"Love Thy Neighbour" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 11/1/2006

" Love Thy Neighbour " ....
for those ...  
Who Don't ... know ...
was a ... 70's Show ...  
that used ... " Racist Jokes " ...  
to show how it ... goes ...  
with some ... English Folks ...  
" FEAR " ... of Blacks ...  
and that's ... JUST THAT ... !!!
Things .....  
Haven't changed much ...  
and that's a ... FACT ... !!! ...
But some ... " White Girls " ...
Take time ... and  ... " Learn " ...
That ... Black men ... KNOW ...
What ROCKS ... " Their Boat " ... !!!
Some White Men ... HATE ... !!!!!
to ... see them .......... Stray ............  
"Into Beds" .... where ....  
Black Men .... LAY .... !!! ....
Because .......
Like ... " They Say " ...  
"If he's not on crack !
Once they've had black,
they won't turn back !"
Now I ... DON'T BELIEVE ...  
That ... This is ... " True " ... !!!!!
cos' girls ... these days ...
are ... " SO CONFUSED " ... ?!?
because of .... " DRUGS " ...
and ..... TV News ......  
that leaves them ...  
...... " Lost " ...... ?? !!! ??
and with ..... ISSUES ...... !!!!!  
" Love Thy Neighbour " ... ?  
Do me a ... " Favour " ... !!!!!!!
Girls these days ...
Make Love ... HARD LABOUR ... !!?!!
But .....
As i've said ...
" The Show " ... Reflects ...
on how ... " Racists " ...  
Try To .... " INFECT " .... !!!
The minds of ... YES ... !!!
Their groups of ... " FRIENDS " ... !!!!!
from stories .... " Bred " ....  
from ... IGNORANCE ... !!!!!!
"It's just the way they are !"
..... They Say .....
"Without a brain,  
and, taught to rape !"
"Hold on there mate !
The News, these days,
has set things, straight !"
"It seems, some whites
are, not so nice !
and like to sex,
young child, you'll find !
Yes, those profiled,
as Paedophiles !"
"It's just the odd one !"
 I Hear them CRY ... !!!!
Like those ... " Employed "
by ... " Government Types "
with .... SEX OFFENCES ...
on their .... " File " .... ?!!!?
"You're INSANE " ... to claim ...
You're ... CIVILISED ... ?!!!?  ...
when kids are ... " Abused " ...
by .... " Teacher Types " ....  
Most crimes by ... Blacks ...  
Aren't of ... THAT STYLE ... !!!
Most Blacks ... commit crimes ...
to .... " JUST SURVIVE " .... !!!!!  
" Love Thy Neighbour " ...
PROVED ... that blacks ... !!!
Face ..... Racism ....
whilst having to ... " Labour " ... !!!!!
Just to keep ....
Themselves ... OFF STREETS ... !!!
where ... " Lives of Crime " ...  
are then ... " Designed "...  
and then the ...  
" Racists Say " ...  
"Black people,
have got no shame !!!"  
Well ...
The show was ... STOPPED.
in ... Seventy Six ...  
because of ... Complaints ...
about ... What it ... " Portrayed "
Well ....
Things ... Seem the same ... ??!??
We're ... STILL VICTIMS ...
of ... " English Racists " ... !!!!!
They say,  
" Love Thy Neighbour " ...
couldn't ... air today ...
WHY ..... ??? ! ???
because it shows ...
Old English Ways ... !?!
" RACISM " ...
..... and .....
Good old ... HATE ... !!!!!!
So .....
" Love Thy Neighbour " ...
What do you say ... ???
How'd you like to wake up
to my ..... " Black face " ..... ???
Do you feel ... "ashamed"  
of ... what you'll ... SAY ... ?!?!?
Let me ... Explain why ...
You feel ... like that ...  
You've been ...  
... " Programmed " ...
to ... see us ... THAT WAY ...  
THE DARKER ... We Are ...
The lower .... our grade .... !!!
EVEN ... Today ... ?!!!?
Some ... think that way ...
" PROGRAMMED " ... Okay ... !!!
But .....
You have a ... BRAIN ... !! ? !!
I'm speaking ... MY MIND ...
and ... WON'T APOLOGISE ... !!!!!
Some blacks ... STILL THINK ...
that they .... are .... WHITE .... ??!??
Are you ... SURPRISED ... ?
Well you .....
Uncle Tom ... " Guys " ... !!!
May just be ... " FIRST " ...
to hear ... " These Words " ...  
"Those, Black People
are worse than, dirt !"
So ....
Uncle Toms' .... ?
Do those words ... HURT ... ?!?
The colour of ... Your Skin's
Still deemed to be ... " A SIN " ... !!!
Thirty Years ....... on ........
" Love Thy Neighbour's " .... gone ....
But Racism ....
Keeps moving .... ON .... !!!
and STILL ... we have ...  
These ... " UNCLE TOMS " ...
Some who .... CLEARLY ....
Now wear ... " THONGS " ... !!!!!!!!
From ... " New Orleans " ...  
to .... " English Streets " ....  
RACIST ... Police ...
and subtle ... " Schemes " ...
Like ...  
Making SURE ...
... " My Poetry " ...  
is kept ... "unseen" ...  
by those who ... " Choose " ...
To RUN ... from ........... TRUTH .............
" These Days " ... it seems ...  
There's ..... QUITE A FEW ...... !!!!!
Who ... "hide behind" ...
A ... CROCK OF LIES ... !!!
Those who run ...
Most ... Poetry Nights ...
seem ... "CLOSELY LINKED" ...  
to .... " Government Types " .... !!!?!!!
" FUNNY, That ... !?! "  
I'm a bit ... surpRISED ...
That's ....
NOT QUITE ... True ... !!!
Moves ... They Make ...
are so ... " SEE THROUGH " ...  
I Now ... " Care Not " ...  
for things ... " They Do " ... !!!
I'm ... NOT ... in this ...
to ..... " Influence " .... !!!
or to ... make myself ...    
..... " New Friends " ..... !!!
But Girls .... HELL YES ....
I Love ... Straight Sex ... !!!!!
There's NO ... better friend ...  
Than YOU ... in the ... NUDE ...
On My ... " Double Bed " ... !!!!!!!
SEE ....
I Play it ... STRAIGHT ...
That's right ... I'M NOT ... gay ... !!!!!!!
and DON'T ... " Play Games " ...  
UNLIKE ... these blokes ...
who use ... " weak quotes " ...  
to ... Make You ... " Think " ...  
They'll ... ROCK ... " Your Boat " ... !!!
But .....
Enough of ... THAT ... !!!!!
Will ... Whites and Blacks ... ?
Ever ... " Face The Facts " ... ?
Before ... Governments ...  
Make things ... COLLAPSE ... !!!!!
I Suggest .....
You ... THINK ABOUT THAT ... !!!!!!
UNITY's ... A Flavour ...
I Would ... SAVOUR ... !!!!!!
I'd rather have ... THAT ...
Than ... Cash-Type Paper ... !!!
So ....
Come On Folks ... !!!!!
Do Us ... ALL ... A FAVOUR ... !!!!!
Try doing this ...  YES ... !!!!!
PLEASE ......
" Love Thy Neighbour " ..... !!!!!
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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