POWER PLAY: Avenge/Revenge

("You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way...the  
o n l y does NOT exist." ~Freidrich Neitzsche.)  
P l e a s e...
Could you--
For just 2 seconds--
Stop all your wheezing?
Then, perhaps there would be a chance to explain.
You told me you adored(or, was that abhored?)the comfort
Of my arms enfolding you in love.
So, my Belov`ed, I have a surprise for you!
I have laced my hands together in knots;
Snapped every fragile little finger--
One-by-one--splintered all those tiny phalanges--
Before shattering both my elbows,
And then i wrapped them securely around your neck,
(Now, you can  N E V E R be
What's that?
Why, my Love, of course you can b r e a t h e.
Whatever do you mean by 'overwhelming'?
How can MY embrace ever be too tight?
Besides, you didn't find it too 'overwhelming'
When I served you all those thinly-sliced, honey-glazed portions
Of my  m i d r i f f  for last nite's Sunday supper.
(And, as i recall,you even requested seconds)
Because all the stores observed early closure,
And I was simply panicked to please you,
So I sharpened YOUR favorite carving knife, and
Plunged it straight into my SIDES--right
In between the SERRATUS muscles--
With the most horribly serrated lines.
Though, undeniably, you  ARE the expert carver.
(My thighs fairly boast the scars of your precision.)
Awww, don't fret, my Dear, the honors are time.
What--disgusting--how's that d i s g u s t i n g?
Exsanguination was truly minimal, and
I sopped up all the pools with that 'new' lingerie--
Yes, the black lace that YOU  b r o u g h t  home !
(You always did find sex with sluts more satisfying). was conveniently close at hand,
And, Sweetie,I couldn't let you slide
Through all my syruppy old blood.
Honey...are you trying to talk...
Whatever are you telling me?
You simply must speak louder;
I can't hear you with this ludicrous wheezing, and coughing.
Don't you realize my desires to pleasure you?
I thought you'd be ecstatic that
I did  a l l  that I possibly could.
And I would surely lose what little sanity remains,
If you ever abandoned me for  
That  bitch that promised you 'paradise'
And further more, i believe it quite unfair...
It's  n o t  unfair to want our differences resolved--
(Afterall, we did accept 'for better, or [for] worse.)
You've become soo still, soo silent--
Are you intentionally ignoring me?
Look at me when I'm talking.
Have i provoked your anger?
Baby ???...
Hellloo?--H E L L O ?????
 2013 Dark Enchantress  
Written by DarkEnchantress
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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