"That's Right" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 19/3/2007

Yeah ... THAT'S RIGHT ... !!!!!!

I'M NOT YOUR BITCH ... !!!!!!!!!!

Say ... What you like ...
But Don't ... EVER THINK ... !!!
That You ... " CONTROL " ...
How ... My Life ... goes ... !!!!!!!!

You're ... CLEARLY LOST ... !!!
and in a ... " Zone " ...
with the ... " Rest of the Clones " ...
Unable to ... " STOP " ...
Your lips from ... " Saying " ...

..... " Stupid Things " ..... !!!!?!!!!

If I was your bitch ...
You'd get ... DISMISSED ... !!!!!

You're a walking, talking ....
" Useless " ..... DICK ..... !!!!!!!

Whose ...
Thought waves .... STINK .... !!!!!
of something ... NEEDING ...
time with .... " Shrinks " .... !!!!!!!!!!

HOW DARE YOU ... Try ... !!!
to say that .... " I " ....
should just come ... " RUNNING " ...
when you ... " Call " ... ?!? ...

Let me tell you something ...

Your Downfall ...
will come from ... HIGH ...

Look at me ...
I'm ... TALL ... !!!!!!!

While .... YOU .... !!!
are ..... "small" ......

in mind and ... size ... !!!


" THAT'S RIGHT " .... !!!!!!!!!

It is .... " Unwise " ....
to mess with ... " Minds " ...

NOT ... " simplified " ...
by ... " Foolish Pride " ...

You ... CLEARLY ... are ...
One of ... " Those Guys " ...

A JACKASS ... of ...

The ... " Human Kind " ... !!!

But ...
" Some " ... Females Too ...
are quite ... " Confused " ... ?!?

by views they hold ...
That ... make them ... BOLD ...

One night ... I was ... TOLD
by ... One of their ... " Fold "

"You're a diva !
and a bully !"

which she thought ....
was .... " FUNNY " .... !!!!!

Until I ... " Chose " ...
to ... TWIST ... The Joke ... !!!

"Are you snorting coke ?
be careful what you say,
in a public place, cos'
we both know, how the story goes !
I asked you out, and tried to be nice !
So, come on now ! Can you explain why,
you never replied to the text I sent ?
Once I mentioned black men, being in
your bed, it was like that text,
left you, fingerless ?"

Now she may not be ...
Out and Out ... " Racist " ... ?

But closets ... "Keep" ...
Some ... " Dark Secrets " ... !!!

Trust me ... " THAT'S RIGHT ! " ...

" People " ... of ...
ALL ... Colour Types ...  !!!

Don't like to look ...
"Inside" ... THEMSELVES ...  !!!
cos' some ... get ... SHOOK ... !!!!
when .... " Cracking Shells " .... !!!!!

What they use to ... " Protect " ...
has ... " Little Defence " ... !!! ...
against ... " REALITY CHECKS " ...
That .... " Question Them " .... ???
What ... they stand for ...
and ... What ... THEY CLAIM ...

" This Piece " ... Fa Sure ... !!!
" Will Hurt " ...  Their Brains ... !!!!!

The types who ... " Choose " ...
to .... " HURL ABUSE " .... !!!!! ....
from ... " FAR " ........... Awaaaaaaaayyyyyy

Where they ... " Feel Safe " ...

They're .....
Out There Folks ... !!!    
and that's ... NO JOKE ... !!!!

The ones' who ... LIKE TO ...
"hide behind" .....

Fake Hugs and ... " Smiles " ...
and being ..... " Nice " ...... !!!!!

You Know ... I'm Right ... !!!
They're ... " So Polite " ... !!!!
instead of .... Just ....
Being ..... " Forthright " .....

They choose to ... "hide" ...
Behind a ... " Pint " ...
or like ..... " Divas " .....
Behind a ... " Mic " ... !!!!!

The words I ... write ...
UPSET .... " Their Kind " ... !!!!!

Because they're thinking .....

"Who am I !?!
to speak about,
what's in their minds !"

Well ...
If they ... " Doubt " ... ?
that ... " My Insight " ...

Reflects what's ... TRUE ...

Why do they do ... ?!?
The things they ... DO ... !!?!!

Like ... " Apologise " ...
Through ... " Snake Like Eyes " ...
or send texts at ... " Ungodly Times " ...
and ..... " Drop " ..... comments ......

That ... AREN'T ... well meant ... !!!
These things are bred from ...

....... " IGNORANCE " ......... !!!!!!!!!!!  

Some would say .....
that they're just ... SCARED ...

Well .....
My Wordplay ...
and ... " Intellect " ...

Will Scare them ... and ...
Those ... They call ... " Friends " ... !!!!!

because I ... STICK ...
to ... " Simple Things " ...

NOT .... Playing Tricks ... !!!
to prove ... " I'm Slick " ...  

I'm Slick ... because ...
I'm ... MY OWN BOSS ... !!!
and ... " Pay The Cost " ...
of ....  " Being Strong " .....

Instead of a ... WEAK ...
" Follower " ... of ... SHEEP ... !!!

" The Sheep " ...
are ... BLEATING ... !!!
" EVERY " ... Week ... !!!

But .....
RUN from ... " Sheepdogs " ...
Shepherds ... " KEEP " ...

Like .... " Samuel " ....

I am ... TRYING TO BE ... !!!!!

A Shepherd ... in ...
THIS ... Living Hell ...

So .....
Do me a ... FAVOUR ...
DON'T ... Mess with me ... !!!
or ... MY ... " Light Sabre " ... !!!!

Speak ... when you ...
are ... " Spoken To " ...

Don't be ... RUDE ...
and ... Keep your cool ...

Then I ...
Won't have to ...
Utilize Views ...
that give ... CLEAR PROOF ... !!!
that ... Moves you ... " Pull " ...
may leave you ... " BRUISED " ...
like .... " Sodden Tissues " ....

because you ... " Choose " ...

"ABUSE-FILLED" ... Routes ...

YES I'm ... THAT DUDE ... !!!!!!
who'll ... leave you ... " SCHOOLED " ... !!!!!!!!

I'm NOT ... A Diva ... !!!
or .... " Your Bitch " ... !!!!

I'm a ... " Lyricist " ... !!!!!!!
whose thoughts are ...

.... " DEEPER " .... !!!!!!!

Than ... " The Types " ...
Who ... Choose to ... " Rely " ...
On ... "Ego-Filled" ... PRIDE ...
and being ...... "sly" ........

YES ... I'm That Guy ... !!!
whose ... words design ...

" Fine Lines " ... inclined ...
to .... " OPEN MINDS " ....

But .....
Just like ... DARTH ... !!!
I Have .... " Darksides " .... !!!!!

Why Walk ... THAT PATH ... !?!
when we can ... " Find " ...
Ways .... NOT TO .... Fight .... !!!
and ..... DESTROY LIVES ...... !!!!!!

Come on now folks ... !?!

YOU KNOW ........

...... " That's Right " ...... !!!!!!
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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