"Articulation of Thought" … A Poem written by Big Virge 29/11/2006

Articulation of Thought
is a … " Skill " … Fa Sure … !!!!!

and a … TRUE … " Art Form "
when it is … " Performed " … !!!

It's a style that's … " Born " …
from taking … Your Thoughts …
from a …. "Private Place" ….
like say … " Your Brain " …

Then … Expressing them …
like … Skilled Craftsmen …

Whether … On A Page …
or … On A … Stage …

Or … Like Craftsmen …

through the things they ….
…….. " Make " ……….

to … " Articulate " … through …
The things ….. you say …..
Can … " Entertain " …
….. as well as …...
" STIMULATE " … Brains … !!!!!

" Stimulate " … in ways …
that some …. might say ….

Could … " Influence " …
or … make a … " Difference " …
to … Women … Men …
and our … Children … !!!!!

and give … " Guidance " …
to those … NOT BLESSED … !!!
with … " Articulate Thoughts " …
that pose … " Questions " …

Like … What is War … !?!
and … WHAT ... is it … ???

…. GOOD FOR …. ? !!! ?

Does it … " Help The Poor " … ?
Does it have … " A Cause " … ?
and … If it … DOES …
Does it … " Help Humans " … ?!?

Thought waves … THAT … I …


Do Not … Promote Hate … !!!
or … Try to … " Segregate " … !!!

But …..
" Question " … much … ?
in todays' … " Systems " …

That ……. Sep-ar-ate ……..
on the basis of … " Faith " … !!!
and the basis of … " Race " … !!!

Those … " Employed " …
by those who … " Voice " …
Their wish to …….. STAY AWAY …
from us …. " Dark Skinned Boys " …. !!!

Well ….
That's … " Their Choice " …

But …
Listen up … OKAY … !!!!!

I'm … A Man …
with a … BRAIN … !!!!!
Who … " Articulates " … !!!!!!

I'd be … HAPPY …
to ……. Escape …………
Your … " Slavery Chains " … !!!!!!

The rules of the game …
may have … " Slightly " … changed
But ….. " Basically " …..


BOTH … " Black and White " … !!!!!
plan to …. " Div ide " ….
to get … " Their Slice " …
of the … " Devils' Pie " … !!!

Those who … " Control " …
Remain …. " Unknown " …. ??!??

Somewhere … "underground" ….. ???

Are they … " Human Trolls " … ?!?
" Someone " … Must Know … !!!!?!!!!

Articulation of … " THOUGHT " …
seems to … FRIGHTEN … !!! …

….. " Their Clones " …..

Who ….
Run around town …
Doing …
What They're … TOLD … !!!
like they've … ALWAYS DONE … !!!!!

Articulation of … " Thought " …
These … " Fools " … !!!
Have … NONE … !!!!!

So YES … They're Dumb … !!!

NO … Brain Functions …  !!!
or …. " Common Sense " …. !!!

" IGNORANT HEADS " … !!!!!
whose thought … process …
Defends … " Bloodshed " … ?!!!?

The type … who …
Live for … VIOLENCE … !!!
and … Pointless Stupid …

…… " Arguments " …… ?!?

" ARTICULATE  Ones " ….
are … " Used To " … speak …

While those with …
Guns and … Weaponry …
Appear to run … ???
The World … to me … !!!

Just watch … TV … !!!

They …..
" CELEBRATE " … Them … !?!
from … Cowboys to …
" REAL LIFE " … Hitmen …  !!!

" Knowledge " …
is … POWER … !!!!!

So they … " Say " … !!!

But …..
A Bullet … to the brain …
Puts an … END … to that saying …. !!!!!

What i'm … " Trying to Say "
or ….. " Articulate " ……

is … " Articulate Brains "
seem to … ENTERTAIN … ?!?

which seems …
A lil' bit … " Strange " … ???
at the … End of the day …

When there's …
So Much … MORE … !!!
they could do to … GET PAID … !!!!!

Like …
" Educate " … through …
" Artistic Displays " …
or … " Articulate " …  Thoughts …

and … " Edu-Tain " … !!!!!!!!

I'm …
" Smart Enough " … NOW …
to … " Know The Coup " … !!!

" Articulate " …. YES …. !!!!!
but … " Avoid " … The Truth … !!!!!

Then people … will choose to ….

………. " Follow You " ……….. !!! ? !!!

Otherwise … ENFORCE … !!!!!
and be … " BRUTAL " … !!!!!!

Then … Power becomes …
Your … " Personal Tool " … !!!!!
to … " Confuse and Abuse " …

Then … DIVIDE and RULE … !!!!!

If you …. " Articulate " ….
But … DON"T …
Bite Your Tongue …

and choose to spread …
….. KNOWLEDGE ….. !!!!!!

and words of … " Wisdom "

You may … UPSET … ?!?
The … " Wrong Someone " … !!!!!

See …..
When I started … " This Piece " …
It was … meant to be … FUN … !!!!!

But … " Reality's Bite " …
Has Bitten … and … STUNG … !!!!!!!!!!

I believe in being … TRUE …
when … " Airing Views " …
and … ARTICULATING … thoughts …
That … Give You … PROOF … !!!!! …

of what's at the … CORE …
of … THE TRUTH …
and … MORE … !!!!!

Well …

THE TRUTH … is … THIS … !!!!!

" New Age " … Racists …
Have got …  " The People " …
……. SCARED …… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

of … " Articulate Crews " …
who … DISSECT … The News …
and are … " Prepared " …

to … " TALK THE TALK " … !!!
and … " WALK THE WALK " … !!!

and …
NOT BE … " Sold " …
and then … " Be Bought " …

This Poem is … " Bound To "

Well ….. " OFFEND " …… !!!!!!

Those who … KNOW … !!!
they're ….. IGNORANT ..… !!!!!

because it's …. " Born " ….
and it's words are … " Drawn " …

from a mind that …
… " Exhorts " …

" Articulation of Thought "
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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