Poetry competition CLOSED 14th August 2014 9:24am
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Epic Battles Of History

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Lest we Forget

Silent shadows filing up the tropical mountains
Forced death march by the conqueror
God turned away from his children
Who fought and killed for dominance of His creations
In a land other than their own

Full blasts, angry greedy minds of puny leaders
the winds from the mighty six
words written on parchment
gentle calligraphy Suzuki’s dragons
the winds of war rages over the sea

swords forgetting the laws of Bushido
now ground the meek, force the inhabitants
to bow to their mighty civilisation,
the proud  Flag of the Rising Sun flew
they seeded the skies with death

destruction over Borneo, over the Pinoys
over the Sulus, the kings of the seas
the sea dwellers, the seafarers
the tribal hill  warriors
the graceful plains people

the worshippers of the emperor
who reigned under bright peace
enlightened harmony, Shōwa
awoke the sky with man-made lightning
The ground shook with thunder

The innocent lost their loved ones
lost their innocence
Hell's gate opened, paradise lost,
fruits of rape, pillage and plunder
on sombre ground planted

Of mindless acts urged by lust
hate and anger
The Islanders know still

We will always remember.

*I have rewritten my entry: Next Personality in this Epic  General Douglas MacArthur*

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

"epic" becomes relative as do so many things on this site because one could make the argument that the genocidal practices of Alexander or Hannibal - (whereby they wiped out entire cities killing all inhabitants including women & children) serve(d) as a blueprint for other "epic" battles like the extermination of the Native Americans or "injuns" as Billy the Kid would have said ...

... but that's par for the course  when one considers this country was "discovered" by another narcissistic mass murdering cunt who's now celebrated with his own holiday ...

... but his mutilation of the Taino is nothing compared to the council given to Hannibal - that his troops should practice cannibalism to sustain themselves in hostile areas ...

... but I digress - my true point is let this writing competition take itself where it may - it's leaped frog from Billy the Kid to Sir Winston Churchill, if I ever finish my Churchill entry I was going to nominate Ghandi because he basically told the UK - fuck off without firing a single shot - now that's truly epic  ...

... but what do I know - I'm the guy trying to write a play about how the descendants of those Taino who tried to launch a revolution to free their nation, Puerto Rico.  To keep things balanced  the U.S. government sent in  5,000 troops with air support to counter 106 known nationalists ... the nationalists greatest "victory" was a failed attempt to assassinate then President Harry Truman, they clearly weren't students of Alexander.

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

I have to learn to type faster ... By the time I got my previous post up ... Grace enters that beauty.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

LobodeSanPedro said:I have to learn to type faster ... By the time I got my previous post up ... Grace enters that beauty.

Sorry, LSP. I thought I might as well post this while decisions are being made about Epic and what nots. Its way out here in my neck of the w(world)oods, but it was a battle, alright...heck... it was a war. I don't know whether this will qualify for the competition. But I could get read this way.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293

Billy the Kid on his worst day
Could kick Ned Kelly's ass
On his best day

Billy beat the gallows
With six guns blazing
Ned was strung like a yo-yo  

So show a little respect
For the Irish kid
Turned American Redneck

Cause unlike Australia
Theirs no Union Jack tattooed
On the flag of America

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd June 2014
Forum Posts: 7

On oceans blue
I challenged for you
with ships of war
and aeroplanes too

I followed orders
faithful, true
even to the day I fought my veterans for you

Although loyal to you
I did not forget
I fought battles in peace
for my men's relief

In long and short
but never brief
I lived the best I could
as 'Dougout Doug'

For the next - let's visit an interesting woman. Xenobia of Palmyra  

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Daughter of Cleopatra

though they suckle at my breasts seeking redemption
it is not the nectar of my milk that sustains them
it is the blood of their fallen brothers that engorges them with fear

seeds planted in my valley's walls by assassins with the susurrations of my beloved Septimius caressing my lobes

made my womb grow  beyond the boundaries Egypt

leaving the Romans yelping like jackals feasting on my afterbirth

I have heard the wailing cries
of the fallen as any mother would

but I will not kneel to raise this child into the light until she calls me by my proper name

Augusta, Queen of Palmyra, conqueror of Rome

Next: Mahatma Gandhi

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293

Thank you.  I'm humbled.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Congratulations snugglebuck and all participants...I missed this one by a hairline.

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Congrats snugglebuck!  Great perspective on this!

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Cobgratulations Snugglebuck. Good read!

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