"The Test of Stress" … A Poem written by Big Virge 7/8/2009

These days I must … " Confess " …

It's hard to deal with … STRESS … !!!!!
cos' Many … try to … " Test " …
because they lack … " Good Sense " … !!!

Like ... Knowing when …
They … Shouldn't Speak … !!!

because ………..

My Silence ... means …

that i'm …
counting …………
to …... THREE …… !!!

Instead of … Reaching …
for a …. " Piece " …. !!!!
That signifies … THAT …….

I want to … SEE … !!!
You lying … FLAT … !!!
Unable to … "breathe" … !!!!!

A Test that's … REAL … !!!!!

So …..
How would … YOU FEEL … ?!?
if you were … TOLD …  !!!
to … " Go Back Home " … !!!

….. when ….. ?!?

Your … "Home" ... is a place …
where your ….. " Black Face " …..  
is taken for a … " THREAT " …
EVERY … single day … !?! …

or taken for a … " Joke " …
as mine was … " Today " …

Would you … " Play It Cool " … ?
Like The … " Uncle Toms' " … Do … !?!

Or …
Would you ... Choose … ?
to … " Take Abuse " … !?!?!
from some white … " FOOL " … !!!
whose moves are … CRUDE … !!!

Like … " Selling Coke " …
to … " Mis-Guided " … Youth … !!!

The type of … " White Bloke "
who thinks he's … " Smooth " …

I know a …  " Few Brothers "
who showed this … SUCKER … !!!
what it is … to be … STRESSED … !!!!!
and … Face the … TEST …
of being …. " DISTRESSED " …. !!!!! ….

He Didn't … " Fare Well " … !!!
Like … " Many " … Nowadays … !!!

cos' … Stress Now … SWELLS … !!!
in … " Different Ways " …

From … Violent Crime … !!!
to … Financial Plights …
That leave … " Wise Guys " …
" Feeling " …...
NOT SO WISE … !!!!!
when investments made …

Don't Make … " The Grade " … !!!

That's a test … THEY FAILED … !!!!
Like The …... " Holy Grail " ….. !!!!!!!

because … ONLY … " Wise Heads " …
in the end … " PREVAIL " … !!!!!

All that … GLITTERS …
May mean … " JAIL " … !!!!!

"Gary" …. NOW KNOWS … !!!
that … " Going Gold " …
Doesn't … Save Your Soul …
or … Provide … " Bail " … !!!!

Too Many … " Young Blacks " …
KNOW … How that goes … !!! …

DNA Tests … !!!
are causing … STRESS … !!!!!!!!
and giving … " Some Heads " …

Quite A … " COMPLEX " … !!!!!!

"It's for defence !!!"

is what is … " Said "
just like … The Wars …
on … " Foreign Shores " … ?!?

"Some peeps" … Still Believe … !?!
that ….. Soldiers fought ……
for …. " Freedom of Speech " …. ?!?

"Freedoms" … ORDAINED … !!!!!
for peeps' … like … " ME " … !?!

To Feed … young brains …
with …. " Poetry " ….
that speaks about ….

….. " REALITY " …..

Well … Reality Tests …
Weak-hearted … men … !!!!!!  
Like … The One … mentioned
In THIS … " Poem " … !!!!!!!!! …

"Him" … and … " His Friends "
are …. ALL …. " Cokeheads " …. !!!!!

"Freedom" … for them …
is something … " Showered "
in Chemical …... " Powder "

" Freedom " … for me …
Ain't So ….. Easy ….. !!!!!!

because my speech
Does … NOT … agree
with … " Cokehead " … sheep …
who … " Crawl " … and … creep … !!!
because they're …. " Weak " …. !!!!!

They … try to … CHEAT … !!!
.…….. " REALITY " ………. ?!?!?

But …
" Cheaters " … Never Pass …
They Fail … before they start … !!!

Stress has marked …
…. " The Card " ….
of those … CLAIMING …
… " They're Smart " …

cos' …
" Smart Mouths " … Talk …
before their …. " FALL " …. !!!

REAL HARD … fa sure … !!!!!!!!!!

" So that's why they snort !?!?!? "

So that … " Their Nose " ...
Doesn't feel … " The Blow " … !!!!!
when they … " Fall Short " …
of …. " Standing Tall " …..

Standing up to … " The Test " …
of … Dealing with … STRESS …

These days … it's … TOUGH
cos things are …. " ROUGH " ….

So ….
What do you … " Use " … ?
to get you … " Through " … ?!?

Well … Some Resort …
as I said … Before …
to having a … SNORT … !!!
behind … " Toilet Doors " …
To Ease … Their Cause … ?!? …

Others' … choose to …
" HURL " … ABUSE … !!!

because … " Their Views " ...
Leave them … " Confused " … ?!?

Of course …
There are … " THOSE " …
who resort to … BLOWS … !!!!!

which … just goes to show …
How … STRESS … Can lead You …
Down …… " DARK ROADS " ……

These days … I Write …
to … " Ease " … My Mind …
and … " Ease " … My Stress …
when I get …. " TENSE " …. !!!!!

because …
" Ignorant Heads " ….
Breed …. " VIOLENCE " …. !!!!!!!

" Peace " …
is … The Vibe ...
with which …  I Ride … !!!

But …

Let me just … STRESS … !!!
That … " Self Defence " …
is where my … " calmness " …
Meets it's ….. END …… !!!!!!!!

You see …
It Wouldn't … Be Wise … !!!
To … Make me … FIGHT … !!!

cos' i'm a … " Peaceful Guy "
but when you … LOOK IN MY EYES …

You should …. " REALISE " ….
I'm  NOT … " Scared to DIE " … !!!!!

You see …
STRESS … is a … " Test " …
That is …. " Complex " …..

and … Can be … HARD … !!!
for us all … to … PASS … !!!!!

In times like … " These "
We … NEED TO … Feed
our minds with … " MORE "
than … talk of … " WAR "
and … " Crossing Swords "

" Agree to Disagree " … !!!

or just … " DON'T SPEAK " … !!!!!

Use Violence  … LESS … !!!!!
and … Keep a … " Cool Head " …

and you'll have a …


Against ….

" The Test of Stress "
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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