Larry meets Maria

So there was this young boy sitting on bench in a park. it was a nippy day out but not to cold. As  He is sitting watching the ducks playing, he  sees this young girl crying near the sandbox. He walks over  to her and asks what's wrong. She says my mommy and daddy left me here without my dog. The boy puzzled now says well where did they go. I don't know she replies they said something about how they didn't need me anymore, the dog is better company then i am, shrugging her shoulders she says I must agree that was a cool dog you know. The boy stunned says we should go alert someone. Oh no no please don't tell anyone the girl screams while grabbing his coat with her filthy hands looking into his brown eyes, her eyes so blue and shiny from her tears please don't tell anyone please.  He is now stunned, when little Larry is stunned he stutters so he replies  hey mmmiss youuu need ssssssooommee  help look at your hhhhands there ffffilthy. She laughs and laughs what's your name she asks.  He replies lalalalarry and yours? I'm Maria nice to meet you lalalalarry.. Larry getting annoyed stands up and says look if you wanna sit in this sandbox all day while your parents play with your dog be my guest I'm going home to my parents and dogs, yes you heard me dogs, I dont just have a dog I have 3 dogs and parents, you filthy wench.. Maria starts laughing so hard she's doubling over as if her stomach hurts.. Humph larry says as he walks away Imagine the nerve of that girl laughing at me humph.. He hears silence she stopped laughing he turns slowly seeing Maria looking at her hands.. Rolling his eyes he walks over to her and says Maria would you like to come meet my dogs? She looks up from her hands and says "no" I must wait here my parents will bore of old scruffy and return for me you will see. Well I'll wait with you then Larry says. In silence they wait and wait and wait until someone comes over and says hey kids are you guys ok?? Larry says I'm fine  im just sitting with Maria here waiting on her dog and parents. Isn't that right Maria? Maria looks up at the older person and shakes her head and agrees. This adult isnt buying, she says Maria sweetie why are your hands so filthy? Maria shrugs. Larry says the sand miss. The adult turns to Larry and says  sand is not normally reddish and have you noticed that Maria has a knife under her legs? Larry shocked again says nnnnooo 
Maaaaaammmm. Well she does young man.. Maria starts to laugh again Larry starts to stand up and walk away slowly. Maria grabs larrys hand and says don't leave me Larry.. Larry is confused now so he says to Maria, Maria why do you have a knife under your legs?? She looks up at him with a smile and says well when  my parents left old scruffy came back looking for me I guess so I took this here knife and cut he's eyes out so my parents can see I'm better with my blue eyes maybe not funnier but I am better. The older women is shocked and says well did your parents come looking for your dog sweetie? Maria says yes they did. Larry sweating bullets while Maria holds his arm says well what did they say. Say?  Maria says they didn't see scruffy I took him and buried him in the sandbox over there see the hill?? They seen the hill it looked more like a mountain then any hill. Swallowing Larry says Maria why didn't you return home with your parents? Clearly agitated by larrys question Maria says look them two assholes picked a dog over me so I took there eyes out and fed them to the ducks over there then buried them in this here sandbox.. Larry jumps up and grabs hold of the older women and says mmmmmmisssss let's go. The lady walks over to the mountain and starts to un bury the what is supposed to be marias parents and dog. But what she reveals is a big stuffed dog with no eyes with ketchup
Spread all over the dog. Larry let's out a shy of relief and says Maria that story you told us is not true is it?? Maria looking at her hands and says no. I'm Nancy I live there at the orphanage across the street my parents left me there when I was two with that stupid dog and a note that said with love our blue eyed girl we will return one day with a dog named scruffy just wait patiently.. I'm 12 I can't see them coming for me so I killed scruffy so I can be free.. Larry filled with sorrow for poor maria says come on maria i'll walk you home.. Larry visited Maria everyday after that eventually they married and had beautiful children all with blue eyes one named maria the other llalarry and they had three dogs all named scruffy...

I wrote this in 20 min I was bored and I like it lol live love laugh
the end 
Written by Gg78 (let it be)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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