"Help" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 29/10/2005

So Many ... CLAIM ... !!!

They want to ... HELP ... !!!
but seem ... to me ...
To Help ... " Themselves " ... !?!

from ...  " Charities " ...
to .... " Families " ....
Who Help .......... long after ........

........  " TRAGEDIES " ........

Even those in ... " Poetry " ...
Seem ... " reluctant " ...
to ..... " Use Me " .....

because of words .....
They Hear ... me speak ...

Black and White ....
have ... " Fear-Filled Eyes " ...
When They ... Hear Me ...
.... Use A Mic ....

I'm Sure ... In Truth ...
It's NOT ... " Just Me " ... !!!!!
but those who ... " Don't " ...

Use ... " Processed Speech " ...
and ... REJECT ... joining ...

..... PHONEY CLIQUES .....

They ...
Seem to ... Like ...
How Things ... now are ... ?!?

... " ILLITERACY " ...

from ...
Class to ... Bars

Their form of ... " Help " ...
Hasn't ... " Got Us Far " ... !!?!!

My use of ... Speech ...
Ain't Always ... " Street " ...
and ... Doesn't Always ...

... Frighten Peeps' ... !!!!!!!

But Nowadays ....
that's how you reach ...
" Youth " ... whose lives ...
.... " FEEL " .... Incomplete ....

I've heard this said

"Virge, kids would,
really, love your words !"

and now i'm finding ...
it's ... " The Youth " ...
Who Like ... my stuff ...
and think it's ... " Cool " ...

So now ... I'd Like ...
to work ... in schools ... !!!
and touch ... these kids ...
with ... " Different Views " ...

That's ... A Start ...
but ... " Uni's " ... TOO ... !!!!!

because ...
they are ... " Deemed " ...
to have ... " The Youth " ...
who'll ... Run The World ...
and make ... STRONG MOVES ... !!!!!

but now ...
I've Got To ...
Go To School ... !!!!

to ... Prove that I ...
Can Teach ... The Youth ...

So Much for ....
These ... " Funded Groups " ... !!!

Are they trying to ...
....... " Help " ....... ?
or ... FILL THEIR BOOTS ... ?!?

Just like ... MANY ...
... " Aid Groups " ... DO ... !!!

I'm now ... " Confused " ... ?
and may .... " Refuse " ....
to do .... What's Right ....
and ... Help The Youth ...

While .... Parents Cry ....
into ... " TISSUES " ... !!!!!

The ... " Poetry Scene " ...
is ... FILLED ... with dreams ...

but ... Run by ... "Those" ...
who are ..... unseen .......

They ... FLY ...
through here ... !!!
and ... FLY ...
through there ... !!!

but ...
Never Seem ...
to be ... Prepared ...

to bring ... " Those In " ...
Who are ... NOT SCARED ... !!!
to speak ... " Their Mind " ...
Through ... " Clever Rhyme " ... !!!!!

and use ... The Truth ... !!!!!
to .... " Reflect Times " ....

Times that ... WARRANT ...

HARDCORE LINES .... !!!!!!!!!!!

" Well  " ... designed ...
and Yes ... " Refined " ... !!!
To ... HELP ... Our Youth ...
to ... STOP ... the crimes ...

Leading to ....
" Premature " ... FLATLINES ... !!!!!!!

Why ... " Decline " ... ?!?
to use ... " Such Rhyme " ... !?!

........ " Time " ..........

just ... Rolls on........................

You Can't ... REWIND ... !!!!!

and time ... Right Now ...
is .... " Running Out " ....
While ... groups like ... " These " ...
are .... " Making Pounds " .... !!!

and ...
Getting Grants ... !!!!!

to do ... " What's Right " ... ???
and .... ENERGIZE .... !!!
Our Youth to .... LIVE .... !!!!!


by ... using those ...
who write ... Good Prose ...
and ... KNOW  ABOUT ...
Life's HIGHS ... and ... lows ... !!!!!

From ...
Taking Dope ...
to ... Snorting Coc' ... !!!!!

because ....
things like ... these ...
ARE NOT .... A Joke .... !!!!!

and have left ...
MANY ... Young Hearts ...

...... BROKE ...... !!!!!!

It's ... CLEARLY TIME ... !!!!!!
to .... " Utilize " .... rhyme ....

If you don't believe me ...
Ask .... Stephen Fry .... !!!!

He LOVES ... poetry ...
as much as ... I ...

from ... Classics to ...
Contemporary Styles ...

when rap's done ... " WELL " ...
It Drives kids ..... WILD ..... !!!!!!

and when ... " Applied " ...
to ... " Childrens' Minds "

You may just find ... ?
They'll ... REJECT ...  " Crime " ...
and be ..... CONSTRUCTIVE .....
with .... Their Time .... ? !!! ? ....

These words of mine ...
are YES ... " Heartfelt " ...
but ... Wonder When ... ???
These Groups will ... " Smell " ...
The Coffee ... and will ...

REJECT ... Tea ... !!!!!

and ... Utilize ...
My poetry ....

cos' words I write ...
Are Worth ... money ... !!!
and ... NEED TO BE ...
Passed on with ... STEALTH ... !!!!!

cos' right now ... I ...
DON'T LIKE ... The Smell ... !!!!!!

of those who ... CLAIM ... !!!

They're ... trying to ...

....... " HELP " ....... !!!
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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