Necessity is Mother of Invention

But also of discovery.    
For the conquest of Constantinople by the Moslems      
And the cutting off of the trade route to the East    
Forced the West to look for a new trade route to China.    
Columbus' discovery was due to that forced necessity.    
Necessity is the Mother not only of invention, discovery,    
It is also the matrix for the reinterpretation of the Bible.    
Christians today, thinking ones anyway, are FORCED by necessity    
To reassess,reinterpret Creation Week account in Genesis One!    
The Bible, the "Special Revelation" of God      
Isn't the only true revelation of God!    
Apostle Paul says that Nature (the study of it)      
Reveals "the things of God" and His ways(Romans 1.19-20).    
For He's the One who created it.    
What and how you create tells something about you.    
The study of Nature(the universe) has blossomed into science,
Sciences of every kind.    
By calling the study of nature a sort of Theology    
Paul has led many who wanted to become theologians    
Into becoming scientists instead
(amateur or laymen theologians).    
Astronomer Kepler in the 1500s spoke of the "book of Nature"    
As a holy text,and the scientists who study it as a "priesthood".    
This was due in part to Paul's words, no doubt.    
The Bible, God's "Special Revelation" of Himself and      
Science, God's "General Revelation" of His ways      
Are both parts of the collective "Word of God."    
For the Apostle Paul quotes from Psalms 19.1-4)    
"their line goes out to all the Earth,"    
Referring to the lines of the rays of light from the stars.    
For the light of the stars is what "The heavens declare".    
And "The heavens declare the glory of God"(Ps 19.1).    
Then Paul calls these lines,this starlight,(the data in them)    
"the word of Christ" or God(Romans 10.17-18).    
But "the heavens declare" the truth or glory of God only to      
Those who know how to read the light from those skies.    
Just like the Bible declares the truth, glory of God      
NOT to the illiterate but to those that read His Word.    
In short, the data we get from the light of the stars which    
"Declares the glory [and truth] of God" equals the Word of God.    
Since the BBT is the result of the data      
Which scientists decipher from starlight(by spectroscopy,etc)    
We should recognize that the BBT "declares the glory of God."    
The Creation Week account has man arriving at the end of just one week,      
The very first week, after the origin of the universe.    
But the BBT says Man arrived 14 billion years after that event.    
How can we reconcile the seemingly irreconcilable?    
Answer:we have to take Genesis One's account metaphorically.    
But what system or framework should we use?    
Well, as "scripture interprets scripture" is true,      
So too with "Revelation interprets Revelation."    
General Revelation, namely science, in particular the BBT,    
Interprets Revelation, namely the Special Revelation, the Bible.    
In particular, Genesis Chapter One, the Creation Week.    
We can use the BBT as the framework      
By which to take Genesis One metaphorically.      
Any metaphor before the BBT arrived would not work.    
But now that we have the BBT,    
We can finally interpret Genesis one from God's point of view.    
(1)The first verse, "In the beginning God.." is a headline statement, not part of the narrative itself.    
For Psalms 33.6-9 says that Creation was preceded by a Command.    
There's no creative command in verse 1.    
(2)So verse 2, "The Earth was void and without form;    
Darkness covered the face of the Deep"      
Is a picture of the scene BEFORE Creation began.    
At that point the Big Bang hasn't happened yet!    
"The Earth was void and without form"      
Means the Earth was absent, not yet created.    
So the "void" is all there is! Formlessness ad infinitum!    
(3)"Let there be light!"(Gen 1.3)      
- now THAT is the creative command given by God.    
"And there was light!" -Yes, that is the Big Bang itself!    
Genesis One contains an accurate description of the Big Bang!    
"Day Two" - "The waters are to be separated from the waters".    
Going by the BBT we can figure this out easily.      
What got "separated" at the point of the Big Bang?    
The BB brought forth space that is curved because it has mass.    
The "void" before the BB had no mass.    
So the space within the universe got separated      
From the void without.    
("Duh", even I could figure that out.)    
How can we justify God calling these two things the two "waters"?    
Well, the second "waters", ie created space" contains hydrogen    
Which is 2/3 of the water molecule, so to speak.    
H2O is 2 parts hydrogen, one part oxygen, of course.    
Now for the first "waters." Of "the deep"(verse 2).    
Since "the Earth was void and formless" in other words nonexistent,      
For void suggests absence,as does formlessness,      
We can say the same for the implicit waters of "the Deep".    
They are an extension of the nothingness,
the emptiness that occupies the void where the Earth now is.    
But the ocean represented fathomlessness to the ancient mind,    
even measurelessness, so "the deep" underscores the void      
(already mentioned) by conveying its infinity.      
Anyway, the two "waters" are:    
(1) the pre-creation "void" and (2)created space.    
But the thing, the "Expanse" that "separated the waters," what would that be?      
Going by the BBT, we know that the universe was super-expanding,      
Hence the use of the fitting term, "Expanse".    
Yes, the Bible clearly is inspired by God.    
What "separated" the void from the created space,      
The massless void from mass-containing space?    
Obviously, if you put it like that,  
the answer is the outer edge of the expanding universe.   
"Day Three" - The waters covering the Earth roll back;    
Dry land emerges.(In the form of islands.) The vegetation appears, seed-bearing plants,etc.    
Going by the BBT, this is easy to make sense of.      
What came next, right after the expansion, the "inflation"?    
Galaxies, "islands in the seas of space," to quote from astronomer Herschel of the late 1700s.    
As for the "vegetation," that would be whatever fills  
or covers the galaxies like grass,etc covers the land.      
Light fills the galaxies.      
So the stars and their light would be the vegetation.    
But what about the seeds that the trees produce?    
Well, we can suppose that peaches etc are implied.    
For "seeds" imply fruit.Peaches are spherical.    
They encircle the central axis, namely the tree trunk.    
They are held in place.    
Obviously, the peaches stand for planets      
In stationary orbit around central stars.    
And it is a fact that after the galactic clouds formed,      
The stars and their planets came next.    
Finally, Day Four: The sun,moon, stars are created.    
Going by (the extension of)the BBT,      
This is when the whole solar system came about.As a package.      
So the creation of Earth belongs herein.    
As for "the stars" here,      
They would have to be the planets instead.      
Fortunately the ancients of Moses' time did lump      
The planets and fixed stars(real stars) together.    
The planets were called "wandering stars".      
Those are the only kind that fit here, if we go by the BBT.
Written by joegracegrace
Published | Edited 8th Aug 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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