Image for the poem My Training...part 2 of Sofia

My Training...part 2 of Sofia's Story

I feel so groggy, where am I. Did I dream it or was I put on a plane? Voices echoed in my head. "Will have her there by morning", "training",again with the training. Dear Lord what does this mean?  "minor damage", minor! I hurt everywhere! He hurt me! He hurt me rang over and over in my head, I sobbed.      
Where am I? Is someone here? Help me! Help me! Same thought over and over, Oh please someone help me!      
It's dark and damp and cold where he has me. The only light is from a small, high window like in a basement. There was a bed, a cabinet, a padded stool and a wall of chains and straps. Where am I?      
The room is very small and there is a door near the left corner. I cautiously head toward the door. I slowly open it, surprised that is was opening at all. As the light from the little window shines into the space I realize that it is a small bathroom with a shower, toilet and a sink with a mirror. I reached for the switch and a dimmed light lit the area. I walked toward the mirror to see my aching lipt that had been hurt in my capture. Is that really me in the reflection? I don't recognize my face. My eyes are...unlit. I am broken, dirty, sore, alone, scared and a prisoner. Where am I? Why was I brought here? Will he kill me? Oh, please help me, please help me!      
There was a bar of soap and a towel on the little sink. I grabbed the soap and started the shower. I needed to wash that animal off me. The man who had violated me so evilly that I will remain forever changed from the person I once was. He stomped my spirit and raped my soul. The water felt so good, I scrubbed. I washed my face, I scrubbed. I washed my hair. I scrubbed.I washed my skin. I scrubbed. I scrubbed myself raw trying to remove his smell. The water started to get too cold, so I got out and dried off. Dried my hair as best I could and ran my fingers through it to untangle knots. The towel was not big enough to wrap around myself and the shirt I had smelled of him. I headed back toward the bed for the sheet. As I entered the room, I felt a presence. In the fading light from the window I saw no one. Took another step toward the bed and a hand grabbed me from the dark corner. I jumped and screamed. He wore a black mast just big enough to hind his face as he glared at me with dark cold eyes. I tremble from my gasping cries of fear. Oh no, what will he do to me help me, no no no. I must have passed out because I came to on the bed. I looked around the room. What little light there was came from the open bathroom door. On the stool across the room was a tray with food and water. I was afraid to eat it, but I was starved and I figured if I was lucky, it would kill me. I knew that if death was the objective, no one would have spoke of "training". I ate the food and guzzled the water. I walked over toward the cabinet to look for clothes. The only thing in it was a leash and a collar that were hanging on a hook inside. Clinging to my sheet I went to sit on the bed. It was so quiet. I was so scared. What was my fate?      
For I don't know how many days, nothing. By the hair color I knew there was more than one man. As they brought me my meals, masked, I still saw no faces. They didn't talk to me. Didn't answer when I pleaded to them with question after question. I don't know how long this went on if felt like forever. Tray after tray, day after day. Nothing. So alone. Please someone help me. Is there anyone who can save me. I cry til I fall asleep awake eat and cry and cry again. Where am I? Help me!      
I somehow know today will be different. I hear several voices. Some louder than others. Maybe some kind of quarrel going on. I hear a loud noise. I startle. What is happening. Has someone come to save me? Oh please save me! Footsteps draw nearer and I cling to my sheet. I hear a hand hit the doorknob. I hold my breath. The door open and closes quickly and the light from it causes my eyes to hurt and I can't see who entered. I shake with fear. Oh no what is next?      
He walks up to me and holds out his hand. I reluctantly reach for it and he pulls me to my feet. "Well my dear, this is day one of your training. The more you put into your training the more you will get out of your time here". My time here? Training? Help me! Then this masked man walked over to the cabinet and removed the leash and collar that was hanging inside. He walked back over to me. He directed met to remove my sheet. I cried and beg him to let me keep it wrapped around myself. He nodded and waited. I froze there. I couldn't move. Crying. Scared shitless. With such stealth I gasped. He grabbed me, pull the sheet from my body, threw me over his knee and spanked me. Spanked me. No no no not again. I kicked and swung my arms and screamed and cried and pleaded. He heartlessly continued his spanking. Harder, harder no no. Harder. I cried and cried. Harder.      
I awoke, chained to the wall. My ass was on fire. While passed out this man collared me with a locked collar. Naked. Cold. Scared. Alone. Crying. Aching. Someone help me please!      
I don't know how long I hung there before the door opened. I squinted and looked up. Two men. Two. Oh now now what? They approached me. The dark haired man grabbed me. Started kissing me. Sucking at my nipples. Pawing at me. Oh no!      
Sobbing, I was helpless. The man with the lighter hair walked closer to us. He bent down and ate of my body as he locked his hands on my ass and held me in place. Both men pawed at me. Bit, sucked, fucked and spanked me. Please kill me now please. I don't want this. Kill me...please.      
Then they both just stopped. They were finished...for now. One unlocked my chains and grabbed me by my arm. Pulled me toward the bed. Pushed me down and walked out. They walked out the door and locked it. Again. no contact but food. Again and again day after day. Beaten battered fucked hurt. When will this end?      
The door opens today and three masked men enter. How many men are here? Oh no no no no. I cried out. Begged them to kill me. Instead, they pulled me to my feet. One of the men attached the leash to my collar and ordered me onto all fours. To afraid not to do as I was told, I complied. A man who was behind me smacked me, hard, once on each cheek. I jumped and cried out. They warned me to be silent. I was then led around this little room like a pet dog. Around and around over and over. He stopped. I stopped. The third man who was sitting on the stool ordered him to walk me over to him. He did so. I was ordered to lay across his lap. He held me down and played with my clit. Fingered me. Rubbed my ass. Spanked me with one hand as his fingers pierced me core over and over. At first I fought. Then something snapped. I was defeated. I was gone. A wanton, dripping with lust woman was in my place. He spanked me and rubbed me and finger fucked me to climax. What was that? How could I come so hard. What is wrong with me. What have they turned me into.      
One of the men helped to lift me up. He moved me face to face to him. Reached down grabbed me by my hips and lifted me off my feet to straddle his waste. Another grabbed my arms, pulled them behind me and tied my hands. The other men  helped to position me and I was entered in one deep thrust. Someone probed my ass with their fingers as I was raised over and over and slam by a hot hard cock. What is happening to me? I came over and over again and again. NO NO NO this is not right. No...I was brought to orgasms so many times I could not see. Could not move. They stopped. Laid me across the bed and left the room.      
Day after day. Over and over they used me. It was the only human contact I ever got. Day after day. Orgasm after orgasm. With every orgasm a new aspect of my training was instilled. Day after day orgasm after orgasm I was "trained"  fucked, "trained" fucked. I am to be sold as a sex slave!      
A sex slave. A sex slave. Never again to be free.      
Trained, primed, ready. Addicted to sex. Needed it like I needed the air that filled my lungs. Sold. Sold to the highest bidder to be his sex slave. Who am I. I don't remember my name. I don't care! Fuck me. Fuck me. Who will be my master... What will the "sale" be like? I don't care I just need to be fucked. Please don't leave me all by myself anymore. Fuck me please. Who am I? Where will I go next?      
coming soon      
part three of Sofia's story
Written by hiseverywish
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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