... !!!
I ... DON'T ... Claim to ... !!!

But nowadays ...

My views are ... " Shrewd " ...

I'm searching for ... TRUTH ... !!!
NOT .... " Fraudulent News " .... !!!

" It's a power surge ! "  

Remember ...
" Those Words " ... ???

cos' ...
Now ... WE KNOW ... !!!
that message was ... Blurred ...

YES ...
with these words ...

You Must ... CONCUR ... !!!

So ...
These last words ...

Go to ... " Fake Factions " ...

EVERY Action ...

Provokes a ...

... " Reaction " ...

Written by BigVirge
Published | Edited 13th Aug 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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