Myth of Hawk

      She looked down from the seer’s pool, searching for one who was true. Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, being bored of the pretentiousness of the Gods, sought for goodness and strength in mankind with little hope. Since Orion’s death and the treachery of Adonis, she found no hope in the deities as well, resigned to the fact that her loneliness would consume her.
Worried for her sadness, her father, Zeus consoled Artemis and counseled in the ways of the Gods. “It is the way we are, Artemis. Surrender your virginity and lay with Alpheus and bear a God. It is the only way” he said while straightening her tunic.
“He only loves himself and the pleasures he receives from the mouths of goats” Artemis chided. “He is not my equal in the forest or with the bow. His gifts are irrelevant to me, and any other woman, for that matter. He is the least of those who seek my chastity” she said as Zeus watched a lonely tear drop from her cheek into the seer’s pool, causing ripples onto the skies of mankind.
Zeus looked down from the pool and asked her, “Have you considered my servant Hawk? He is the least of men that I see, but his heart is true and he holds his pride as a treasure for only the meek. He searches as do you for an equal in his gifts.”
“He is hidden from me, father, and invisible. Where is his place, and where does he tread?” she asked.
“He is there, in the mountain village of Davidea, where he waits in the sun for a dream” Zeus answered.
Artemis for days gazed upon Hawk as he walked the mountain trails and village streets, helping all whose paths he crossed. “He thinks only for others” she thought to herself as her studying caught the attention of Apollo and Adonis.
“Why such interest in a man?” asked Adonis. “He is the least of the men I have seen in ages” he laughed. “She finds all Gods to be boring, it seems” injected Apollo as both the males laughed at her interest of anything ungodly.
“He is true and selfless, and is no less great than any Gods that I know. Especially the pettiness of those present here now” she exclaimed as Adonis’ anger grew.
“Sister.  Anger not Adonis the Great. His jealousy over you will lead to trouble for this man” Apollo said under his breath.
“He cannot have me never the less, Apollo. You know I do not fear him or his lack of skill in the heavens” Artemis reacted loudly.
“Still, sister. Do not cross him” he reciprocated.

Secretly and cautiously, Artemis watched down on Hawk and was in wonder with his skills in the wilderness and his prowess in the hunt. “He is a man much like a god in his ways and deeds” she thought as she began to fall in love with this human.  “I will quicken away and come to him in a dream. I must know the nature of his heart and soul”.
As Hawk was hunting a massive bear that was raiding the villages of Davidae, he found his secret hide in the cliffs on the Mount of Blue. As he had done for years, he took comfort and rest on a huge stone in the sun of the cutout. Disrobed and naked in the sun, he fell into a deep sleep, knowing that he was safe, as the bear could not enter the small gap and access his hide.
With the swiftness of a hunter, Artemis drew an arrow full of stars and shot the skies of mankind, causing all to freeze in their tracks, making time stand still for her. She approached Hawk at the speed of light and lay next to him in the sun. With a kiss meant for a god, Artemis lay her lips upon Hawk’s, awakening him.
Once Hawk realized that he was in the presence of the Huntress Goddess, he coward in shame, for he was naked and unworthy. “Why has thou come to me, oh great goddess?” he asked ask he shook with fear.
“Fear not, Hawk. For we are the same!” she answered.
“How does the Goddess know my name? Know of me”.
“I have been watching you from above and your kindness to all tells me of your character. And you, sir, are worthy. Will you receive me, man?” she asked.
“What can I, as a man, offer you, Chaste Goddess of the hunt and the moon?”
“Not what you can offer me, but I to you! I want to receive you as a man, and give myself to you as a woman, not a goddess” and without any more words, stepped out of her tunic and bared herself to him. Hawk embraced the goddess and felt her as warm as a woman. Her taste as sweet as the honeys of the forest. Her scents as sweet as the fields.
Hawk bent Artemis forward over the great stone, her breasts warming on its surface. Kneeling down behind her, with his tongue, gave her oral pleasure that she has only dreamt of causing floods of joys to stream upon his lips. And with the thunder, high in the sky, Artemis released the stars from her soul as she screamed salutations of pleasure for this man, whose pleasure was in her pleasing.
Dripping stars and sweating joy, Artemis turned and received Hawk as a deep and rocking pleasure, while he shared her stars with her. Lip upon lip. Tongue tingling tongue. Hard and strong was Hawk in his deed as the goddess rode the wind, finding lust and bliss in him, stars pouring from her down upon him screaming ecstasy.
Fully filled and fulfilled, Artemis gazed the light into Hawk’s eyes and knelt before him as if he were a god. She took him in her mouth and blew the fire of life into him as he melted to her touch, releasing his seed of pleasure onto her.
Warmed and complete, she pulled Hawk close and shown the world to him in a kiss. “As you ever look into a woman’s eyes, you will only see me, oh man of kindness, man of rapture” Artemis whispered as she drew herself into the night sky, christened with the crescent moon.
“Your curse is my pleasure, goddess” he whispered back as Artemis watched the last word from Hawk’s lips from the seer’s pool. She sat pleased and mellifluous, ever looking down upon him, waiting. Waiting again for him to dream upon his great stone on Mount Blue. Dreaming of her. Dreaming of stars.
Written by hawkdude
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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