Look Up

just look up and this is what you'll see
me swinging gently from our favorite tree
so you once said it'd be forever, and ever
but what you really meant was never, never
you left me so crippled and so very broken
took the cornerstone of my heart as a token
all I wanted was your black and twisted heart
all I received was my small world torn apart
now here I hang, waiting for forever and ever
might as well've been the one pulling the lever
how useless i have become, how can I ever forget?
I happen to be broken, I haven't forgotten you yet
was it something in your stormy blue/gray eyes?
or in the way you caught me in your web of lies?
the lies that you hung me with and now I swing
forever doomed to love the boy who is my suffering
Written by BlueBeastGirl
Published | Edited 16th Jul 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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