"Why I ... Am Angry ???"... A Poem written by Big Virge 23/02/2005

I have been asked ...

"Why my poetry's, So Angry !?!"

It's ANGRY ...
cos' of ... things I see ... !!!

" Broken Families " ...
MTV ... Men Who ... " Live " ...
to make .... " MONEY " ....

" People " ... who just ...
.... " STARE AT ME " .... ?!?!?

People who .....
" Control " ... MY WEEK ... !!!

" Corporate Thieves " ...
... " Corrupt MP's " ...  !!!!!

Racist Police .... !!!!! ....
NEEDLESS ... " Grief " ...

People who ... " Act " ...
like they ... Can't See ...
Problems in ... society ... ?!?

" Impropriety " ....

People make .... to me .... !?!

" Technology " .....
Adverts selling ... " 50 Texts for FREE !!! "

Now ... This is one thing ...
that does .... " ANGER ME " .... !!!!!

What ...
REALLY ... in life ... ?
is .... " EVER FREE " .... ?!!!?

Women who ... think ...
that they ... should be ...

A Re-incarnation ....
of the ... " Iron Lady " ...

" Thatcherism " ...
" Capitalism "  ...

Ism's that keep ...
Minds ... "imprisoned" ...

Prisons ... where ...
Black Folk are ... living ...
Even if ... They're ... INNOCENT ... !?!

Liverpools' defence ... !!!
People who lack ...
Good ... " Common Sense " ...

Street Violence ... !!!

Abusive youth ...
who act ... UNCOUTH ... !!!
" People " ... Who ...
DON'T TELL ... The Truth ... !!!!!

" Accusations " ...
Without ... " PROOF " ... !?!

Men who seem ...
to be ................ Aloof ............

We're people ... TOO ... !!!
What's wrong with ... " You " ... ?!?

Same sex fool ...
cos that's ... Not Cool.

Those who won't ...
Hear out ... My Views ...
Until My Words ...
Are Proven ... TRUE ... !!!!!

Riddles that ...
Have .... " Bogus Clues " ... ?!?

So ... am I getting ... ?
Through to ... YOU ... ?

Well ... Yes or No ... ???
I'll still be ... " Cool " ...
by venting my ... ANGER ...
with this ... " Poetry Tool " ...

Let's ... SWITCH ... " The Script " ... !!!

Aren't YOU ... Angry Too ... ?!!!?
cos' of ... judgements made ...
by people ... Who ...
DON'T ... have a clue ... !?!
What You've ... been through ...

Write what ... " You Feel " ... !!!
But PLEASE ... " BE REAL " ... !!!!

I'm NOT ... " Preaching " ... !!!
I'm Just ..... " Cleaning " .....
.......... "Closets" ..........

That ... In Truth ... REVEAL
ANGER ... that ...
I .... SOMETIMES ... feel ...
before it's time ... for ...

... " My Last Meal " ... !!!

But before I go ...
I've got to ... SHOW ... !!!

Some things that people ...
May Not ... know ... ???

I'm Angry ... YES ... !!!
but feel ... " God Blessed " ... !!!
to have the ... " Skill " ...
to write at  .... " Will " ....

" Expressing Things " ...
while others .... KILL .... !!!!

Killing ... DEFINES ...
ANGER ... to me ... !!!

Am I killing you ... ?
with this ... " Poetry " ... ?!?

I Think ... NOT ... !!!

What do you think ... ?
Just ... Look Around You ...

What have you ... GOT ... ?!?

DON'T ... Lie to Yourself ... !!!
Face the .... TRUTH .... !!!

cos your ...
Very Next Breath ...
is ... " Living Proof " ...
That .... words I write ...
" May " ... Benefit You ... ???

" Some " ... of my words ...
DO Reflect ... ANGER ... !!! ...

But ANGER ...
DOES NOT ... DEFINE ME ... !!!

It's ...
" Love and Peace " ...
I ... Want to See ... !!!

This is when ...
i'll feel ... " More Free " ...
to write some ... " Happy Poetry " ... !!!!!

But .....
Face the ... FACTS ...

This society ... reflects ...

But ... " Joy and Peace " ... !!!

So .....
I Hope ... You Can See ...
and will .... " Agree " ....

Why the ...

" Brother Big V " .....
writes ... Poetry ...

That ... IN TRUTH ...
Reflects ...........................

" Why I ... Am Angry ??? " ........
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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