"Outspoken" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 20/11/2005

Folks ....
People ... " Aren't Joking " ... !!!
when they say i'm ......

..... " OUTSPOKEN " .... !!!!!

Sometimes ...
I say things ...
that leave people ...
... " Broken " ... !!!!!!!!

Some people have ... " cried "
because of the way ...
I speak about ... " Life "

"Suffering" ... "Pain" ... and ...
Dealing with .... " Strife " .... !!!

But ....
Things that I say ...
are ... " Simple Reflections " ...
on things ... in my sight ...

Sometimes they are ... " WRONG " ... !!!
Sometimes they are .... " RIGHT " .... !!!!!

But ....
Speaking my mind
should not be a ... " Crime " ... !!!!!

My words are ... " Designed "
to ... " Simply " ... " Invite " ...
A place within ... " Darkness " ...
where ... " CLARITY SHINES " ... !!!!!
and ... LIGHT ... is ... DEFINED ... !!!!!

Words I now ... write ...
are simply ... Inclined ...
to ... " Lyrically Dine " ...
recline and be ... " Primed "

to do ... what is ... " WISE "
and pay ... " CLOSE ATTENTION " ... !!!
to .... " REALITY'S " ... Signs ... !!!

On ... How To Live ...
A ... " POSITIVE LIFE " ... !!!!!

I'd rather ... DO THAT ... !!!
than live life to ... Fight ... ?!?

I'm NOT ... in a rush ...
to lay down and ... DIE ... !!!!!

Since i was a kid ...
I've always been quick ...
to air ... My Opinions ...
and speak about ... things ...

I LOVE TO ... Enlist ... !!!
The use of ... " EXPRESSION "
It's ... CLEARLY ... A Gift ... !!!
and now an ... " OBSESSION " ... !!!!!

Poems ... KEEP COMING ... !!!
just like a ... " PROCESSION " ... !!!!!

But some ... Do Not Like ... !!!
The words I ... " Recite " ... !!!
and don't like the sight ...
of ... My Lips ... by a mic ... !!!!!

But Hey ...
That's Okay ... !!!

They ... REALLY ... Miss Out ...
at the ... End of the day ... !!! ...

My Wordplay ... has ...
..... " SUBSTANCE " .....

"EVEN" ......
when I ... RAGE ... !!!!!

But ... NEVER ... indulges ...
in ... " Inciting " ... HATE ... !!!!!!

But ....
CLEARLY ... reflects ...
My Mood ... when ... IRATE ... !!!!!

But .....
My Moods ...
Like ... The Weather ...
Show ... CHANGE ...
... " Everyday " ... !!!!!

I can't be the same
and always be ... " TAME "

Those who want that ...
Like ... " Controlling Brains " ... !!!!!

and clearly ... are people ...
who ... NEED TO ... REFRAIN ... !!!!!!!
from trying to .... " LIMIT " ....
what people .... " Should Say " .... !!!

We Need to be ... " Mindful " ...
of those who ... Relay ...
A message that ... " Glorifies "
..... " Deviant " .... ways .... !!!!!!

Those who ... " Spread Hate "
and ... " Murderous Traits "

SHOULD BE ... !!!
LOCKED AWAY ... !!!!!

But ...
That's just ... "My View" ...
at the .... end of the day .... !!!

Freedom of Speech ...
is ... " BEAUTY " ... to me ... !!!

NOT ... Trying to Teach ... !!!
or ... Trying to Preach ... !!!

We ... ALL ... have a mouth
I'd rather use ... " SPEECH " ... !!!
than ... " Physical Clouts " ...
"That" ... Knock People ... Down ... !!!!!

"Brainpower" .... FEEDS ....
Off ... wordplay that ... " Speaks "
to ... " Souls Within People " ...
who choose ... NOT TO SEE ... !!!!!

A world where we ... STOP ...
Our ... " Freedom of Speech " ...

"Music" ... is ... SO GREAT ...
when ... " Wordplay " ... Relates ...
A Feeling ... that ... " TOUCHES " ...
and ... " Sensually " ... Clutches ...
" Something " .... " Deep Inside " ... !!!
And ... " Helps Pain " ... subside ... !!!!!

This is .... One Reason ....
I Now ... LOVE TO WRITE ... !!!!!

because my ... " Expression "
HELPS ... " Channel Aggression "
and helps me to ... " STRENGTHEN "
My use of .... " Expression " ....

My ... " OUTSPOKEN " ... Nature
Has ... brought me ...
My ... " Troubles "  ... !!!!!

But ...
Has been .... " My Saviour " .... !!!
and keeps me from ... " FORCES "
" DARKER " ... than ... Vader's ... !!!
GREEN ... is the colour ...
of YES ... " My Light Sabre " ... !!!!!

GREEN ... as in ... " Country "
where ... Animals Roam ...
"Expressing" ... themselves ...
in .... " EVERY " .... Zone ....

We sit and ... Watch Them ...
when they use ... " Expression "
and ... CANNOT DEFEND ...

" The Vision " ... of them ...
Behind ... A Zoo Fence ... !!!

Don't get it ... " Confused "
I'm simply ... Suggesting ...
That ... Airing Our Views ...
is ... " SURELY " ... A Thing ...
We should ... NOT REFUSE ... !!!

"EVEN" ... when people ...
say things ... That Abuse ... !!!

because you then ... KNOW ...
if you .... Can Be ... COOL ...

and ... Even if ... NOT ...
may help you to ... Choose ...

A ... " Positive Way " ...
to ... RESOLVE ... Your Issues ... !!!

"Being" ... OUTSPOKEN ...
is NOT ... Always Good ... !!!!!

But ....
Does ... Help a person ...
to ... give you ... " Some Clues "
on what ... Fuels ... Their Mood ...
and ... May ... Give you ... PROOF ...
of what ... They're Into ...

I Now ... Prefer ... THAT ... !!!
than being with ... " Those " ...
who simply .... " Sit Back " .... !!!
and wait for the ..... Chance  .....
to make ... an ... " ATTACK " ... !!!!!

What is it ... THEY LACK ... ?
That ... Makes them ... DO THAT ... ?!?

Some folks are ... like this ...
and that's just a ... FACT ... !!!!!

These are the ... people ...

Whose words i'm now ...
..... " Quoting " .....

and NO ...
I'm NOT ... JOKING ... !!!!!

These are the people ....
who say .... " Virgil's " ....

.... " OUTSPOKEN " .... !!!!!!!!

Written by BigVirge
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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