Another Lost Soul Chapter 1

Sorry it took me a while to share it with y'all. I've been so busy with band camp and other stuff but here it is.


I remember the day that I first picked up a knife. It was my first day at a new school. I was wearing my Guns and Roses t-shirt, skinny jeans and my black converse. I didn't that it would change my life. When I got to the front office to get my schedule, the secretary nearly choked on her morning coffee then quickly recovered.

"Can I help you?"

"Umm... Yes, I'm Amaris Johnson. I'm new here, and I need my schedule." I was shaking. I didn't know what this place would be like.

"Oh, give me a second," she started to dig around her desk that was over crowded with paper. "Here you go." I took the piece of paper from her and ran out the door. I already knew she didn't really like me. As I made my way to my first class, I got looks of disgust from people who looked at as if I had an extra set of eyes. I avoided their gaze by staring at the floor. This is only because I'm new. They will stop in the next few months, I reminded myself as I made my way to my English class. And man, was I wrong.

When I walked into through the door, everyone started whispering. The teacher at the front of the class introduced himself as Coach Martin, the head coach of the football team. I looked around and saw that the only seat available was next to a thin blond girl named Marie Good. She was a cheerleader, and by the look on her face, I knew that she despised me at first glance.  I sat down, and she looked at the girls sitting beside her.

"If I looked like that, I would've killed myself years ago. Just look at that hair," I heard her whispering. She looked looked at me. "There is this amazing invention called a hairbrush. Have you heard of it?" I looked down on my desk. Avoid them. You are new here. I reminded myself. As the class kept on, the whispers progressed. Honestly, I was scared. Wouldn't you be too if you were in my position? Anyway back to the story. When the bell rang for lunch, I sat alone and stared at the ceiling. I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind me until I was covered with spaghetti and tea. I looked up, seeing a a group of people surrounding me.  They laughed as I ran out of the room, crying. I didn't want to be there anymore. I ran to the rest room and locked myself in the stall. I heard the door open and a bunch a high pitched laughs came in.

"That was the funniest thing I've seen Mitch do. Did you see the look on her face? Priceless," one voice said. I knew they were talking about me.

"The way she ran out of the room crying made it even funnier."  I recognized Marie's voice. I held my breath until they left. When I made sure that no one else was in the rest room, I called my mom and told her that I was coming home.


"I'll explain when I get home. I just want to get out of here."

"Okay. Just be safe." She sounded worried.

The bell rang which meant empty halls. I ran out of the rest room and out the nearest exit. I froze when I saw that my car had been trashed. Lovely. I felt tears coming back and quickly blinked them away as I moved the garbage off my car. On the way home, thoughts started running through my head. Should I come back tomorrow? What will they do if they did? Will everything get worse? It probably wouldn't get better.

When I pulled into the driveway of my new house, my mom met me at the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"What happened?"

"Some guy decided to share his lunch with me." I got out and the tears started to flow. I ran inside and locked myself in my room. I leaned against the door and cried. I heard my mom run down the hall.

"Amaris, are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah." I lied and I knew she knew I was because I heard her messing with the doorknob. I walked across my room and sat down at my desk. I looked at the pocket knife that I use for making random stuff. I've heard of people who would use sharp objects to relive pain but I never thought of actually doing it... until now.

I grabbed it then walked over to my bed and opened the blade. As I held my breath, the blade slid across my arm. Pain shot up my arm and I gasped in pain. Honestly, it did make me feel a little better.


I will try to write the 2nd chapter and get it up in about 3 weeks... hopefully
Written by xXShatteredHeartXx
Published | Edited 14th Jul 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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