Samson's Last Words

Samson's last words were,  
"Let me die with the Philistines"(Judges 16.30).  
The enemies of Israel, the Philistines,  
Captured Samson,blinded him,put him in prison.  
Then they brought him to the temple of their God, Dagon.  
They made him stand between the pillars holding up the building.  
3,000 people gathered on the roof to see him(Judges 16.27).  
Samson prayed to God for the strength to topple the pillars,  
Bringing down the temple in order to kill the Philistines.  
He knew it would cost him his own life.  
But that wasn't enough to deter him!  
His desire to destroy the enemy was greater  
than his desire to live.  
"Let me die with the Philistines," was his battle cry.  
"So those he killed in his death were more  
than those he killed in his life"(Judges 16.30).  
Today, the equivalent of the Philistines  
Are the secularists among us, atheistic evolutionists!  
We have the opportunity to "destroy" them,bring them down.  
But only at the cost of our own lives,  
Or at least something very dear to us.  
For it involves our sacrificing the Biblical Creation account (Genesis,chapter 1).
You see, if we espouse "theistic evolution" as a weapon  
Against "naturalistic" (atheistic) evolution,  
That equals "fighting fire with fire,"  
Fighting(bad) evolution with (good) evolution.  
"Fighting fire with fire" is supported in the Bible.  
For who did Christ raise up to combat the Pharisees?  
A "Pharisee of the Pharisees," Paul the Apostle(Acts 23.6).  
"Theistic evolution" gives glory to God  
by acknowledging His role as the Creator.  
Evolution thus becomes His tool, not His replacement.  
Theistic evolution puts God back on His throne,  
Defeating the aim of naturalistic evolution,  
Which is to overthrow Him.  
The only problem with Theistic Evolution is this:  
The timeline disagrees with the "6 days" Creation Week(Genesis 1).  
Instead of the universe being 6,000 years old,  
Theistic Evolution (actually, the Big Bang theory) holds  
That the universe is 14 billion years old.  
So if we are to resort to Theistic Evolution  
to battle the bad evolution, ie, Naturalistic Evolution,  
We have to "put aside" Genesis 1,at least the literal view of it.  
This is a bit like self-sacrifice, for Genesis is in the Bible.  
And the Bible is part of us, part of our identity, so to speak!  
If our desire to destroy Atheistic Evolution,  
(Or at least the monopolistic strangle hold  it holds  
over the minds of students in high school and college)  
Is greater than our loyalty to the traditional view of Genesis 1,  
We can triumph - but not until then!  
How could all of the Christian community embracing  
Theistic Evolution bring down Naturalistic Evolution?  
Right now, when secularist professors attack Creationism,  
They claim that "we have science on our side,"  
while Creationists don't.  
Because evolution equals science.  
Right now, the Christian student isn't in a position  
To argue effectively.  
It's a lopsided debate: science against religion.  
It's like Hitler's tanks against the Polish cavalry.  
They were mowed down like grass, slaughtered like sheep.  
But if the Church espouses Theistic Evolution,  
It's science against science,good evolution against the bad.  
It's more like American tanks taking on Hitler's tanks,  
After the Normandy invasion, rolling across France,  
Onward to Berlin and total victory.  
The question is,  
Do we HATE the evil of naturalistic evolution  
bad enough to become like Samson,  
that glorious Old Testament role model?!  
Remember, he is listed among "the heroes of the faith"  
In the "hall of faith" chapter(Hebrews 11.32).
When we give up the literal interpretation of Genesis 1,  
It's as if we were joining Samson in saying,  
"Let me die with the Philistines!"  
We are encouraged to do this by the Apostle Paul's words,  
"You are not under the Law[of Moses]"(Romans 6.14;Galatians 5.18).  
Genesis 1 is part of the Law of Moses.  
We, as Christians, are not duty-bound to defend it,  
At least not the literal interpretation of it.
Written by joegracegrace
Published | Edited 14th Jul 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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