Poetry competition CLOSED 10th August 2014 3:24pm
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RUNNER-UP: jemac

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Childhood Home

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 34

I still live at home with my parents.

My Home

Big and blue
on a dead-end road.
My house lies
in the countryside.

Waking up to the birds chirping,
in a peaceful land
That's full of dreams.

Sometimes it gets too lonely.
I often wonder what it would've been like
to have lived elsewhere.
But now I realize,
I'm in a place where I can be left alone.

21 years loaded with memories,
My first word, my first step.
My first boyfriend, my first broken heart.

My home so where I belong,
I can't imagine growing up any where else.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 30th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 2

 I Don't Remember

the house that I was
born in,
I can't remember the
halls, or the rooms.
I can't even remember
the color of the walls.

vague, nearly gone.
only memories of
long hair, and endless fighting.

I will never go back
to the house,

I don't remember the name of the street.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

Grandview Street

The very fondest of memories
come from the house on Grandview Street.
I lived there before I could remember
'till eventually, images remained to treasure.

This house was large and surrounded by space.
Open fields from any direction you'd face.
Two rows of apartments was all that was near.
My first best friend had once lived there.

My bedroom had it's own back door.
It opened to places I had yet to explore.
We had a big shed that was just like the house.
I remember the chicks always running around.

My dad was fit and happy back then
and I was an innocent child.
It'd be nice to see that house again
just to rewind for a while.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 49

House of horror

For so many years my silence, I thought was protection
You had control from the beginning to the end of your days
Mother and son, grandmother and father
Together you created the house of horrors
Mom you allowed it, Edwin you inflected it
your years of lies upon lies was left unchallenged The truth was neglected and over time was ignored
sick sadistic sex between mother and son
became torture, never ending for the child I never was
it has taken most of my life to feel what I only knew as words
My closet, my hiding place, was closed and locked just a week ago, after all these years
The little girl will remain enclosed in the closet locked away for safe keeping
I am truly loved and cared about by the man who never gave up on me, my husband, David who I love with my whole heart.
I know now I will be alright, I have survived the pain and memories from the house of horror you died in......




Written by dungendona  

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

House on the Hill

stilts made of round timber
hardwood planted on the ground
holding up the fat body
of the home that housed us

yellow sun in the morning
lighting up the wooden wall
sending soft lights into the room
gauzy through mosquito nets

birds twittering and chirping
as if welcoming the new day
while parents tapped rubber
on terraced hills

like a fat hog under the sun
my home seemed to slumber
until the evening breeze
blow and cool the occupants

we'd make a fire on outside pit
and toast our luscious tapioca
eating them with honey dip
gathered from the jungle bees

the house coloured by dancing lights
from the little bonfire
seemed more cheerful at night
as we danced and sang together

Now all archived in fading memories
parents have left for glory
only the nine siblings
remember the time of when

I was happy then.

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770


dust storm  in the canyons
inverted dungeons  
flirt with clouds  
whose sole purpose by all accounts
was to serve as catapults  
for dusted angels.  
when i wasn't dodging falling angels,
i was stepping over those who had crashed.  
hop scotching over pools of ammonia and plasma  
in search of a safe den.
i flick my tail and shake my coat  
in the wake of the stench.  
scarecrows marking asphalt rows bend and sway
in curious contortions in anticipation  
of euphoric relief.  
in their drunken nods they spy
my virgin veins with envy.  
not yet having spilled blood in these canyons
i loop aimlessly as a scavenger.
camouflaged temptations beckon  
and scar beyond my coated flesh.  
swarms pollinate fields a sunset away
but flies feast on the remains of angels  
and scarecrows
in this valley.
the effective butterfly.
i see the sand blowing  
eyes are blinded
and turned.
stick out your tongue  
is the hollow echo i hear
in this soporific tempest.  
do i dare

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 4th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 64

On the corner of Chaos and Calm
stands a house that is slightly off white
built in twenty eight and still standing strong
proof positive that back in the day they built things right
Chaos included a bus stop on Olympic
high school students still congregate
stuffed magazines into the bushes
lord knows they were of a xxx-rate
The fence that could never be crafted
to keep Einstein type canines in
always alluded the animal control
Spot came back with the most foolish grin
The living room ceiling with the acoustic structure
graced by sounds when my brother played trombone
they guy that always sounded the coolest
would be featured in the group War playing saxophone
The biggest bedroom was not the master
which is why Lindsay had a bathroom while we did not
a bit pleased the day he went to college
for his room was then what I got
The room that we added in the attic
the builder didn't quite get what he had in mind
turns out when building inspectors can to examine years later
in terms of codes it was built out of the proper lines
As fate turns out my brother and I were able to keep it
there it sits rented out today
and I can stop by and visit periodically
thinking of the memories that won't fade away

poet Anonymous

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