MAJOR decision

After much pondering, rearranging, and meetings with the ACAD faculty, the results are finally in- I am going to be a Sculpture Major! For a majority of my second year I thought I was going to be a Fibre major, and within the past months I entertained the pros and cons of declaring in drawing, painting, and sculpture. The biggest challenge for me was the fact that my main areas of interests (poetry, and performance) were not necessarily under any specific category so I had to find the right group of teachers who would let me experiment and play around with my personal notions of being an Art Kid. Admittedly I hate being asked what my area of study will be by someone who is not privy to the art community. I usually begin to explain myself by stating that there are drawing majors who never draw and painting majors who never paint. In the twenty first century every artist is somewhat of a cluster fuck. We are all collage artists piecing together a wide assortment of inspirations and mediums to do justice to the multi-faceted concepts in our over loaded brains. Ironically enough last year at my summer job (when I still thought I was going to be a fibre major) I told people I was going to be a sculpture major to avoid having to explain what a fibre kid does. Most people thought it had something to do with designing fashion. The few times I attempted an explanation ended up being a jumble of words centered around " know...stitching things together...notions of reality...hand bound books..that sort of thing..and a bit of everything else...and often very soft." But if you told people you were a sculpture major they understood it better (take raw materials, build something from it). Turns out my little white lie ended up being a self fulfilling prophecy. Although the raw material I am most interested in working with are not metal, wood, or clay-I want to manipulate the student body. I want to mold minds, moments, and memories. I want to be a living breathing sculpture whose presence within a space makes you reconsider your ideas about the relationships between an outward physical body and the inner workings of your heart and head. I want to chip away at preconceived notions until there is nothing left but the raw essence of matter that lives within the hearts of everyone.  I want to rework your self confidence until it becomes an iron clad armature which upholds your spirit under any amount of pressure. I want to carve into your facade until we reveal the true maquette which will guide your soul home. So yes- I am going to officially be a sculpture (and unofficially a painter, a drawer, and a fibre kid) while continuing to explore being a dancer a poet and a performer. I am excited to live in a time which embraces a variety of expression and is not as eager to categorize people into one specific group. I am eager to continue defining what it means to me to be an Artist. As wonderful as this summer is and will be- my inner nerd is raring to get back to class!! Do not fret ACAD my love- I will be back in your long concrete halls soon enough.
Written by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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