Poetry competition CLOSED 6th September 2014 2:22pm
View Profile Poems by kriticool
RUNNER-UP: RalfTheNose



poet Anonymous

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butt face
Strange Creature
Joined 9th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 2

Shrek is love Shrek is life

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

The Land Yacht Captain

(part I)

Somewhere out near the Caribbean Isles
Pops began going at it backed by his eccentric smiles
Him first looking out over the water, the water and...more water
It was a nice sized boat.
Privately chartered moving at a leisurely clip. Nice trip
Pops out here with his family.

Him with his captain’s hat battling seasick
Us wishing for him to see fairer
Pops was really a tightfisted Land Man; a Lincoln Man
although, not from Illinois
Pops grew up a Missouri boy... a Black One
One of many...Knew a penny by feel. Business was real
He had one, two, three and a half dealerships
Had ‘em before and within my life span

Quite a man...Whereas with many was an Old Boy’s mind
Pops style was on the “serious” most the time
Quirky, he befuddled many with his eccentrics
He drove a money green Nav, that one being his favorite toy
Boy oh boy and him adding this to that...
All thinking this could’ve been a more pleasant afternoon. But
the rolling clouds, the stirring sea. Pops was about to bust soon
Knowing he could be his own monsoon

For softness & non-business stability
Pops had Ma Murtie.  It’d be her and the rest of his family but
Ma Murtie at this moment; she was again feeling a bit road weary
Her blue, green, gray eyes were now turning wet and
they were beginning to glisten
Just like that sea water...

When she first met Pops, she was her preacher father’s only daughter.
It worked out, Pops had shown order; though some had whispered about ‘em
being a bit quirky

But this day, Pops was at the point whereas he was almost yelling
Rough seas starting...an all hail would be an all hell for him! Pops, he needed to see fairer
But, he couldn’t smooth out a boat like this. Only thing he could do was reminisce and
by this time, he’d been slurring his own facts
Unlike the water before us, he could get very, very murky...Bellowing out
Outta head and outta turn...

::he started slow & loud

"Damn...How'd we get so damn high...HIGH on the hog on these High Seas
Ma Murtie, your fault...You need to back up off me Please!!
Then, perhaps you won’t go overboard.”

“For one last time; not on my dime"

Looked to be the beginnings of another tirade; this one perhaps induced by one or too many sips
Pops and his quips or maybe it was the memory of that Old Grand Dad

::of his

We would think he’d say stuff to make us think he was mad

"Not on my dime"

Pops, he loved the symbolism of Mr. Harry. The imagery of how "The Buck stops here"
Forget the tear...the one he gave Ma Murtie as she too was ...almost screaming
But not in fear, hers was more an exasperating sneer with
the both of ‘em now getting in gear

We were wondering were those seagulls overhead or some type of pale colored
vultures; dipping down, laughing and...just waiting

"Oh Lawd” Ma said...You done this...If I could’ve had a better man; I would've had Bliss
Except...You gave me this!! This One...Him and his
fancy cars and that...walking cane
Just wanted a little vacation; is that too INSANE!!
Tell me...why oh why; couldn't I resist"
If I had, had a better man, another man...I could've had me some Bliss!!"

(part II)


right about now?
I could've used another Kentucky sour
this time with a lemon twist, but instead
I had another beer as I chose to referee this..
My family and their very own St. Louis Blues

We always knew this was our Pops way of clowning
Justa patriarch gettin played by them sips. Him subjectively being tenacious
confounding and astounding our matriarch.
This had a lot more fun for him than a walk in the park.
Staff and crew looking on a situation that appeared to be
hooked on dysfunctional indignation... Watching and listening as
Pops popped off.  Him now full of himself now sputtering & stuttering
Saying he wished we were all conveniently D. E. A. D.
Yeah; that's what Pops said... Meaning, Deep Ended And Drownin

But; nawwww... Ma would then simmer and then Pop’s eyes would begin to glimmer
and then they’d get real quiet at the same time...all this reminding
while floating on his dime...all this “fun”

He was  again workin on Ma Murtie and Her Last Bit of Nerves
Pop’s thinkin was...that's what she deserves
So he serves

To our dismay and...his amusement;
Onlookers who wondered
what is...and what had been the inducement

::Easy answer

::50 years

::Laughs and fears

::Grands & Great Grands




::all on his dime.

Lost Thinker
Joined 7th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 29


Half cracked 'n cockeyed
Spinning roosters round the bend
Pavlov howls, "Arrrhhooooooo"

poet Anonymous

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