"Tolerate" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 17/1/2006

London ... has been said ...
in a .... " City Guide " ....

to be a ...

PLACE TO SEE ... !!!!!

but .....
You should ... " Recognise " ...

that ... prices are  ... HIGH ... !!!
Even for ... " A Short " ... train ride ... !!!

EVERYONE ... can expect ... !!!
to see .... " Tolerance " .... !!!!!!!!

Well .......

There are ...
Quite a few ways ... !!!
To Define ... TOLERATE ... !!!!!

It can mean ...

" ENDURE " ... " PERMIT " ...
and ... " ALLOW TO EXIST " ...

Further definitions ... INCLUDE ...

to .....

" Allow to be practised,
without interference,
or, molestation ! "

We'd ...
"better not mention" ...

School education ...
or problems caused ...
because of ... "Racism" ...

" Some " ...
DO ... " Tolerate " ...

A ... " Foreign Face " ...
but ... NOT ... Always ...
in ... " Respectful Ways " ... !!!

Some Racists ... PRETEND ...
That we're ...  ALL FRIENDS ... !?!

But .....
Would ... NEVER ...
Let ... " A Foreigner " ...

... In Their Bed ... !!!!!

If words like those ...
cause you .... OFFENCE .... !!!

Try to ...
" TOLERATE MATE " ... !!!!!

because ....
I've got .... MORE .... !!!
I .... NEED TO SAY .... !!!!!  

I Don't ... EXIST ... !!!!!
for you to ... " Sit " ...
and just ... " Permit " ...

MY RIGHT ... to live ... !?!
and .... TOLERATE ....
The things ... I say ... ?!?

Who told you ... ?
to think ... THAT WAY ... !?!

" So Many " ....  HATE .... !!!
A ... " Darkened Face " ...
and seem to ... " Think " ...
That's .... NO DISGRACE .... ?!!!?

and is ..... OKAY ...... !?!

How can this be ... ?
Even ... TODAY ... !?!?!

From .....

" New Age Slaves " ....
to .... Yesteryear ....

" MANY BLACKS " ....
have lived ... " IN FEAR " ... !!!!!
of facing .... ATTACKS .... !!!
that ... may bring ... TEARS ... ?!!!?

When ...
MURDERS come ...

We Hear .... " OH DEAR ... !!! "

while words we say ...
are ... QUICKLY CLAIMED ... !!!

to ...

" Deserve a place,
penned in, and, caged ! "

Where ....
We're ... THEN TOLD ...

"You're going to pay !
Your wordplay we,
won't tolerate !"

South Africans ... KNOW ...
how ... THAT ONE ... goes ... !!!!!

Mandela was ... sent ...
To Clearly ... " ROT " ...

DEEP INSIDE ... !!!!!! ...
A ... " Prison Hole " ... !!!!!

" London " ... can be ...
REALLY ... COLD ... !!!!!!!!

and CLEARLY has ...
NO STREETS ... of gold ... !!!

Unless you ... ENTERTAIN ...
The ... " Corporate Fold " ...

Well ....
Wherever I go .... !!!

I make it ... KNOWN ... !!!
by the way I ... " Move " ...

I ... " Tolerate " ... views ...
from ... " Racist Crews " ... !!!!!
who clearly ... " Choose " ...
to act like .... i'm ....

Not In .... The Room ... ?!?

But ......
Let them .... KNOW ....
Be ... " Cool " ...
and ... " Shrewd "  ...

and Try ... YOUR BEST ...
to ... NOT BE ... Rude ... !!!

and ...
DON'T ... Presume ...
that i'm a .... FOOL .... !!!!!!!!

I've been ... WELL SCHOOLED ... !!!
by .... TRUTHFUL CREWS ....

and .... " Study " .... YES ....
" Your " ..... Daily News ...... !!!

in ... THIS ... !!!

I Know ... About You ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't ... mess with me ...
and i'll ... " Tolerate " ... you ...
and find .... "The few" ....
Who ... Clearly choose ...
to ... see me as ...
" A HUMAN " ... too ... !!! ...

Now ...
Governments' ... view ...

... ZERO TOLERANCE ... !!!!!

is the ... " Best Defence " ... !!!
against ... " Terrorist Sects " ...

Whose words ... THEY CLAIM ... !!!

Clearly suggest ...
A Need for them ...
to make ... Violent Acts ...

But Surely ... This ...
will cause ... Problems ... ?!?
when ... INNOCENT MEN ...
become ... " Victims " ...
of .... " False Arrest " ....
and then are ... "KEPT" ...
for ... " PUNISHMENT " ...
and ... " Torture til' " ...

They're almost ... DEAD ... !!!!!

They say ... " Tolerate " ...
but then ... " DETAIN " ... ?!?

Those whose words ...
spread ... " Anger and Hate " ... !!!

They Clearly ...
Are Willing ... to ... " Tolerate " ...

But ....
Only those ...
who ... Don't Complain ...

But The ...
... Ku Klux Klan ...
and .... BNP .... ?!?!?

Have preached ... " Race Hate " ...
since the ..... " Good Ol' Days " ..... !!!!!

But ...
Even ..... " Today " ...... !?!

Does that seem ... FAIR ... ???

Do You ... REALLY CARE ... !?!

LET THEM ... Say ...
what they ... WANT TO SAY ... !!!

A Pendulum ... DOESN'T ...
Stop ... " Halfway " ... !!!!!

These ... " Double Standards " ...

"FILL" .... The Air ....

What makes them think ... ?
TEMPERS ... Won't Flare ... !?!

The air ... We Breathe ...
WE ALL ... should ... " Share " ... !!!!!

I Hope .... You People ....
are .... PREPARED .... !?!?!?!

because ...
" Hatred " ... now ...
is climbing ... Stairs ... !!!

Words like ... THOSE ...
Aren't meant to ... " Scare " ... !!!

But .... IGNORANCE ....
may take you ... " There " ... ?

" To " .... THAT PLACE ....
That's ... " NOT SO GREAT " ... !!!!!

So .... Tolerate ...
or ... " Accommodate " ... ?!?

NEITHER ... folks ...
and that's ... NO JOKE ... !!!

" WELCOME'S " ... The word ...
That Gets .... " MY VOTE " .... !!!

Try ... " Welcoming " ... !!!
with ... " Open Arms " ... !!!

and ...
STOP ... These Fights ... !!!
with ... Guns in Palms ... !!!!

" Harmony " ...
Breeds ... ENERGIES ...
That ... May just bring ... ?

.... " MORE UNITY " .... !!!!!!!!!

that helps ... more ... " Agree " ...
to ... " Disagree " ... and ...

DISMISS ................... Negativity ... !!!!!!!

I'd ... LIKE THAT FOLKS ... !!!

PLEASE ... " Believe Me " ... !!!

Truthfully ... and ... Honestly ... !!!!!

But ....
Clearly ... " Peace " ...
may now be ..... Lost .......................

To ... " Society's Streets " ...

for .... " Humanity " .... !!!

Those who choose ...
to ... TOLERATE ... That ...
have minds ... Now Lost ...
and ... Eternally ... "TRAPPED" ... !!!!!

I'm a ... PEACEFUL MAN ...
but ... I'll be ... DAMNED ... !!!!!

before i'd let ...
Racists ... ATTACK ...
and ... Not Attempt ...
to ... FORCE THEM BACK ... !!!!!!

God ...

Gave Me ... LIFE ...
for me to ... LIVE ... !!!

Let me ...
" Take You Back " .........
to my ... First Page ...

TOLERATE .... Can mean ...

" ALLOWED " ... to exist ...

So Who ... ??? ...

" Oversees " ... THIS ... !?!

Those who'd like ...
to see blacks ... " LYNCHED " ... ?!?

Does ... " White Supremacy " ...
STILL ............ " Exist " ............. ?!?

BELIEVE .... if you like ...
DISMISS .... if you don't ...

Slave Masters ... CLEARLY ...
STILL ...... "Have Hold" ......
of .... Many Blacks ....
Who've Lost ... " Their Souls " ... !!!!!

Blacks who ... " Choose " ...
To Take .... " Black Lives " ....
are WORSE ... Than Racists ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who are ..... " White " ......

London Lights ....
Do Still ... SHINE BRIGHT ... !!!

While Blacks .... STILL DIE ....
from ...... STUPID FIGHTS ....... !!!!!!!!!

"So, listen black !
Don't even try !
Killing each other,
is just not right !
Whoever you kill,
had a Black Mother !"

Would You ... Want YOURS ... ?
to lose you ... over ...

" POINTLESS WARS " ... ?!!!?

You ...
NEED TO ............ Take A ......................

PAUSE ...............................................................

and .... HELP THE CAUSE .... !!!!!!!!!

Use ... YOUR BRAIN ... !!!!!
and ... Stake a ... CLAIM ... !!!

Show ... LOVE and .... " Patience "

It's ... EASY to ... " Hate " ...
But ... HARD to ... TRUST ... !!!!!

So ....
Do Your ... BEST ...
to .... riSE ABOVE ....

Those who ... CLAIM ...

............ to ...........

..... " Tolerate " .....  

Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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