"One of THEM !!!" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 8/9/2006

" She's " ...
One of THEM ... !!!
Who ... " DISMISSES " ... Men ... !!!!!!!

because she says ...
She's ... INDEPENDENT ... !!!!!
and ... in this case ...
" This One " ... is ... French ...

She's ... " One of Them " ...
who ......... "avoids" ........ questions ...... ?!?

" Doesn't Answer " .....
HER PHONE ... ?!?
or ... Respond to ....
.... " Texts " ....  ???

But .....
CLAIMS ... that she ...
IS NOT ... " Shallow " ... !?!

Well ....

This is ... How ...
" The Story " ... goes ...

She .....
DOESN'T TAKE ... " E's " ... !!!
So she ..... " Says " .....

But ... it's my guess ... ?
She'll do ... Some Coc' ... !?!

She's ...
One of ... THEM ... !!!
who ... " Plays With Men " ... !!!

So .....
Watch yourself fellas ... !!!
Don't get .... TOO CLOSE .... !!!!!

INDEPENDENT ... " Yes " ...
or ... So she ... " Says " ... ?!?

An ... " Intellectual " ...
Who ... CLAIMS She ... " Thinks " ... !!!

But is ... from the school ...
where men ... Buy Her ... " Drinks " ... ?!?

You Know ... " The Type " ... !!!
About whom ..... I write .....

They ... " Appear " ... ?!?
to be .... " Nice " ....

But .....
TRUST ME ... Guys ... !!!

You'll Pay ... THE PRICE ... !!!
If ... You Don't ... HOLD ...

" Your Wallet " ... TIGHT ... !!!!

Girls like this ...
and YES ... " Women " ... !!!

Tend to be .....
" BIG FEMINISTS " ..... !!!

Who ... end up with ...
" Male Chauvinists " ... !?!

because ... " These Men " ...
Don't Give ... " TWO SHITS " ...
What ... these girls ... " Think " ...

They just ... " Unzip " ...
and spread ... " Their Lips " ...

" Bitches " ... like ... THIS ...
Just ... make me ... SICK ... !!!!!

Some resort to ... " Lesbians " ... ?!?
while some just ... CLEARLY ... !!!
Make ..... " BAD PICKS " ..... !!!! .....

Shag Buddies ...
Who Are .... NASTY .... !!!!!

Dick Dastardlys' ....
with ... " Slick Lyrics " ... !!!
to get their ... " Dicks " ...

UP IN .... " BITCHES " .... !!!!

So ....
let me ask you ... THIS ... ?

Does it make you ... " Twitch " ... !!!
when I use ... The Word ... BITCH ... ?!!!?

Well ... Nowadays ...
Most girls ... Behave ...
Like ... " Being A Bitch " ...

Runs Through ... THEIR VEINS ... !!!!!
because their ..... " Brains " .....
have been ..... " Swept Away " .......

by things ... These ....
Female ... Pop Stars ... say ...

How Many of .... THEM ... ???
have spread their lips ....
for .... " Businessmen " ....
with .... "Tiny Dicks" .... !!!!!

Who ...
BUY THEM ... " Fame " ...

" TOO MANY TO NAME !!!!! "

Bitches who ... CLAIM ... !!!
" The Don't ... play games " ...

"Did he have to use ?
THAT WORD, again ?!?"

"I'm afraid so BITCH !
You know your name !"

It's ... such a ... PAIN ... !!!

The ... " Coolest Girls " ...
are ... " RARELY " ... those ...
Who ... ROCK ... mens' worlds ... !?!

It seems we have ... ?
" OURSELVES " ... to blame ...

Most men ... want
..... " A Bitch " .....
whose ... " Attractive " ... !!!

Who ... Cooks and Cleans ... !!!
and has a .... " Brain " ....

Then ... gets in bed ...
and acts ... " INSANE "... !!?!!

CRAZY SEX ... !!!!!
... and ...
NOTHING ... Less ... ?!?

But .....
That's a ... " DREAM " ...
We ... NEED TO ... FORGET ... !!!!!

because ..... " NOBODY " .....
is ............. " PERFECT " ............. !!!!!!

and YES ... Those words ...
Apply to .... " Men " .... !!!!!!

But ... " Ladies " ...
If you're ... One of ... THEM ... !?!

Who ... " Likes to " ...
" Play Around " ... with men ...

REMEMBER ... !!!!!!
You Can ... be ... " Played Too " ... !!!!!!!

and men who ...
.... " Play " ....
Tend to .... ABUSE .... !!!!!

and make you ... CRY ...
Into .... " Tissues " .... !!!! ....

Don't be ... " A FOOL " ... !!!

What you ..... PUT OUT .....
"Comes Back" ... to ... YOU ... !!!!!

So .....
If a guy ...
is NOT ... " Your Type " ...

Do what's ... RIGHT ... !!!
Just say ... " Goodbye " ... !!!

But .....
If you ... " Like Him " ...

DON'T ... Deny ... ?!!!? ...
Just be ... " Straight Up " ..
and ... SPREAD ... " Those Thighs " ... !!!!!

Instead of having ...
" Lonely Nights " ...

because you want to ...
... " Make Him ..................

....... Wait " ....................

These ... " Needless Games " ...
You ... " Choose " ... to play ...

May make him .... " Think " ....

"This triflin' bitch,
is playing, tricks !
It's time for me,
to make my play,
with women who,
don't act this way !"

and then ... Of course ... !!!

She'll want to ... CHASE ... !!!
like .... Hungry Hoards .... !!!!

" Chase " ...
Dinner Plates ... !!!!!

What ... " is it " ... That ...  ?!?
Makes ... Girls ... " Do This " ... ???

Act like ..... DIZZY ..... !!!!!

" Dumb " ... Blonde Chicks ... !?!

It's like ... A DRUG ...
They Can't Refuse ... to ...

....... " Hit " ....... !!!!!!
It's CLEAR ... this is ...
The Way ... of things ... ?!?

Don't you think ... ?!?
It's time to ... " Enlist " ...

A More ... " UPLIFTING " ...
Type of .... " Fix " .... !!! ....

Before .... " We Lose " ....
This ... " Wondrous Gift " ...
of .... " Finding Love " ....
and .... " Happiness " .... !!!!!

Man and Woman ...
Woman and Man ...

Isn't that .... ?
A ... BETTER PLAN ... !!!

Than Dildo's ... or ...
Using ... " Your Hand " ... !?!

These days ... it's hard to ...

........ " Understand " .........

Womens' ways .....
If You're ... A MAN ...
Who ... WILL NOT TAKE ...
Their .... " Stupid Games " .... !!!

Girls like ... " THESE " ...
Who ... Like To ... " PLAY " ...
are .... " Normally " ....

One Long ... HEADACHE ... !!!!!!!!!!

Be CAREFUL ... Boys ... !!!!!!!!
with ... Who ... you chase ...

Don't let ... THEM THINK ... !!!
They Rule ... " Your Dick " ...

.... " USE " ....
" Your Brain " ... !!!!!

Don't Play ... " Their Game " ...
PULL .... " Their Cards " ....
and ... EXPOSE ... " Their Tricks " ... !!!!!

Before ....
You ... End Up ...
with a ... BITCH ... !!!!!

Who's ...


IF ....... She says ...
She's ... INDEPENDENT ... !!!

and CLAIMS ....

"She doesn't, need a man !!!" .....

It's likely that ....

She's ...........................

" One of ... THEM !!! "  
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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