Where Does It Come From?

If a male wants sex with another male  
where does that desire originate?  
The answer becomes clear by asking this question:  
Who is the first male that you have sex with? Yourself.  
For it is with oneself that one has sex in masturbation.  
How does(self-centered)masturbation relate to homosexuality?  
There is a cause and effect relationship between certain things.  
For example, danger generates fear.  
Likewise, pleasure generates liking.  
When something gives you super pleasure,  
Liking expands into loving.  
Self-stimulation generates self-love,  
Love of one's own genitals.  
In addition, if you LOOK at that part of your body  
At the same time that you are getting pleasure out of it,  
You are connecting in your mind the image you see  
With the gratification, the love sensation, you are feeling.  
In short, you no longer see your genitals objectively.  
You see them subjectively,"thru rose-colored glasses."  
The pleasure you are feeling becomes a "lens" which makes  
Your genitals appear more beautiful than they actually are.  
You can even get to the point that at the point of orgasm,  
your genitalia can seem the beautifullest thing in the world!  
It's like background music in a movie.  
Suppose you are watching "Jaws" on a DVD.  
Let's say,you turn the sound volume all the way down.  
As the image of the shark silently stalks its victims  
You feel a certain amount of fear,excitement,whatever.  
Now, turn the volume up and play that scene over again.  
The "lead motif" for the shark will have a "multiplier effect."  
The music associated with the shark will most likely  
magnify, intensify the feelings of fear, suspense, and so on.  
In a similar way, the pleasure you are feeling during self-sex  
may magnify whatever aesthetic value you see in your own body.  
You may become fascinated, obsessed with yourself,  
But no harm's done,for it lasts only during masturbation, right?  
Wrong! If you find your own genitals excessively attractive  
Don't be surprised when the attractiveness becomes "generic."  
Instead of having desire for your own male organ,  
You may feel it for the male organ in general!  
For if a painting is beautiful,  
copies of it are also beautiful.  
But that doesn't make you a homosexual.  
There's much more involved.  
Masturbating frequently, you may "build up a tolerance" to it.  
The old way of doing it may no longer satisfy,  
So you want to try something new, you want to go further.  
Since everyone's genitals, male or female, produce secretions,  
One new thing you can do is to taste it, the lubrication juice.  
Then you tell yourself that you like it,
As though you're being brave.  
And as though exploring is natural, harmless.  
Another way to "try something new," is to personify your organ.  
And then try talking romantically to it.  
"Junior, I love you with all my heart" - simple stuff.  
At first, you feel this urge (to talk to it) only at climax.  
But the next time, after you've been "broken in,"  
You start in at the mid-way point.  
After that you start in at the very beginning.  
It's a "developmental" thing,developing in steps,stages.  
You go from the simple stuff over to "I love you to death.  
I want to kiss you, lick you, suck you dry."  
For you discover that this sense of commitment,  
This total self surrender helps you reach climax.  
For the same reason, you envision oral sex with yourself.  
You actually try to do it, though you know better.  
Your frustration grows and grows.  
You can't reach it no matter how hard you try.  
You're ashamed of yourself for even imagining such a thing.  
But then you realize there's simple way out.  
If only you're "bold" enough, unorthodox enough to consider it.  
Yes, you can experience your male organ orally,  
If only you give up your sense of sexual morality.  
You can suck your own dick,  
Like you have been wanting to for a long time,  
But only if you are willing to do it vicariously -  
Using someone else's dick as surrogate of your own.  
You don't act on this "solution" immediately.  
It's too extreme, hedonistic, greedy, gay.  
You'd rather not think of yourself in those terms.  
But you still incorporate it into your fantasizing  
That you do during your masturbatory sessions.  
You find it helps you reach orgasm even though you're aging.  
(In other words the intensity makes you feel young again.)  
Eventually you meet someone you can open up to.  
Maybe, just a handjob to start with.  
But eventually you "graduate" to kissing it, licking it,  
Yes, even sucking on it, sucking hard on the hard-on.  
It may seem nasty the first time,unpleasant,disgusting.  
"I'll never do that again," you vow."I'm past that now."  
But you keep on fantasizing about it,  
using "selective perception," forgetting anything negative.  
You go back to it, doing what you thought you outgrew.  
Each new time is like a graduation ceremony.  
Each new episode is a repetition of "Graduation Day."  
For you have moved from straight man status  
Over to the gay world:  
you're graduated!  
It's a time for celebration!  
(Or is it instead a time for mourning?!)
Written by joegracegrace
Published | Edited 31st May 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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