Image for the poem Where in the world is America, The real one

Where in the world is America, The real one

Our Constitutional rights and Civil Liberties are being stripped away. This is done covertly through the passage of Bills that are under the false pretense of National Security. You may ask yourselves how is this happening and why. John F. Kennedy to many Americans is called the last great American President and before him there was President Harry Truman. Every Nation that participated in world war II has universal healthcare, education and strong unions that fight for the rights of workers. President Truman plan was to add a second Bill of Rights to Congress that would guarantee every American those same services but he died a short time before the Bill was suppose to be introduce to Congress. President Kennedy wanted oversight and complete transparency of the Cia. After the failed and deeply embarrassing Bay of Pigs invasion into Cuba, which was done secretly without the knowledge and consent of the President and the Congress. The president said he would expose the secret societies within our government. We all know what happened to President Kennedy.    
For far too long our government has waged secret wars, illegal experimentations, assassinations and the toppling of legitimate governments world wide. They have created an environment of HATE toward America and it's people. Now they want to take away our freedom in the name of national security. It was Benjamin Franklin who said and I quote "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety". We are paying for their ignorance, greed, and desire for world domination at any cost even if it means putting American Lives in danger, the Americans they are sworn to protect. American has become the new Colonial Aristocracy. Raping the world of it natural resources all in the name of Higher profits. American foreign Policies has done a great deal of damage to the safety and sanctity of Americans traveling abroad. Members of our Government has participated in the illegal detention and torture and murder of countless individuals overseas. It is these vile, heinous and horrific acts, crimes against humanity and human dignity that our lives are in danger. Now the rooster has come home roost. Who would have ever thought that we would see an attack by an enemy on American soil. And worst yet there are many Americans who believe this was an inside job, to raise a war on Islam and the middle east to plunder those countries natural resources. Real wealth is not in the money in your wallets and in your bank accounts, it is not in the 100 million dollar homes, or the fancy yachts, cars, bling on your wrist and neck. Real wealth is in natural resources, Gold, Diamonds, Silver, Copper, crude oil, natural gas, and people. Yes I said people, human beings are the number one natural resource, we are the driving force behind every country economy.    
Our Rights are being eroded and yet there is no outcry, Just like Nazi Germany, there was no outcry and millions of innocent men, women and children were slaughtered like live stock, experimented on and destroyed like they were nothing. Is this what will happen in America, are we going to stand idly by and watch this happen right before our eyes. Where is the voice of the people. The founding fathers of this nation did their best to ensure the safety, security and peace of this nation, so it's inhabitants can pursue life, liberty and happiness with their natural rights, constitutional and civil rights intact, free from intrusion and infringement from any government at home and abroad. TAKE A STAND! Let your elected officials know your displeasure. America is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave, America is not the land of milk and honey. She has become her own worst nightmare, America sleeps with one eye open, both ears listening, paranoid with an itchy finger on the trigger.
Written by thewatcher33
Published | Edited 15th Jun 2014
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