Why I am Still Alive

In my darkest moments,
In my darkest hours,
In my darkest days,
And in my darkest nights
I felt all alone like nobody cared.

The monsters I feared
that were in my closet,
the dark hallways,
and down the dark stairs
disappeared from the dark.

They moved themselves,
Transformed themselves,
And settled somewhere much deeper.

I still feared them.
Still thought they were there.
It's too good to be true
for them to be gone.
I was right.
The monsters now lived inside me.

I was in pain.
I was in misery.
I wanted it all to go away.
I tried to get rid of the pain,
but all I could do was numb it.

I painted on a fake smile.
Wanted no one to see
what I was hiding.
No one would ever understand.

I fought a battle
that would go on for years.
I would cut myself
to know I'm still alive.
I wanted to kill myself,
but I feared death.
Just wanted the pain to stop,
the misery to stop,
and for the monsters to die.

How am I still here?
How did I survive?
Why am I still alive?
These questions
have been running through my mind.

My family knew I was destroying myself.
They tried and tried again to help me.
I was put into therapy,
put on medication.
I was in and out of hospitals,
and constantly switched schools.

I wanted to get well.
I knew i had a problem,
knew I needed help.

Why I am still alive
is because of my family,
The idea of getting better,
all the therapists
that helped unravel my monster,
and the bands I look up to
that helped me get through the day.
That's why I'm still alive.
Because of them
and the choice to get better.
Written by brokeninside2024 (Keeper of souls)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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