
Part of me wants to answer with a concise and precise answer. To answer with a pulverising barrage, a complete onslaught: an atomic bomb whose mushroom cloud is formed of information and envelopes the original question. An action as impossible as any alchemist suddenly finding out how to turn lead into gold using nothing more than magic.
Another part is more than enough willing to answer a question with another question and to grin cheekily at any response. Where each question breeds a thousand more showing the pointlessness of inaccurate questions. But rather than succumb to futility, enjoy the company on the road to nowhere. The monkey king who balances on his staff and entertains the passers by before they trudge off to their next destination, or indeed their final destination.
So that will do for an introduction, now to answer and play with all the questions rather than none.
It is a wise fool indeed who tries to do it all but enjoys what little they do do.

Can you love without being hurt?
"I believe, call me naive but I believe but love is for free" - Pet Shop Boys 'Love etc'.

Love without hurt does exist and the romantic in me will fanatically scream it out in repitition. It is not the grand earthshattering and momentous love as any media portrays but the simple love found in contentment. The rare moment when after pain or loss or trials, the sweet song of a cuddle or kiss soothes the savage beast of hurt into momentary non-existence. The time where the siren's arms make all other things fade from memory. A place where soft petals cover over the blasted heath that forms a modern soul. Rapture in its most delicate form; the bliss of here and now with no ghosts or shadows lurking beyond. an island of serenity and there is merely love, nothing more, nothing less.

What are you looking forward to in death?
Taste Oblivion.

I look forward to almost nothing in death, though many moments and nights have me obsessing over my idea of death. To me, there is no heaven or hell or afterlife. Indeed, heaven to me are days in England with the bright Sun and verdant nature to accompany whatever the day actually has planned. And as for hell, if hell is fire and passion then that is just life and human nature. True 'hell' as in torment is despair, depression, being meaningless, and all in all the idea of nihilism: of nothing having any meaning of purpose. And is what death is to me: a future where not only will I not live but I will not exist and no longer be a mind or soul or body or conciousness. Death to me is something that should I focus on too much brings indescribable terror. The death of other things and people holds little fear, possibly some anger, as I lack the self experience of that death and are altogether too stupid to understand it. However for all that, in a way I do look forward to the moment when I am dead in body and my self conciousness is transported into space to briefly see everything before vanishing into nothing. I want to speak further of it but it would merely be repitition and life inevitably must move on, if not alwyas upwards.

What does your carbon footprint look like?
"Near death, The Emperor was placed in a huge machine known as The Golden Throne which maintained his psychic essence at the bargain price of the souls of 1000 unlucky sods every single day." - Warhammer 40k Lore in a Minute (youtube).

The look of a carbon footprint is not a single thing, it is vast machinery of a dystopian future pumping energy and fuel for a future that it self-destructively will never see. More than that it is also green and pleasnt futures obliterated by unconcerned and unfeeling machinery made of metal. While each minute of power glows bright with electricity, a bleakness sweeps over more and more of the future. Black shadows of forgotten nature to mirror the prideful present that shines bulb bright. While computer screens are bathed in a blue glow elsewhere trees are sacrificed to feed the ever hungry power upkeep. To have a carbon footprint is to be an emperor: to have a precious throne powered by the essence of life that was denied to a thousand others; to fuel a minor thing with the lives of the future unborn majority.

Where do waves come from?
- How long is a piece of string?

Where do waves come from, but more importantly why do I not know the answer? It would be all too easy to look it up but for now the answer must be found, not given. Waves are made of water which are found in clouds. Where does wind come from? Where does that invisible force first flow from? Wait, the moon! The answer is the moon. A bright beacon somestimes forgotten in the sky in favour of the life-giving Sun. Yet while the male Sun is uncompromisngly bold, the Moon as a woman or maiden is demure and already confident with her existence so does not have to shout and rant and kick up a fusion fuss. The moon's gravity makes the tides move and the waves become waves. It is a lesson that reverberates with all the wisdom of an asian master; looking not to where a nearby forceful source is but one far away and out of sight.

How would you commit murder?
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee" - John Donne 'Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions'.

If I was to murder someone then the murder would be calculated and done in the dark. The target being someone of power and influence and evil but out of reach of the long arm of the law. Their position offering them security, yet death as keeper to all keys can find its way. Having watched them in the dark from high up as a vengeful gargoyle, I would slip inside and slit their throat. A silent exist for a silent and clean kill.
Then again murder would be of the moment. While adrenaline courses through my veins and blood propels round my body, while power infuses my limbs I would kill. Primal and berserk and blind to the brutality they would die. With anger as a werewolf and desire to envelop them as a tentacled monstrosity. Followed by heavy breathing and sick floor-becomes-ceiling realisation of having committed the murder. Staring in disbelief as the beast lumbers back to it's cave within as normal.

What is your ideal life partner like?
"We could rule the world" - Take That 'Rule the World'.

My ideal life partner is a slight contradiction, or rather two beings or more in one. They would be a she as I am only comfortable to sleep content with a female next to me and to love their body not just their mind. She would be outgoing and a fiery storm that brings a whirlwind of action wherever she goes. A being you could not help but to notice and remember, and also sets a small fire in your heart.
Yet when just with me, she would sometimes say nothing more than what her eyes speak. And for all the action in the world, would bring divine serenity in our moments together where we do nothing but lie next ot each other beyond the wide sky.
Her essence would drag me into the tempest or her life and force me to join in with the world and actually do and experience things. Yet for all that, I would be a silent or spartan worded sanctuary should the need arise.
So that while the dragon breathes fire and brigns life-affirming heat to the world, she still has a soft underbelly, to which the monkey knows how to tickle and treat with care. The dragon being has force to conquer trials and tribulations to experience victory. But I, have wit and wonder to make a comment as we smash through a wall and bring a smile to dragon's face of grim grit.
Written by Viddax (Lord Viddax)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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