Aother Lost Soul Chapter 2

I got up and peeked out into the hall to see if my mom was around. The sound of a pan falling on the floor proved that she was nowhere around. I ran into the bathroom and started to clean the cut then stepped into the shower to wash off the evidence of what happened today. When I got out, I looked in the mirror and froze. The person standing back at me looked different. My shoulders were shaking. My eyes were a little red from crying but they also looked a little darker than normal. The knock on the door pulled me back to life.

"Amaris, supper is ready." My mom said on the other side of the door.

"Okay. I'll be down in a minute." I looked down at the cut on my arm. It looked as if it was about two inches deep. Oh well. What's done is done. I can't change it now. I walk over to my room and grab my Pikachu hoodie from the closet. Mom wouldn't ask why I was wearing it because it was normal. When I get to the kitchen, the smell of homemade lasagna hit me in a wave that pulled me under with the spices of parley and oregano. At least it wasn't spaghetti, I thought thinking about what happened at lunch today. I plopped down in a chair at the table. Supper was quiet until my mom asked that one question I thought she wouldn't ask.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie? It's about seventy degrees in this house." She had a suspicious look on her face.

"I am cold from the shower." I lied.

"Oh okay." My mom went with it, but the look in her eyes knew that I lied to her and that she will find out the truth.

"The lasagna is good." I take a bite and smile at her.

"Thank you." She looked down at her plate. "Sweetheart, listen to me for a minute. There is a guy at the place I work at. He wants us to come over for dinner tomorrow, and I-"

I dropped my fork and it hit the table with a clank. "No. I'm not going to let you do this. Dad wouldn't like it at all." As soon as I spoke about dad, I knew I made a mistake because mom tensed up.

"Your father isn't here anymore."

"I don't care. Did you think of me when you accepted that guy's invitation? I don't know how much dad's death is hurting you right now, but it torments me. Every night, I hear the sirens. I see his face as he died in front of us. Don't you care about him?" I stormed out of the room, angry with everything that happened today.

"You are coming whether you like it or not!" I heard my mom yell from her seat at the table. I walked into my room and closed my door. The tears came as if on cue. I can't believe my mom would plan something without informing me. I threw myself on my bed, ignoring the pain in my arm from the cut. All I wanted to do was sleep and get through tomorrow without anything bad happening.

I walked in the doors of my new school and instantly regretted it. People were staring at me with grins on their faces.

"Hey! Look it's the spaghetti girl!" I heard someone yell behind me. I tensed up. Bad day here I come. Through out the day, I became the laughing stock of the entire school. People taped "kick me" signs on my back. Terrible drawings of me covered in spaghetti was stuffed into my locker. When the final bell rang, I ran out to my car and left before anyone can stop me or touch my car. The drive home took a while, but when I got there, I ran up to my room, grabbed my knife, and slid the blade across my wrist again. Blood trickled down my arm, and I cleaned my arm and the knife before my mom came upstairs to ask about today.

"Amaris, I talked to Mr. Edwards, the man who invited me over to his house, and he said that he has a son, Dominic, who just moved here. He is your age, and you need friends."

"But mom-"

"No buts Amaris. You are coming tonight."

"Fine, but I'm not talking to them."

"Okay. Get ready. We leave in an hour."

"Okay." My mom walked off, and I ran into my room to find something to put on my arm without making anyone suspicious. The next few hours will be very long.
Written by xXShatteredHeartXx
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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