"Exclusion or Inclusion ???" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 10/5/2005

Exclusion or ... " Inclusion " ...
Which option do you ... " Choose " ... ???

Do you feel like ...
... " Your Inclusion " ...
is the passage to be ... " Cool " ... ?!?

Even if ....
The crew you ... follow .....
is ... "Full Of" ... STUPID FOOLS ... !!!!!

" FOOLS " ... who use ...
Their ... " Snakeskin Shoes " ...
to make those ... CRUCIAL ...

..... " Power Moves " ..... !!!!!!!!!!

If ... That's You ... ???
Is that ... " YOU " ... ?!?

Are you ... REALLY ...
being ...... " True " ...... !?!

or ... living life ...
in a ... " Human Zoo " ...

by this ... I mean ...
Your ... Self-Esteem ...
has ... CLEARLY LOST ...
it's ..... " Mr. Sheen " ...... !!!

You're in a ... " Zone " ...
now FILLED WITH ... " Clones " ...
whose ... " Facade " ... is ... TOUGH ...
when ..... NOT ....... !!!! ......... alone .....

They change their ring ...
" Without " .... Dialling Tones ....
because they have .... such ....

..... " Brittle Bones " .....

They Claim to have ...
A ... " Happy Home " ... !!!!!

But ....
FEAR ... the thought ...
of life .... ALONE ....

They ... Surround themselves ...
with ... " Superficial Friends " ...
throughout ... their week ...
and at .... " Weekends " ....

So ..... ???
Which do ... YOU ... prefer ... ?!?

Exclusion ... or .. Inclusion ... ???

A life ... Without Confusion ...
A life ... Without the Nonsense ...
of ... " Agenda-Lead Collusion " ... !!!

Do You Need ........ " Doors Open " ... ?

or ... Do You ... ? ...

" Open them " ... YOURSELF ... !?!?!

Do You ... ???
want to make a ... " Difference " ...
or ... Get Yourself ... SOME WEALTH ... ?!?

I try to keep ...
My ... " Mental Health " ...
by .................... AVOIDING THOSE ......
who have ..... " Foul Smells " ..... !!!!!! .....  

I trust in ... " God " ...
and TRUST ... " Myself " ...
to do ... What's ... RIGHT ... !!!

or ... " BURN IN HELL " ... !!! ...

I BELIEVE ... in this ... !!!

YES ... !!!!! ...
Love Thyself ... !!!

Love those ...
Who Do ... " Love Themselves " ... !!!

WITHOUT .... VANITY .... !!!
or the .... " HARD SELL " .... !!!!!

These people ... make ...
Our World ... " UNWELL " ... !!!!!

Look in ... " Their Eyes " ...

They're ... TELLING LIES ... !!!!!
to be .... " Accepted " ....
by ..... " FAKE GUYS " ..... ?!?!?

who ... Just Can't Take ...

..... My Diatribe ..... !!!!!!!!!!!

This view ... IS MINE ... !!!
It's NOT .... " Divine " ....

Don't Feel ...
... " Inclined " ...
to ..... FALL IN LINE ... !!!!!

Exclusion ....
" ISN'T " .... My Design .... !!!

It's been ... " Designed " ...
by ..... " Simple Minds " ...
Who NEED ... " Inclusion " ...

.... ALL THE TIME .... !!!!!

Why do they ... NEED IT ... ?!?

They can ... " KEEP IT " ... !!!!!!!!

Im an ... " Exception " ...
with ....... " Insight " ......... !!!
If you ... Feel That's Right ... !!!

At the end of the day .....
We're ... ALL GONNA DIE ... !!!!!!

Those who ... " Exclude " ...
Will ... " Probably " .... FRY .... !!?!!

" Finding " .... INCLUSION ....
where .... LUCIFER LIES .... !!!!!

That's .... NO SURPRISE .... !!!!!

.... " Facades and Lies " ....
Are Them .... " DEFINED " .... !!!!!
But ... " CAN'T DiSguIsE " ...
Their ... " Fraudulent Guise " ... !!!!

It ... CAN'T ... be wise ...
to ... Always hide ...

YOUR ..........................

..... "True Self" .......

Why be .... " So Sly " ....  ?!?

That's a ... Question ...
I DON'T ... face ... !!! ...

because i'm ... ME ...
WHEREVER ... I Be ... !!!!!

I ..... DON'T NEED ..... !!!
These ... PHONEY CLIQUES ... !!!!!

What about .... YOU .... ?!?
Are you ..... TRUE ..... ?!?!?!?

Or ....
Do You ... NEED ... ?
These ... POMPOUS CREWS ... !?!

That's ...
Up to ... YOU ...

What do you choose ... ?

" Exclusion  ... or ... Inclusion "
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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