"Attitude" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 14/4/2005

What is ..... with ......  
All this ... " ATTITUDE " ... ?!?  
It seems ... The ... " In Thing " ...  
to simply be ... " Rude " ... !?! ...    
People in ... " The World " ...  
are now .... So Crude .... !!!!!!!  
Girls now walk streets ...  
with arses ... in view ...    
" Prostitution's " ... RIFE ...    
But this ... " Isn't New " ... !!!!!!  
So ....  
If you have ... " A Bad Attitude " ... !!! ...  
May I ask ... " What's wrong with you ? " ...  
Do you feel ... " Misled " ... ???  
Are you feeling ... " Upset " ... ???  
Do you feel that your life ... ?  
is just a .... " Pretence " .... ?  
Do you feel as if ... ?  
You'd be ... Better off ... DEAD ... !!!!!  
Well ... if you do ... ?  
It's Not Just ... YOU ... !!!!!  
But it's ... NOT COOL ... !!!  
to act the ... " Fool " ...    
and live your life ...  
with .... ATTITUDE .... !!!!!  
If life's ... " So Rough " ...  
and you wanna ... " Act Tough " ...    
Get in ... THE RING ... !!!!!  
Try on ... some gloves ...    
and if it ... " Suits " ...  
Make WAR ... NOT Love ... !!!  
I riSE ... abOVE ...  
This ... " Attitude Stuff " ...    
But ... " Many suggest " ...  
I'm ... " Billy Goat gruff " ...    
This ain't ... " Call My Bluff " ... !!!!!  
But I guess it's cos' ... ???  
I'm NOT ... " White Enough " ...    
to be .... " So Cool " ....  
and ... NOT ... Wear Cuffs ...    
Presumption can make ... ???  
People give ... ATTITUDE ... !!!  
So .....  
Don't just ... " Assume " ...  
cos this might be ... ?  
Your ... LAST MISTAKE ... !!!!  
" Attitude " ... that arises ...  
because of ... " Assumption " ...  
can leave men with ... " Truncheon " ...  
Without their ... Heart Function ... !!!  
cos' Attitude ... quelled ...  
will then reach ... COMBUSTION ... !!!!!  
So ....  
PLEASE ... Don't Assume ...  
when you enter ... " A Room " ...    
Read this ... CLOSELY ... !!!  
cos' when you ... Assume ...  
You just make an ... " ASS " ...  
of ... Both You and Me ... !!! ...    
Did you ...    
Read it ... CLOSELY ... ???    
Break that word into ... " Three " ...  
ASS ...  
" U " ...  
and then ... ME ...    
Reminds me of a word ...  
Yes ... " That Word " ... His - story  
Just look at ... News Stories ...  
and you ... Surely ... MUST SEE ... ?!?  
Attitude's ... runnin" ....  
on streets ... TOO FREELY ... !!!!!    
Even on terraces ... in Italy .... !?!  
Inter ... or ... A.C.    
which fans ... can it be ... ???  
I'm told these fans ...    
... " Attitude " ...  
FRIGHTENS POLICE ..... !!!!!    
So .....  
When they're ... Supposed ...  
to use ... BRUTALITY ...    
They'd rather not use it ...  
but ... bring it to ... " Me " ... ?!?  
Kind of like people ...  
who do ... " Poetry " ...  
From trying to act ...  
Like ... They Like ... what I read  ... !!!  
Until I write words ...  
That DISTURRRBBBB ... " Their Chi " ... !!!  
Attitude ... ISN'T ME ... !!!  
Come on ... Don't You See ...  
My name is ... " Big Virge " ...  
Friends call me ... " Big V " ...    
But ....  
Unless i've told you ...  
You'd better use ... VIRGIL ... !!!  
Unless you are ready ...  
to fall at ... " That Hurdle " ...    
This Isn't ... " The National " ...  
My Poetry's ... " Rational " ...    
as are ... " My Thoughts " ...  
which ... CANNOT ... be bought ... !!!!!  
So ....  
Ideas that you ... " Court " ...  
of ... Any such .... " Sort " ....    
Take my advice ....  
it's time to ... ABORT ... !!!!!  
cos' ... Attitude's RIFE ...  
when my temper ... " Runs short " ... !!!!!  
So .... maybe it's time .... ?  
to leave you ... " This Thought " ...  ???  
Attitudes' ... Crude ...  
and is something for ... FOOLS ...    
who think ... Being Rude ...  
is now ... The New ... " COOL " ... ?!?  
Well ....    
Check out ... This view ... !!!  
You're NOT ... being cool ... !!!  
You're acting ... THE FOOL ... !!!  
Now ....  
If you're a ... " Female " ... ?  
PLEASE ... Refuse to use ...    
This ... " Needless Abuse " ... !!!  
But ....  
If you're a ... " Male " ... ?  
Just be a ... " Cool Dude " ...    
and just do ... " What's Right ... !!!  
REMOVE ... !!!  
... " Attitude " ... !!!!!!
Written by BigVirge
Published | Edited 13th Aug 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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