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Poetry competition CLOSED 28th August 2014 7:36pm
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I Sicken Me

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 28

Poetry Contest

This contest is about being true to your inner most thoughts.
I want a story that truly sickens you, dig into the deepest darkest places in your mind. Write in first person so you can really get a feel for your character. I challenge you to be vile and grotesque. Let out the worst in you that you hide or pretend isn't there.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 28

Sorry to hear sitting this one out my first Compton i wanted to really make people dig deep hope you join others

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Canada 2awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 237

I sicken me

The feeling of power you get when u hold a fire arm
Presing the needle against my skin working up
The balls to push it in
I sicken me
Sitting in the woods resting up against a 350 year old
Fir tree pondering all the hate and suffering
That lives within me should i toss this rope up into the tree
And leave all this bulshit behind will my family miss me
I sicken me
The blood shoots into the end of my one mil syringe telling me
I have hit my mark i love this feeling and it sickens me
Sitting at the base of this mossy tree lazily looking around
At my lengh of rope
I am so tired of pushing on thru this world of no hope
Filled with dred of what i am about to do
I sicken me
This tree is so big and beautiful is it going to help
Me take my life tonite and widdow my wife tonite
Leave my family behind to fend for themselves
Leave them nothing but pictures on on the book shelf
As i pack up my spoon and and put on my sock
And round up my shit only one thaut goes thru my
Weary head
I sicken me

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 28th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 147

Tales of Gothic Requiems
"Come now Brother, let me tell you a tail that chills the bones, the story of how I fell from grace"
~~~         ~~~         ~~~  

She is a sultry Demoness, killing me silently, blindly, then yes, willingly

I love her for that, doing what I don’t have the strength too,

a dark poetic queen born out of shadow and verse,

She turns over an runs her hand slowly across my chest, rubbing her fingers through my chest hair, scratching, and My dear lord, purring…

She gives me a bottle, the Whole Damn bottle, Fire Ball Whisky, she says, “Drink up my handsome man”

Then she slowly gets up, watching my every move as she rhythmically sways back and forth, staring me in the eyes, Always staring me in the eyes, taming me, verifying that I’m under her spell,

felt my free spirit rejoicing and being lifted up out of me, her spirit joined in, becoming one with me

she leaned forward an straddled on top of me, she lights up, then looking down at me, almost smiles;

She never smiles while she makes love, or hypnotizes me,

but Lord, she sure does have an evil sideways grin that turns me on like no other

And that is when I first fell from grace,

She laughs, moaning with laughter as she begins thrusting harder and faster,

as she continues to smoke away, staring me in my eyes, and true to songs form, she leans in and kisses me with lips sweeter than wine, deeply and passionately on the lips, she pulls me in

gently letting me breath in her smoke, getting me high and needing her in every way I never knew

She knows she got me addicted, I never done that before… Her… she got me addicted,

Then, leaning back up, presenting me with the glory in her eyes, as she continually thrusts upon me,

the roaring Blaze of fire is lit upon her lips, sultry eyes illuminated against the dark,

In a trance it’s all I see now, her smoke blown away into outer darkness,

Smoke drink and her, its all I feel now, all I want now,

her silhouetted dancers shadow still taking me in, straddled and thrusting wildly with me,

Moonlights lacing through the once darken lonely night, through open window an opened eye, shining down upon her soft breasts, her long hair now falling down onto me, moving and dancing rhythmically with her, She knows and I know, through her rings of smoke I’ll believe anything she wants me too

caught here alone with her, Giving in, submitting myself to her,

She fills me with her smoke again and again, giving me drink, an her sweet wine kisses,

Never sure if its real or illusion,

Reaching up, in the dark, I put my hands around her neck, in the dark,

I start to squeeze, and for the first time, she smiles, in the dark

She knows I need to, In the dark, She moans out and laughs, in the dark,

She knows that I won’t, in the dark,

She reaches down, in the dark, and puts her hands to my throat, in the dark,

And she does what I needed to do, in the dark,

I throw my head back an began howling, I’m in love, but in vane I can tell

She starts chanting,

'Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha'

Staring up at her, she is looking down at me, laughing hard in the Serepents power that now binds me

She leans in with her kisses of wine, breathing into me through smoked rings dark life of sweet oblivion

'nil desperandum... fui quod es, eris quod sum… mors inceptio solum est’  

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 7

Self Doubt

All alone I sit at this table,
See I don't have the popular label,
There's this beautiful girl named Amy,
Oh why won't she sit beside me?
It it the way I look?
Perhaps the road I took?

She won't look at me in public,
Oh I'm just an annoying tick,
Surrounded by friends she is,
Always with her best friend Liz.

Is it cause I'm not filthy rich?
God why'd you give me this horrible pitch?
Where did I go so terribly wrong?
Why is this dark road so long?
Is it cause of my self esteem?
Or perhaps cause my hand doesn't gleam.

Why won't she just talk to me,
Oh please just tell me the key,
Maybe I will just flee,
Flee into the beautiful background,
Where I will never be found.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 386

HowlingHeart said:I want a story that truly sickens you, dig into the deepest darkest places in your mind. Write in first person so you can really get a feel for your character. I challenge you to be vile and grotesque. Let out the worst in you that you hide or pretend isn't there.
Does it have to be a new poem or can we use one we have previously written?

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 28

It can be old or new as long as it's yours it can be a poem or a story

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 28

Good work everyone sorry I was away a couple days tied up in my masters dungeon being used he and she saw fit not really just busy with life or was I ?

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 386

Dear enemy.

Selfish is me
thinking of mine own
worst enemy
self fulfilling prophesy
screaming at the tarnish
upon the image I call
my own

I flourish in victory
only to be bitter in defeat
and look down upon those
who cast the same shadow

me, myself
I am my own worst enemy
for you see in me
what other's could never
and the wall from which I hide
to call home
inside the head
of the enemy
who haunts me
in the darkness of my shadow
in the profile of my image

cast asunder
my face
which sickens me
with every empty stare
oh life, oh life
I see myself
my empty self
an intervention
is called upon
still sickened by the enemy.

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 28


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