From Just One Look

Will of utter abandonment. You sit, awaiting me. Hands bound to the arms of my rickety wooden chair. Eyes encased, shrouded from view You hear nothing, but the sound of my breath. And I hear you. Anxious, barely controlled desire.  A  single droplet of sweat rolls unhindered down your neck. I yearn to catch it with my tongue. But I resist. Instead I stand. I watch you. Your glistening skin shining in the lamplight. The tendons in your hands straining as you grasp the arms of my chair I see your pulse. Hammering a heavy beat against the pale skin of your throat. My eyes drift lower Around the creamy expanse of your shoulders Over the generous peaks of your breasts. And down. Down your stomach. Past what I most desire Along your parted thighs. To end at the perfectly formed digits of your toes. My mouth    waters And a familiar ache tightens the pit of my stomach. I return to your lips.Swollen and parted, your tongue moves to moisten them I take a step closer and you pause, holding your breath. Anticipation… Desire… Need… Do you know I am as naked as you are? Are you aware how much I want you? Two steps closer. And I can smell you.  
The heady essence of your anticipation permeates the air. I am falling My wooden chair creaks as you grip its arms tighter. Finely sculpted muscles defines your limbs. I wonder if the wood might splinter and break. Your strength draws me ever closer and I  circle you. Moving to stand behind the chair. I reach out. Desire to touch you pulls me in but I stop. Balling my hand into a fist, In a low voice I speak “Do you want me?” Your breathy answer of affirmation is all I need to complete my journey. My hand slides over your shoulder.  Pushing away the heavy tresses of your hair to reveal your throat Pulsing with escalating beats of expectation. Want… I lean forward. My lips connecting with your flesh. First taste and my senses ignite.The salty sweet flavour of your skin makes my mouth water. I crave more and blaze a glistening trail along your shoulder. My hungry eyes searching Gazing down your body. Drawn to rounded peaks with diamond tips. I sink my teeth lazily into your flesh. Feeling my heart ache as your breath catches “Do you know what you do to me?” You whimper “Do you know what I want to do to you?” I run my hands down your arms. Your wrists.  Over silken bonds. And  entwine my fingers with yours. Our cheeks touch  “What do you want me to do to you?”  You turn and our lips meet desperately. We kiss. Hard… Deep… Tongues  battling for dominance. Seconds pass Maybe a  minute.  Your fragrance bathes my senses. My mind beseeches me to surrender. I pull away.  A  little of my heart already left behind Ignoring my need to look into your eyes. Those hypnotic pools that enrapture me so. They possess my soul. And might weaken my will to continue our journey. I step backwards Move around you. And stare down at the vision   before me.  Beauty, encased in silken scarlet bonds Thick locks cascading over your shoulders.  Swollen lips shaping a desperate plea. Please… Fill me… My eyes scorch a trail down to your breasts Perfection. I drop to my knees   before you “If I touched them, tasted them… Pulled them into my mouth… Where else would you feel me?” Do I want you to beg? I would. A thousands times over I would supplicate my need to feel you in me. Reaching out, I clasp a knee with each hand . Your chest expanding with ragged breath. Unable to resist any longer. I lean  forward pulling you past my lips. Sucking softly as I swirl my tongue against your erect nipple.My hand rises. To grace its  partner with similar treatment. I caress you Tease… Tweak… Titillate… Tempt… Pulling ragged moans and needful groans from your soul “What do you want?” You groan again, long and loud.  Balling your fist as you  struggle against your bonds. I know what you want.You desire to push me lower. I wonder who wants this more.I am your willing slave.  Overflowing with clandestine desires I wish to spill over you. I do your bidding. And right now, you  desire me to possess you. I do.  Leaving a hot, wet trail down your fevered skin. Moving down to the source of your heat. An ache so strong that the line between pleasure and pain blurs.I push you open.Finally seeing you. Swollen…Succulent… Sweet… Spilling forth a spring of scorching need Glistening in the lamplight. Moonshine reflecting the river. And I dive in. Feasting… Taking… An   unquenchable thirst. My teeth, lips and tongue ravage you. Coaxing your tempest. Thunder beating against my tongue. A tsunami fighting the barriers You tremble. My nails graze up your thighs. My lips coax, caress. My desire   pulsates as every groan leaks past your lips. I know you’re close. Using whatever strength you still  possess you lift yourself from your seat.The wood creaks beneath you.  Pushing yourself against me. Grinding into my lips. Moving against my tongue “Come for me” And you do… Raw desire bursts from your lips as you scream your pleasure. Your walls quaking as you erupt against me. Spilling yourself freely. And I drink. Wantonly…Willingly… Wonderfully… Knelt before you. I would bear perpetuity for this one perfect moment. My mistress. My desire . Your servant.
Written by firemonkey
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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