Image for the poem El Mundo Style

El Mundo Style

He put a copy of El Mundo  
under my ass    
he wanted to shave me  
There wasn't much to shave    
I had shaved my cunt four days ago in Spain  
there was only a little stubble    
We had had a long weekend    
and I hadn't shaved my cunt in England yet  
because we were too busy fucking  
And because it somehow just felt right, to live in the moment  
and leave my cunt that way  
leaving his cum to simmer there, undisturbed  
But now,    
he wanted me smooth  
American girls are so lovely, he said  
as he parted my legs  
My vagina was feeling rarefied and beautiful    
as he touched it with his thumb  
and kissed it  
It felt rarefied and beautiful, because it was still moist    
and wet    
from a sweet morning fuck  
      “All that semen I gave you has softened your lips,” he said.  
      “Yes, yes it certainly has,” I said, “it works like rejuvenating cream.”    
He smiled and touched it again.  
      “You don't need rejuvenating cream – you're not    
even twenty-five,” he said.  
      “Honey, all women need  rejuvenating cream, I said, “it's what keeps them happy and content.”  
      “Are you content,” he asked.  
      “Yes, very content,” I said  
      “On second thought, I'm not going to shave the stubble,” he said, “It looks rather lovely, the way you wear it with that sweet smile.”  
I could feel the heat returning between my legs  
      “Lay back and relax,” he said.    
He didn't move the newspaper, but kept it    
under my ass    
It felt strange and delightful, and somehow industrial    
When his mouth made contact    
with my vagina  
I started to wiggle around on the newspaper  
It was a good strange feeling, the sound and the additional sensation    
I could feel myself melting into his mouth  
and I wanted to give him my sweet lemon gum-drops  
And as I was melting into his mouth  
he took hold of my tits  
bending my legs at the knee, as he licked my sweet clit  
I was in full heat    
      “Do you wanna fuck or have breakfast first,” he asked.  
      “Are you fucking serious,” I said.  
      “I know this lovely cafe,” he said.  
      “Shut up – shut up now, and just keep doing what you're doing,” I said.  
I was dripping from every seam, all over the newspaper  
It was beginning to wet though, to the fifth page  
and a soggy hole was slowly forming, as I melted and wiggled around  
      “OK - it's settled then,” he said, “we're going to breakfast.”  
He was of course – teasing me  
I knew this    
I knew this – because his dick    
was as hard as a rock  
throbbing like a mean sky – before a thunderstorm    
      “I'll get your shoes for you,” he said, “And then we can go.”  
      “Fuck you will,” I said. I shoved his face back into my cunt.  
My cunt – my ass – my nipples, they were all throbbing now  
and I was fully engorged    
as he kept sucking my swollen lips up into his mouth    
like a perverted English vacuum cleaner  
      “We can get something lite to eat, he burbled, as I squeezed his head between my thighs    
and tried to suffocate him.  
      “We can touch each other later,” he burbled again.    
      “After we've had something to eat,” he added.  
      “That's it – I'm killing you,” I said. I tried to squeeze him so he couldn't breath.  
He stuck his finger through the wet newspaper  
and jammed it up my ass  
My ass instinctively – popped up in the air, like a jack-in-the-box  
and he freed himself from my vice-grip  
He thought that was funny    
and after the initial surprise, I was laughing too  
      “How did I end up in the UK with a sneaky bastard like you,” I said, “Look – it's actually sunny now in your town – let's go get some sunshine and a bite to eat.”  
He wasn't expecting these particular words.    
      “Let's stay inside and fuck all day like dogs,” he said.    
      “I had that thought too – but now I'm over it,” I said, “It's sunny now, let's not waste the day – get off me,” I said. And I said it in my serious voice.  
He looked devastated – absolutely devastated.    
      “Yes, let's go to that cafe you mentioned, I said, “Go put some cold water on that hard-on of yours – and get yourself dressed.”  
      “You're joking – you are joking right,” he said.  
      “Why would I be joking. You wanted breakfast – so now let's go have breakfast, I said, “That finger of yours in my ass, has suddenly made me hungry,” I said. And I kept a serious look on my face while I was saying it.  
      “How can a finger in the ass – make you hungry,” he said.  
      “Think about it,” I said.    
He looked very perplexed  
but I couldn't keep my face straight anymore    
and besides, my ass was really aching to be touched again  
so I let it out – and started laughing  
      “You rotten devil you,” he said.  
      “Yes, I'm a rotten devil,” I said.    
He grabbed me by the hips    
and pulled my ass across the wet soggy newspaper  
and darted his tongue    
straight into my little aching asshole  
      “Now that's more like it,” I said, “Now rejuvenate that part of me – you beautiful English pervert.”
Written by Claudia
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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