Under The Willow Tree: Chapt 1

The full first chapter, need advice

Seageons eyes flashed open from the sound of thunder hitting a hill side off in the distance. Instinctively he checked his body to be sure that there were no bullet wounds, and then carefully slid from bed. As he crossed the small hotel room into the bathroom he stumbled over the chair him and his wife had knocked over before making it to the bed. He flicked on the bathroom light, and for the first time in a while gave himself a long hard look.
      Seageon was an extraordinary man. He had brown wavy hair that he always kept spiked up, light brown eyes that could seemingly see deeper then the human soul and large strong hands that were as gentle as an old ladies touch, covered by his dark Islander skin and many scars. However,the bags under his eyes and the red lines shooting to his Irises accounted for all of his missed sleep.
      He knew he had to move soon. That it wasn’t safe for him to stay, especially now that he wasn’t the only one that had to escape, if necessary. “You have some time.” He told himself, taking one last glance in the mirror before going to check on the new addition to his family. She lay asleep as if she were clinging to consciousness. In a strong sleep but ready to move in a seconds notice.
     Seageon and Mariah had met by chance. It was a bright night, with heavy cloud cover shimmering silver from the full moon above. Seageon had just left a bar after a few drinks and bumped into her as he left. It took him longer then it should have to realize his wallet was gone. He smiles as he remembers chasing her down to get his wallet back. Once he realized how beautiful she was, he told her he wouldn’t involve the cops if she agreed to dinner.
      “What are you smiling about?” Mariah asked. “Still caught up in the lust?” she asks teasingly, obviously referring to the eventful night they had had.
      “I was thinking about how we met” he said approaching the bed. “It’s hard to believe that three years ago today we met on a night a lot like this”
      “It was a lot like tonight. Come back to bed?”
Seageon didn’t say anything. He just moved into bed and positioned himself so that Mariah could place her head on his chest. He’s not sure how long they stayed like that. He lost himself in thought. He knew that he had to get out. That his game was far too dangerous to be playing now that he had a family to consider. He lay in bed for hours thinking about how many kids he would have, if he would have a boy or a girl, or maybe even both. He wondered what their names would be and even things like if his daughter would be beautiful like her mother or athletic like her father. He could have laid there for hours endlessly considering what his future family would be like, but the sun had filled the morning air with light and he knew it was time to start moving once again. He nudged Mariah awake and smiled at her.
      “You still didn’t sleep, did you?” she asked, concern in her voice.
      “We have to get moving. We’ve stayed to long.” He got out of bed and started to move to the bathroom to turn off the light he had forgotten to turn off the night before when he noticed something was off. He looked to where the floor and door met together. He could see shadows running outside. He jumped into the bathroom and yelled to Mariah, “Hun, let’s get breakfast early today.”
      It’s an innocent statement, but she knew otherwise. She knew something was wrong and she was in the bathroom with him in seconds. “Sure, where would you like to go” she asked as she watched him reach into his bathroom bag for a 9mm pistol with a silencer he keeps hidden.
      “At least 5” he whispers under his breath and then says out loud “Down the road to the left there is a breakfast joint. I heard some people talking about it last night. Great eggs.”
      As the last word escaped his mouth the door flew in and drug hell behind it. Seageon pushed Mariah into the tub forcefully, but for her protection. He shot the left knee of the first man that came in, causing him to fall and the next man to stumble on him. Seageon grabbed the shower curtain and threw it over the men then shot the next guy in the heart. He told Mariah to stay, then ran into where the beds were. He glanced around helplessly looking for an escape route. They were three stories up, and though the window was a good choice the height was too much. He grabbed the knife from his belt and hurled it into the throat of the next guy to enter the room and kicked the guy who managed to untangle himself from the curtain in the head, snapping his neck from the force. “Mariah, the police, now!” he screamed to her. They got together their small bags and Seageon pulled the knife from the man’s throat as they moved out of the door.
     Avoiding the elevator they went to the back of the hotel and took the stairs, sprinting down 3 at a time with Seageon in lead. He tucked the gun into his belt under his shirt as they entered into the back section of the lobby. Seageon knew that there was another team waiting to storm in. He told Mariah to wait and he walked up to the front desk to pay. Not because he was an upstanding good citizen that paid his dues. He could care less. Instead he wanted to draw the team out.
After he paid and started heading the opposite direction he had left Mariah, he sensed people following him and he knew that if he didn’t get out of there quickly, innocent people would start dying. “He’s got a gun!” Seageon screamed and fired three rounds of his own into the ceiling. Chaos struck as women and children screamed and men pulled their loved ones to safety. It had its desired effect as the men trying to catch him kept getting pushed into from the fleeing people. He had closed 20 yards and needed another 15 before he could get outside and lap back around to get Mariah.
After he hit the door open he took off to a sprint. He knew he only had a few seconds to get to Mariah and get out with the window they created. “Stop!” an accent of a French woman brought him to a halt and he turned slowly with his hands in the air. “Drop your weapons clip and clear the chamber. Now!” He had no choice. He did as she said and put his weapons on the ground. “Get on the ground!” The woman started to say but she never finished. Mariah flew around the corner in their car and ran the woman over. Seageon had to dive out of the way just to avoid being hit himself.
He picked up his weapons and opened the driver’s door as Mariah scooted into the passenger’s seat of their green 2007 Chevy Tahoe. The tires screeched on the pavement as he hit the back entrance of the hotel and cut a car off entering traffic. At the same time police cars came around the corner and flew into the hotel parking lot. They had escaped. A little shaken up but alive and unharmed. Seageon looked at Mariah and smiled, trying to slow his heart to the flow of the slow city traffic. But she never smiled back, because that’s when she was shot in the back of the head by a sniper two blocks away.
Written by CommonTruth (ThatOneDude)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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