Image for the poem Apocalypse and Paradise: The Domain of Set

Apocalypse and Paradise: The Domain of Set

- Apocalypse and Paradise: The Domain of Set -

In times now long since passed beyond the reach of memory,
I have looked upon the ruins of great kingdoms passed away…
I made such pilgrimages to honor the mighty power of destiny.
For I was there, when these kingdoms had their golden age…
I recall the height of those domains, and well as their final day.
As I walked amongst the scattered stones, I knew such wonder…
Oft, I spied a familiar street, and still I even knew the long way.
I am soon lost in haunting memories that come like may thunder!
Truths illuminate my face, as clearly as the Sun’s brightest ray.
I have known more of wisdom than ever did the greatest sage,
I cannot weep for that bygone age, it was oft chaotic at its’ best.
Yet, surely doth an unwelcome fear steal away my very heart!
Will future kingdoms be so very cursed, or will their age be blest,
How will I regard their ruins, after time hath done its’ fateful part?
Only time can ever know, and only fate can so truly ever attest.
A most somber air doth hang about the wastes of a blasted land,
Was it this morbid when thee was yet a semblance of any life?
Much would I prefer the silence of the desert and its’ hot sand,
Far better than this forgotten monument to some ancient strife!
How many souls did find these walls to be their most bitter tomb,
How many soldiers did fall to defend this old, forsaken ground?
What matters it now, for gone is even the mist of modern gloom,
And not even birds come here to make a brightly cheerful sound.
How many are left now, who remember: the blood once spilled,
Upon these stones that now lie broken in pieces upon the earth?
With naught save pain, their hearts would in truth be again filled.
So, I pray there are none, for what would be their life’s worth!
My burden be that of a memory older than all of vast Creation…
Yet, the luxury of endless time is there to heal my haunted soul.
Sadly, not so for the people of this sorry, bloodstained nation!
For their sins, mortals must often pay the most costly final toll.
What profit be there in war, when there be no one left to fight?
Where is thy victory now, when even the victors are no more!
No ruler will ever reign over this wasteland, this evil old blight.
No merchant ships will ever trade with this long-dead shore…
Where now is: thy notions of “wrong” and thy ideals of “right”?
All thy laws are now as dust, blown upon the howling wind…
Not fit for the scorpions and serpents as remain, to so live by.
Thy sciences cannot now thy people seek with cures to mend!
Only Faith doth remain, though even it’s hope thou didst deny.
That is why, this apocalypse, the gods, chose to finally send…
Why didst thou not heed my Word, its’ truth doth endure yet!
Now only a chosen righteous few remain, to roam this domain of Set.
The righteous who remain, are those who so very wisely fled.
One day, mankind will marvel at all thou hast now left behind,
Yet, wilt man be but in a wonder at thy ancient wickedness in all!
The cracked walls of they cities shall stand forever, left accursed.
Thy accomplishments were but delusions born of an evil mind…
All they machinations but sped thee swifter unto thy inevitable fall.
For naught was this kingdom born, and for naught its’ people bled,
I hope the future will be better, for the sake of this weary world.
For, I wonder if the Earth can take much more calculated sorrow!
I cannot say to what day of destiny we are so swiftly hurtled…
But I know that Faith is the key to that far, far brighter tomorrow.
Let us leave behind us, the worthless rubble of conflicts now done,
That we may begin afresh, in a more pure, tolerant, blessed light…
Not as slaves bound to repeat cycles of bad karma ever newly begun:
But as free spirits, not tied by the shackles of some long past night!
The Sun rises ever, and the Sun sets once more in its’ eternal turn.
The desert cools with evening, yet the next day it will surely burn!
All things must soon pass, that Paradise can more swiftly return…
It is for that perfect Paradise, that the truly faithful do ever yearn.
It needs not take destruction to make a rose bloom or heart sing!
We can avert horror by bringing an end to hatred itself, war’s cause.
If thou seek a savior, then this Angel of Light is come to thus bring:
A better way than suffering, so heed my teachings to great applause.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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