"Restrictions" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 17/11/2005

I'm ... SICK ... of ...
.... "Restrictions" .... !!!!!

"Don't say ... THAT ... !!!"
and ... "Don't say ... THIS ... !!!"

What's the point ... ?
of having ... Lips ... !?!

Don't run over ...
Six Minutes ... !!!!!!

Restrictions on ....
How I ... write scripts ...

Don't drive to ... TOWN ... !!!
"Congestion" ... Now ...
Restricts movement ...

"So, give us pounds !!!"

Government ... " CLOWNS " ...
just ... make me ... FROWN ... !!!!!

I wish ... THEY USED ...
... " The Underground " ... !!!

They'd Soon ... RESTRICT ...
London's .... public ....
from ... Hitting them ...
with ... TRUE LYRICS ... !!!!!

About the ways ...
Delays ... " Persist " ... !!!

Now ... Don't dismiss ... !!!
The ... Point of this ...

Because Restrictions ...
on ... How We Live ...
are ... " Danger-Filled " ...
Like ... " POLITICS " ... !!! ...

Restrictions ... lead ...
to ... " Legal Fees " ...
over things ... Like ...

" Property Deeds "

"Solicitors" ... Restrict ...
what we ... should know ...
just to .... " fuel " ....

"Their Own" ... Cash-flow ... !!!!!

"Even" .... when ....
Your case is ... "STRONG" ... !!!

It takes ... SO LONG ...
to get  ... " Paid Off " ...

"THEY" .............. "restrict you"
Just like .... " THE COPS " .... !!!!!!!

"Restrictions" ... on ...
The things ... We Say ...
Need ... REMOVAL ... Right Away ... !!!!!

Why can't people ... ?
Discuss .... gays .... ?!?

Are there ... secrets ...
... "Locked Away" ... ???!???

Let's move on .....
to some .... " Different " ....

.... " Restrict-ions " ....

Things like ...
How much ...
We can ... drink ... ???

"Don't drink too much !
and drive, your car !
You'll find yourself,
locked behind bars !!!"

That's funny to me ...
when laws are ... Passed ...
to now .... ALLOW ....

Drinking ..... ALL DAY ..... ?!?!?

and YES ..... ALL NIGHT ..... !?!

Laws like ... This ...
are ... such a ... FARCE ... !!!
and may now be ... ?

A Drink ... TOO FAR ... !!!!!

Restrictions on ....
The Drugs ... "We take" ...

while stars who do them ...
still get ... PAID ... !?!

Just like ... SKINNY ...
Stupid ... KATE ... !!! ...

If she takes ... "Coke" ...

"HEY, it's okay !!!"

while those who ... Sell it ...
are .... " Disgraced " .... !!!!!!!!
and are .... "QUICKLY" ....
.... "Locked Away !!!" ...............

Unless of course ...
"They" ... ENTERTAIN ... !!!

Then we're told ....

"Their life's a strain !!!
They don't deserve,
to be detained !!!!!"

"Restrictions" ... CLEARLY ... !!!!!
Aren't for .... " ALL " .... ?!? ....

" Policemen " ....

Always ... STAND TALL ...
and ... Never seem ...
to take a .... FALL .... !!!

When ... They Go ...
BEYOND .... The Law .... !?!?!

Almost .... for fun .... ?!?

Leaving mums ...
"Without" .... Their Sons .... !!!

Don't they need ...
"Some" ... RESTRICTIONS ... !?!?!

I guess ... they're there ... ?
to ... Keep The ... " PEACE " ... ?!?

Well ....
"Restriction" ... of ... WARS
and .... " Corporate Thieves "

Might ... Help us keep ...
MORE ... "Peace-filled" ... Streets
Streets Requiring ... "LESS POLICE" ... !!!!!

But ...
That's just ... ME ...
"Fuelling" ... More ... " Controversy " ...
Through ... UNRESTRICTED ... Poetry ... !!!!!

But ....
words like ... THESE ...
are ... Deemed to be ...

NOT GOOD ... to read ...

to youth who ... Feed ...
...... On .... " MTV " .... !!!!!

"This" ... is such ...
... " HYPOCRISY " ...  !!!!

They ... " FEAR " ... for kids ... !!!
say those who ... " TEACH " ...

But ... shield them from ...
........ REALITY ......... !!!! ? !!!!!

More ... RESTRICTIONS ... ?? ! ??

TRUTH ... for children ...
"Seems" ... FORBIDDEN ... ?!?

No wonder ... some ...
Resort to ... " Killing " ... !!!

Well ...
Just like ... " Nas " ...
My words are ... "written" ...

Poetic scripts ...
from how ...
"We're Living" ...

"LIFE" ... moves on ...
but ... when i'm ... " Gone "
There'll be no chance ...
for kids to ... " Listen " ...

because of .... YES ....


... " RESTRICTIONS " ... !!!!!  
Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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