S'ext Me n Blue Tooth Catsuits

Skin like silk, she slipped into my bed
lay beside me and in a low whisper said
If you are good and please me first
I will, always, for your great love thirst
And how will we keep in touch my Dear
When you have gone, loneliness I ‘ll fear

Just Text me, and I will s’ext you back
Ours is a love that will never slack
I licked my very best s’exting digit
And s’ext her tips ‘til she did fidget

Next I s’ext her eyes, tips, lips and oh’s
Made a sudden move and s’ext her toes
She was softly moaning in her throat
So I decided to really push out the boat

I carefully s’ext her neat nipples n breasts
Until they rose firmly from her chest
I s’ext them with my best digit n tongue
Until she pushed them down to her tum

I s’ext her tum n Navel until she moaned
S’ext her more and faster, ‘till she groaned
With my firm tongue I s’ext her hotter until
She writhed with a rhythmic sexy thrill

With firmness she pushed me to her Bower
Until I was using my tongue to s’ext her flower
Her hips gently rose up and down to my pace
Until I was s’exting in a wetter warmer place

As the soft  sweet tasting flower grew in size
She gripped my head with soft shaking thighs
But  with a gentle twist I bodily turned around
And s’ext her lips with sweetness I had found

Oh God! that tastes good, she moaned with sighs
Now kiss my tips and s’ext between my thighs
I knew this would take long love and passion
I had a much bigger digit…well after a fashion!

As I boldly nibbled her soft warm ears and tips
I gently parted her sighs, started to s’ext her lips
That’s not enough she said, move up the bed!
Wow!, my s’ext pseudo digits hot and firm, I said

I slipped into silken Heaven n  moved  to enthral
Until I was s’exting at the very  top of her love hall
Her mouth was so full of moans and groans, alack
To get my attention she did s’ext my heaving back

S’ext my passion hard and for and hour at least
Both on the carpet table and bed…just be a beast
I s’ext her spell, and filled it  with loves ideal all
Until I had s’ext my dreams upon her inner wall

After an hour or more of s’exting in many a place
A flush of joy spread over her flushed beautiful face
She madly was s’exting back as we both heaven rose
I hope you have s’ext my rose with encrypted prose

With screaming joy and a hot rush of love, I s’ext
I am just filling your well of love, to talk is next
God,  I forgot this letter should have been in French
Now I have s’ext seeded you, most beautiful Wench

She s’ext, Dearest Darling Love of my life, I’m not bitter
It was my most fervent hope that we could start a litter
With digits big and small I’m going s’ext mad for life
Now that this s’ext mad dream has agreed to be my wife

So the proud s’ext mad beautiful queen is my wife
Thought that I should now be getting back my life
I have started my travels, near and then, far away
Knowing that, we could surely s’ext, each every day

Soon found this was not going be very satisfying
Kisses we had exchanged were soon cold, drying
The further away I travelled the bigger the blow
My ‘appiness loving factor was at an all time low

I madly s’ext to find my beautiful s’exty tasty mate
Telling her my nerves were shot n in a awful state
She immediately s’ext back, of a new found stash
In a cyber sex store, that was ‘with it’ cool n flash

Her s’exting was quick n without any pre-thought
The only two Venusian cat-suits I’ve just bought
One for you, and one is for me, a purrfect snug fit
S’ext I,  I will travel home thro’ the night to try it

On meeting we rapidly s’ext our love 2 each other
But before we got  too excited we moved over
To different sides of that bed in which we oft
Had s’ext each other until we drifted high aloft

We reached for those suits so fine, light as air
They stretched so well and were of finest hair
That they moulded  every mound and surface
Not a crack, bulge nor a line was out of place

As we got nearer fine hair that was love satin
Moved in every groove and warm place within
We just looked so  perfectly  naked and furry
That I was excited to s’ext her fur in a big hurry

Out came my best s’ext, super experienced, digit
And thought I should s’ext her tips for a minute
As furry digit s’ext her ear n tips, there was a lash
From her cat-suit tail ,next  there was a s’ext flash!

As good as you s’exting between my soft thighs!
She lay back aglow s’exting hot moans and sighs
My thought was static, so to test, I s’ext a nipple
The fur from my firm digit covered, was a ripple

Small soft sparks lit up her both glorious breasts
She came twice!, before I could cease these tests
Her breathing was heavenly and erotic somehow
I wondered what 2 do, where, wot and quite how

Her gentle flower was growing larger in its bower
Clearly was lit, small satin love centre of her power
For safety I would try my best s’ext digit to be sure
And as Satin touched satin, glory!, it moved fo’sure

She screamed in purest enraptured bliss to high
As  further stroking  lit up her flower and thigh
She s’ext me, use your largest satin digit to light
My love hall with purest passion love n delight

The whole suit started to flash and glow all over
As I entered the intimate place of my dear lover
I could swear that this suit of fur grew me in size
Sparks flew as my hot manliness parted her sighs

Nipples breaths clear lit aglow she screamed again
My Soul!, I feel like you are doing the work of ten
Of course it is not the same, even for a sexy man
This time, I lit so many times as only a woman can

After hours of screaming love tortured happiness
I sadly s’ext from the other side of the bed, of loss
That I would feel when I had to travel far away
And looked again to the time when we could play

My lover laughed at this and happily said its Blue
Tooth my Dearest as far as you go, you will be true
If you wear this suit at night your very soul I’ll light
She flicked a hidden switch and stroked her delight

My counterpart lit up and glowed firm hot and flush
Sparks danced over this amazing suit and I felt a rush
As if I was deep inside my lovers most intimate place
Her nipples grew stiff and breaths rose, face was flush

I stroked body some more, and she was writhing anon
As we both gave way to distant, intimate s’exty passion
Our individual suits lit up in all of the hottest places
Oh Boy, you should have seen our very      faces

Now whether it is a thousand miles apart or just ten
We can fulfil all of our wildest dreams again n again
Written by SuiGen (Terry)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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