DuMb dUmB..

The King’s hireling knight mentioned one night  
to the Jester that sat aimlessly playing at the foot of the King’s thrown..  
..’for one who knows so many wise tales  
you seem to me dumber than a pouch of rocks  
I know the King requires.. but your want seems to match in desire  
to wear such colorful getups and long ludicrous sox..  
Do you not care for such wisdom you know and spew  
through all your silly tales?..  
to think if you were not dumb but the wiser  
you could be counsel in high court to thy faithful Sire.. is true that by merely the simplness of you being a Fool  
the King holds a favored spot in the pit of his heart for you..’  
the Jester in turn changed expression quickly  
from a smile on face to one frowned and whimpering..  
dropping the balls he tossed high and catching low  
then stated..  
..’your words hurt my feelings you stoutly Knight of a fellow  
whatever could I say to save face being that I am simply a fool?..  
a tool used for amusement..  
unlike your devotion to securing the Kingdom.. killing and keeping secrets..  
now would it be right that I pick and choose that of your likes and leisure?..  
for being marked a Fool and truly being one are altogether different..  
you sound displeased that I be dumb as a satchel of rocks  
my wearing colorful clothes and long ludicrous sox you know at no time do I quarrel or have question of your role  
and indeed I pay it a compliment to be compared to a bag of stones..  
you see dear Knight that stones are master of the art being dumb  
hold to no line of deception.. they simply are what they are..  
to think they were here before even you and i..  
and will more than likely be around after we two are long gone..  
yes dear Knight.. it is my practice to be dumb..  
dumb like the natural flow of water in a river..  
or that of the insatiable hunger of fire..  
..this I prefer than to be the wiser and hold false counsel for my faithful Sire..  
for the Wise are Masters of yesterday and hopeful foretellers of tomorrow’..  
the Knight interjected..  
..’the Wiser are great men of thought..  
Teachers of technique and the difference of war being won or lost..  
Counselors to the King about many things…  
being dumb is that of being mindless and thoughtless  
easily being one to take advantage of.’..  
clearing his throat the Jester rebutted..  
..’if the Wiser holds Wisdom that be true as a rock.. of solid foundation..  
would not each one considered the Wiser always tend to stand in agreement?..  
..thinker of thoughts hold true to their own perceptions of importance  
each being different as there are leaves on a tree..  
like rain making mud of dusty old streets..  
can the wise predict that of the avalanche that may change the path of the river bed?..  
dumb like water is content to be that of a river or as well a dammed Lake made from said avalanche debris..  
when the Wise are proven wrong..  
are they content with being labeled that of unknowing or even being that considered Dumb?’..  
the Knight contemplated to tangle words with the Jester but before he could the Fool motioned..  
by wagging his finger and speaking with bowed head..  
..’dear gallant Knight with all due respect..  
again I say I hold no quarrel or question of your or any others' role..  
the Wiser. thy King.. the Baker.. the Shoe Smith.. the Popper or that of any sort..  
I am merely an observer of a Game being played..  
a game involving each Player playing their part the best they know to play…  
and the rules are as such:  
..for there to be Down there must be an Up..  
..Truth has no life if not attached to a Lie..  
..North and South are opposing ends of the same stem.. as Dark is the sister of Light’..  
the Knight raised his hands in surrender and said..  
..’okay!.. okay!.. Sir. Jester I apologize..  
from my mentioning your colorful clothes and ludicrous sox..  
to insultingly comparing you to a bag of rocks..  
but please do spare me the rest of your dribble..  
like you said my chosen role is killing. Keeping secrets and protecting our Sire’s Kingdom..  
I shall let you let back to your play.. as well I shall continue along to my Game..  
be it all the same I now understand why the King has such a special place reserved in his heart..  
..even for the likes of a Dumb Dumb such as you’..  
..’as I do you Sir. Knight.’..  
>8^) TheJester  
Written by RedHot_Peppers
Published | Edited 30th Apr 2014
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