"Arrogance ... or ... Self-belief ?" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 1/10/2005

"Arrogance" ... or ...  
"Self-Belief" .... ??????
Which of these ... ?
is part of ... ME ... ?
I have an ... idea ... !!!
but ... what do you see ... ?
Some have .... said ....
They see ... VANITY ... !!!!!
Well ... for many years ...
I saw ..... UGLY ......  
cos' that's what people ...
said to me ...  
Big Nose ... Big Lips ...  
and .... " Crooked Teeth " ....
and YES .... Dark Skin ....
make me ... COMPLETE ...
But Nazis and ....
Those in ... " White Sheets " ...
Don't think that .... I ....
should walk the streets .... !!!!!
That's why .... I NOW ....
have ..... " Self Belief " ..... !!!!!
NOT .... " Arrogance " .... !!!
or ..... " VANITY " ..... !!!!! .......
You should check ....
Your ... " His-Story " ...
I'm ... NO LONGER ... !!!
Gonna be ... made to feel ...
Like ... " I'm Ugly " ... !!!!!
by ... ANYONE ...
who's ... " Fearing Me " ...
because of things ...
They ... hear me speak ...
.... " YES " ....  
I Am ... SMART ... !!!!!  
and have ... " BEAUTY " ... !!!!!
Outside and ...
Inside of ... ME ... !!!
I move with ... " GRACE " ...
and ...... " DIGNITY " ........
and maintain this ....
....... humility ........
That's ... SELF-BELIEF ... !!!
NOT .... " Vanity " .... !!!!! ....
How dare you try ....
to say ... that's ... ME ... !!!!!
" ALI " ... showed ...
Blacks ... how to be ...
He spoke his mind ...
and .... " Touched Mankind " .... !!!!!  
YES ... " Black and White " ...
Even when .......
They .... " Criticised " .... !!!!!
But nowadays ....
Those ... SAME ... White Guys ... ?
have now .... Accepted ....
He was .... " WISE " ....  
... and ...  
when he ... Won fights ...
and ... PROVED ... His words ...
were ... NOT JUST ... rhymes ... !!!!!
Some .... would say ....
He was ... " ARROGANT " ... !!!!!!
Well ...
I would say ...
He used ... " Bravado "
for ... " Defence " ...
While ... "Many" ... think ...
that ... " Pounds and Pence " ...  
or ... Even Worse ...  
YES ... Dollars and Cents ... !!!
make them .... FEEL ....
A sense of .... " Strength " ....
kind of like .... THOSE ....
in .... " Parliament " .... !?!
It's NICE ... to hear ...
" A Compliment !!! " ...
but ...  
if you don't want to ...
Trust me son .....
I'll do it .... MYSELF .... !!!!!!!
it helps me ... COPE ...
with ... "My Problems" ...
and ... Problems People ...
have with ..... ME ......
like saying ... i'm full of ...
...... " VANITY " ...... !!!!!!
That's ... NOT ME ... !!!
but ... is that ... YOU ... ???
Do you feel ... ?
You ... Have To ... PROVE ...
that you're ... STRONG ...
just like .... KING KONG .... !?!
Don't you ... REMEMBER ... ?!?
what happened to ... him ... !!!!!
Women and Men ....
should .... " OVER-stand " .... !!!!!
You're told you're .... WEAK .... !!!
by ....  Government man ....
to make you ... feel ...
that you ... Should Be ... PLEASED ... !!!
That ...  
You don't have to ... BEG ...
for your ... Daily Meal ... !!!!!!!  
When ... Many People ... !!!
get a ..... " RAW DEAL " ..... !!!!!!
So ... how do those words ?
Make you ..... " FEEL " ..... !?!
I WON'T ... "conceal" ... !!!
But Will ... REVEAL ... !!!!!!!
The Man ... I See ... !!!!!
A man of ... Words ...
who has now ... " Learned " ...
to believe in ..... " ME " ...... !!!!!!
NOT .... " Society " .... !!!!!!
cos' ... "Society" ...
Doesn't ... want to see ... !!!
A man like me ...
Use .... " Poetry " ....
to make ... Individuals ...
Finally See ... that ...  
..... "SELF BELIEF" .....  
ISN'T .... Vanity .... !!!!!!!
Take a look ... In Your Mirror ...  
and when you see ...
An ...... Arrogant Glimmer  
Let ... "Vanity" ... " simmer "
and .... Drift ........ awaaaaaaayyyyyyy
Like .....
Watching Kids Play .....
on a .... " Beautiful Day " .... !!!!!
These are .... " Words "
to .... Help You ... sway ...
Your Mind .... AWAY ....
from ... " ARROGANT WAYS " ... !!!!!!
See .... " Self Belief " ....
can give ... " Relief " ...  
and ... may just ... "HELP" ...
your mind to ... " REACH " ... !!!!!
A place of .... " HOPE "  
and ..... " Inner Peace " ......
My Thanks go out ...
to the ... " Master Jeff " ... !!!
and the ... " Henry Family " ... !!!!!
for showing me .... "LOVE" ....
when I Wasn't ... " Loving Me " ... !!!!!
These are ..... words ......
that bring ... " Tears to my Eyes " ...
cos' they ... Take my mind ...
back to ...... " Sad Times " ......
I have had ......  
"within my life" ........
But ... now i'm ... UP ... !!!!!!
and ... willing to ... Fight ... !!!!!!!!
for .... " Peace and Love "
within ... " My Life " ... !!! ...
"Mum, rest in PEACE !
More than any,
Dollar Bill !!!!!"    
So folks ....
Let me ask you ?
What do you see ... ?
of ..... " VANITY " ......
or a man who's ...
.... "Embracing" ....  
.... " Self-belief " .... ?
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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