"Radical" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 1/12/2005

I've heard these words

SO MANY TIMES ... !!!!!!

"Virge, you've got,
some, Radical rhymes !!!"

I'm really beginning ...
to ... wonder ... WHY ... ?!?!?

Could it be because
I speak my mind
and ... am not shy ...
to speak about ... WHITES ... !?!

" Radical " ...... Can mean ...
Fundamental ... Inherent ...
and ..... ESSENTIAL ..... !!!

But ...
Use of ... My Mental ...
through pad and pencil
or better still .... PEN ....

CLEARLY .... causes ...
" Some " ... OFFENCE ... !!!!!

I'm wondering when
they'll see ... the truth ...

and face problems
and STOP ... suggesting ...
that .... Guys like ... ME ...
are .... " RADICAL MEN " .... !!!!!

They seem ... FRIGHTENED ... ?!?
of ... messages sent ...
that feed the truth
to our children ...

They LUST ... "Control" ...
and think they'll ... NEVER ...
Pay the toll ...
For ... Lies they ... HOLD ...
That are ... " UNTOLD " ...

Well ...
The day ... WILL COME ...
when ... Their heads will ... ROLL ... !!!!!

Times like ... THESE ...
are ... " DANGEROUS " ... !!!!!
when we have ... " Kids " ...

Shooting ... BULLETS ... !!!!!

NOW ...
Acts like ... THIS ...
are ... TRULY COLD ... !!!!!

But ...
I'm the one ...
Who's ... RADICAL ... ??!??

I guess that's because ...
I'm ... BLACK and TALL ...
and have ... REJECTED ...

..... " Basketball " ...... !!!!!!

But ...
use my voice
to make the ... CALL ... !!!!!

... " Bureaucrats " ...
Now NEED TO ... Fall ... !!!!!

Even if ... I am ...
... " Blackballed " ... !!!!!

I'm ... ALREADY BLACK ... !!!!!
I'm used to ... that ...
as I am ... " Exclusion " ...
that's a ... FACT ... !!!! ...

" Racism " .....
Goes ... SO FAR BACK ... !!!!!!!!!

That ... people now ...
Think ... men like me ...
should just ... " calm down " ...

"I should be Grateful !!!"

"May I ask, what for ?"

"Some black people,
are now, Adored !"

""But, what about those,
who remain poor ?
or, those like me,
who still can't walk,
through, certain doors !"

"Young man, you have,
some, Radical Thoughts !"

Words like ... THOSE ...
"within' ... My Prose ...

Simply Show .....

It's NOW ... About ...
the way I ... THINK ... !!!

NOT ... about ...
My ... " Darkened " ... Skin ... !!!!

But ....
THAT ... For Certain ...
Does Not ... help ... !!!! ...

I'm Deemed ... to be ...
A .... " RADICAL " .... !!! ....

because ... My Mind ...
is .... " Clinical and Quizzical " ....
and ... Questions things ... " Political " ... ???

Why ... !?!

Well because ... Otherwise ...
I may start being ... PHYSICAL ... !!!!!

I've made ... My Choice ...
So now .... " Scribble " ....

My Questions ....

Keeping them ...
... " Simple " ... !!!!!

Of course ... !!!!!
I'm somewhat ... " Critical " ...
of groups who ... FEAR ...

...... INDIVIDUALS ......

Such as ... ME ...

They Fear ... my speech ...
and ... YES ...
My style of .... " Poetry " ....
and keep on saying ....

"I'm SCARY !!!!!!"

"They" ...
Choose to be ...
" Pretentious " ... !?!

and say ... I am ...
" Contentious " ... !!!

"They" ... Really are ...
.... So ... " Precious " ... !!!

About ...
Their use of ... " Letters " ... !!!

These people are ...
" Pretenders " ... !!!!!!

and probably had ...
Forefathers ...

Who Kept Slaves in ...
" Their Cellars " ... !!!!!

Well ... I am an ...
... " UPSETTER " ... !!!

Just like ...
" Lee Perry's " ... Fellas ... !!!

and YES ...
No Matter ... WHAT THEY DO ... !!!
These Snakes will NEVER ... " QUELL US " ... !!!!!

See ...
I'm ... NOT LIKE ... " Marcellus " ... !!!!!

" Pulp Fictioned " ...
with ... " THE GIMP " ..

" Bent Over " ... RAPED ... !!!!!
and ... Watched by ... " HIM " ... !!!!!

Who's sitting ... waiting ...
" Licking Lips " ...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now ...
THAT ... to me ...
IS ... RADICAL ... !!!!!

But ... ?
Seems to be ... " Acceptable " ... !!!

Well ... CLEARLY ...

I'm More ... DANGEROUS ... ?!?
than those ... who do ...
THIS ... " Kind of Stuff " ... !?!?!?!

Come On Now Folks ... !!!
Your record's ... BROKE ... !!!

I Don't take ... " Coke " ... !!!
and ... Don't Believe in ...
Guns that .... " SMOKE " .... !!!!!

So ....
How am ... I ... ?

A ... " RADICAL BLOKE " ... ?!?

Views you ... HOLD ...
are such a ... " Joke " ... !!!

I SEE ... !!!
Ofcourse ... !!!!!

It's things I say ...
About ... " POLICE " ...

and the ... Lies they ... FEED ... !!!!!

NEVER MIND ... !!!
The men .....
They BEAT ... On streets ... !!!!!
Then ... " Cop A Plea " ...
of ... " NOT GUILTY " ... !!!!!

THESE ... are things ...
" Requiring " ... SPEECH ... !!!!!

Life ... SHOULD BE ...
in ... " Poetry " ... !!!!!!!

Reality ... or ... Fantasy ...
My Wordplay ... REJECTS ...

..... FALLACIES ..... !!!!!

But ... talks about ...

Humanity ... Tragedies
Profanities ... and YES ... !!!
The Things ... that ...

.... " ANGER ME " .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But ...
Don't you see ... ?

My Poetry ...
is NOT ABOUT ... me ... !!!

It's ... Looking for ...
A place where ... " WE " ...
CAN ... All be ... " FREE " ...
and ... Live in ... " Peace " ... !!!

Ofcourse ... THAT"S IT ...

I've been ... SO THICK ... !!!!!

It's ... NOT ABOUT ...
These .. DUMB RACISTS ...

" Divide and Conquer " ... !!!
THAT'S ... " The Trick " ... !!!!!

I'd be a ... STAR ...
If  I ... spoke of ... CASH ...
and ... " Flashy Cars " ...
and ... ROBBING HOUSES ...
With .... " Crowbars " .... !!!!!

I guess ... THIS WAR ...
will ... NOT BE WON ... ?!?

because of ... " Those " ...
Who Are ... " The Ones' " ... !!!!!

.... HYPOCRITES .... !!!

Who FEED ... The Wheel ...
of .... " SEP-AR-A-TION " ....

They NEED ...
A Long .............. SABBATICAL .......... !!!!!

That would be ...
So ....................... MAGICAL ......... !!!!!!!!!!!!

and then ... a guy ...
who speaks like ... me ...

Would ... NOT BE SEEN ...

As .... " RADICAL " .... !!!!!!

Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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