"Lack" ... A poem written by Big Virge 20/6/2006

Everybody lacks ... something ...
That's a ... Fact ... !!!

So ...
Let me ask you this ... ?
What do ... You Lack ... ?

Do you lack ...
" Common Sense "
or .... Confidence ... ???

or ...
Do you lack what it takes ... ?
to forsake what you gain ...
from living ... just for money ...
like these ... Corporate Heads ... !!!

Well money ...
" Certainly " .... Pays .... !!!

But ....
Does not ... " Allay " ...
Unhappy Days ... !!! ...

Ask those ... who take ...
"Every Piece" ... of the cake ... !!!

If they say ... Their Cash ... !!!
Removes ... Their Pain ...
They're being ... Fake ... !!!

Question .... ?
what they say ... ?

If they lost their ...
... " Loved Ones ' ...

Could their cash ... Replace ... ?
" Loved Ones " ... who'd placed ...
Smiles on ... Their face ... !!! ? !!! ...

The answer is ... NO ... !!!
and this ... They Know ... !!!

So ...
Do you lack ...
" Other things " ... ?
that ... make you think ...

" What is The Point !!?!! "
of ... Making Noise ...
about the way ...
we live ... today ...

Well ...
that's okay ...
it's been ... that way ...
since the ... early days ...
of ... " Shackled Slaves ! " ...

Many lack ... the ability ...
to face ... " The Truth " ... !!!

Do those ... last words ...
Apply ... to you ... !!?!! ...

Well ...
If they ... DO ... ?!?

You're lacking in food ...
You should ... Consume ... !!!

These days ...
I Lack ... " Patience " ...
with those who are ...
..... " Blatant " .....

" Ignorant Fools !!! " ...

Those I find ...
with ... " Narrow Minds " ...
who choose to ... move ...
in the land ... of the blind ... !!!

Those now inclined ...
to ... Ignoring Signs ... ?!?
that .... " Indicate " ....

.......... " New " ...........
" Troubled Times " ... !!! ...
for ... "Our" ...
" Human Kind " ... !!!

But ... if we pressed ...

"Click" ...........
Rewind ...

I'm sure we'd find ...
Many Things ... " Replicated " ...
Like ...... " Old Pastimes " ......

Do you lack ...  ?
The Ability ...
to want to ... " Backtrack " ... ?

Can I ask you ...
" Freely " ... ?

Why are you ... like that ... ???

Afraid of what you'll see ... ??!??
or ... what you'll ... FIND ...
that'll ... EXPOSE ... Lies ...
"Cleverly" ... disGuiSed ...
to keep ... The Truth ...

hidden ......

..... From .....
" Enquiring Minds ? " ...

This seems to be ...
... " Planned " ... !?!

to ... Ensure Most ...
..... " Lack " .....

" The Ability " .....

to deal with ... FACTS ...

Like .....
Why are women ...
Soooo hard ... to understand ... ???

In the very beginning ....
They're ... HARD to ATTRACT ... !!!!!

If ....
You're a man ...
who ... HOLDS ... Your Stance ...
THAT ... You give a damn ...
" About " ... Their Needs ...

while those who ... Lack ...
such ..... " Courtesies " .....
seem to get ... Pussy ...

Like .... " Next one please !!! "

Girls who ... LACK ...
any ... Common Sense ...
are those ... I don't want ...
inside ..... My Bed ..... !!!!!!!!!!

But ....
Hell Yes ... Yeah ...

I'll pass through theirs' ... !!!!!

Now ....
Hear me out girls ...
Don't take ... Offence ... !!!!!

But ....
Too Many ... of you ...
Pick The  ....

"Wrong Damned Men ?!?"

Again and Again .....
Your Case ... CLEARLY ...
Has .... " No Defence " ... !!!!!

These days ...
There's a .... LACK ....
of ... " Good ol' ... FUN ... !!!

Especially with ...
A ... " Good Woman ! " ...

..... " Relationships " .....
seem to end ... So Quick ... !!!

Before ... " Love's Able " ...
to get a .... " GRIP !!! " ....
and have a chance to ...

........ " Sit " .........

at the ... Dinner Table ...
That's ... " REALITY " ...
and is ... " No Fable ! " ...

Like .... Kane and Abel ...

Things are ... CLEARLY ...
Quite .... " Unstable " .... !!!!!

Like ... reception through ...
Those ... " Dodgy Cables ! ' ...

No ... MTV ...
or ... Sky TV ...

But ...
Here's the link ...
So take ... THIS IN ... !!!

There's now a ... LACK ...
of ..... " RELIABILITY " .....
in how .... People ....
Now Seem ... to be ... !!!!!

"I'll call you tonight !"

"Cool, that's just fine,
I should be home,
by, half past nine,
don't let me down,
I don't like to be clowned !!!"

"Trust me man,
I will ring you !!!"

" Haven't heard from
..... THAT FOOL .....
for a whole week now ...
if he calls me with ...
A Poor excuse ...
My mouth is gonna,
leave him ... Schooled ...
and make him ... frown ...
with the words ... I Choose ... !!! "

I just can't stand ....
when people .... LACK ....

..... " Reliability " ..... !!!!!!!!!!!

or ... is it ... Just Me ... ?!?

Asking ... TOO MUCH ... !!!
to hope that .... Some ....

"Good Ones" ... are left ... !!!
who are .... " Reliable " ....
from ... Start to End ... !!!

and deal in ...
" Honesty " ...

People ... You TRULY ..
can call ... Your Friends ... !!!!!

Well ....
One thing ... I Don't Lack ... !
is a will to ... " Express " ...
through poetry .... sent ....
to my .... Notepad .... !!! ....

So ... now it's time ...
to end ... This Rhyme ...

About ....
Some Things ....

That ... WE ALL ...
...... " Lack " ...... !!!!!

But ....
If you think ....

You DON"T ... Lack Anything ... ???

Let me just say this ....

You are ... DREAMING ... !!!!!!!!!

Lacks something ....

That's just ... FACT ... !!!!!!!

So .....
Be HONEST ... with yourself ...

What Do ... You ... ?

........ Lack ........ ???
Written by BigVirge
Published | Edited 26th Nov 2013
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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