Image for the poem The Angels in Eden

The Angels in Eden

- The Angels in Eden -

Let me tell thee, oh mortal, of the most ancient of all days…
An age when all the Earth was said to be a garden of delights,
For all were as one, as one beneath the sun's fair golden rays:
In the valleys and the pastures just beneath the Holy Heights.
The angels, in their glory, held the world beneath their wings,
Keeping the lands of Terra in pristine and balanced harmony:
For the sake of the peace that such a perfect balance brings…
A peace enforced by the will of the most supreme of divinity.
In those days before Man, there was said to be not any death,
For the hardship of mortal life had never at all been known...
There was only the life eternal, given by the Creator's breath.
For then, the Divine Force's anger was not so often shown...
Eden was, as yet, untouched and by all mortal taint unspoiled,
All of nature was said to be perfect, whole, and truly complete.
No sin existed, that could see the paradise befouled or soiled,
No punishment was necessary, for the Creator to coldly mete.
The angels had not Man's will to pollute, violate, or destroy…
For their hearts were at that time given over only to pure love.
Hatred was never an emotion they were too swift to employ,
For: their spirits most delighted, in the bliss of Heaven, above.
Ever infrequently, were they moved to bloodshed and to war!
As there was simply not a need to clash amongst: themselves.
Only when Darkness walked much too close to Light's door,
Did they take down the awful weapons from off their shelves!
In quieter pursuits, the angels spent eternities of mortal years,
When not in Heaven, they often played as children do, below.
In innocence, they cast aside all their old long-forgotten fears,
And the beauty of their evolving way of life did swiftly grow.
Gabriel loved best, the glow of the moon and twinkling stars,
Across their pale radiance, she would often in metal crafts fly.
Uriel liked the deep places of the world, Gaia's earliest scars,
He explored the cavernous regions that others would oft deny.
Raphael was most at home amongst the forests and the green,
Where he made detailed study of the nature of all living things.
It was in the role of the guardian, that Michael was most seen,
Ensuring the perfect solitude, of these early queens and kings.
Anael, however, preferred to keep herself far apart from all,
Embracing, as was her nature, the purest ethereal astral light...
While Lucifer recovered from the wounds of the ancient fall,
The descent that brought the rebel: to the Netherworld's blight.
Lucifer and the Divine, an uneasy truce was forged between,
So that Darkness and Light could hope in time to exist as one.
It was a treaty, unlike any the universe had ever before seen,
To guarantee that all of the old hostilities that there had been,
Would be by every party fast forgotten, the Divine's will done.
Into Eden, the fallen angel was welcomed even as a lost child,
In Eden, beautiful Lucifer felt a peace abandoned long before.
There, the Morning Star became as compassionate and mild,
Hardly, the evil Devil: that the later generations would abhor.
All of this changed, however when Man at last was thus born,
And Lucifer refused to bow in obeisance before Adam's feet.
For so devoted to the Divine, was the fair Angel of the Morn,
That, no lesser being’s favor, could Lucifer so bear to entreat.
When Adam and Eve had not the will or the desire to survive,
Had not Lucifer been there with them, to counsel and advise?
Like beasts, Man would have been, ever so sub-humanly alive,
If the knowledge was not given that the Creator did first devise.
What sin so base, thus, that Man be damned to a final demise?
None, for if death be the price for knowledge then it is small…
For everything dies, everything is reborn; everything is eternal.
We were always like gods but kept in the dark before the call,
Of knowledge, awakened us even if the source, was infernal…
Were we given fire from Heaven, or did we possess it all long?
I know but shall not say, for mortals are not ready to fathom…
The true lesson to be learned from this tale of right and wrong,
Which took place so long ago, yet in not so distant a kingdom.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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